(* An example of unification in rewrite which uses eager substitution of metas (provided by Pierre-Marie). Put in the test suite as an indication of what the use metas eagerly flag provides, even though the concrete cases that use it are seldom. Today supported thanks to a new flag for using evars eagerly, after this variant of setoid rewrite started to use clause environments based on evars (fbbe491cfa157da627) *) Require Import Setoid. Parameter elt : Type. Parameter T : Type -> Type. Parameter empty : forall A, T A. Parameter MapsTo : forall A : Type, elt -> A -> T A -> Prop. (* Definition In A x t := exists e, MapsTo A x e t. *) Axiom In : forall A, A -> T A -> Prop. Axiom foo : forall A x, In A x (empty A) <-> False. Record R := { t : T unit; s : unit }. Definition Empty := {| t := empty unit; s := tt |}. Goal forall x, ~ In _ x (t Empty). Proof. intros x. rewrite foo.