Require Import Setoid. Parameter A : Set. Axiom eq_dec : forall a b : A, {a = b} + {a <> b}. Inductive set : Set := | Empty : set | Add : A -> set -> set. Fixpoint In (a : A) (s : set) {struct s} : Prop := match s with | Empty => False | Add b s' => a = b \/ In a s' end. Definition same (s t : set) : Prop := forall a : A, In a s <-> In a t. Lemma setoid_set : Setoid_Theory set same. unfold same in |- *; split ; red. red in |- *; auto. red in |- *. intros. elim (H a); auto. intros. elim (H a); elim (H0 a). split; auto. Qed. Add Setoid set same setoid_set as setsetoid. Add Morphism In : In_ext. unfold same in |- *; intros a s t H; elim (H a); auto. Qed. Lemma add_aux : forall s t : set, same s t -> forall a b : A, In a (Add b s) -> In a (Add b t). unfold same in |- *; simple induction 2; intros. rewrite H1. simpl in |- *; left; reflexivity. elim (H a). intros. simpl in |- *; right. apply (H2 H1). Qed. Add Morphism Add : Add_ext. split; apply add_aux. assumption. rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed. Fixpoint remove (a : A) (s : set) {struct s} : set := match s with | Empty => Empty | Add b t => match eq_dec a b with | left _ => remove a t | right _ => Add b (remove a t) end end. Lemma in_rem_not : forall (a : A) (s : set), ~ In a (remove a (Add a Empty)). intros. setoid_replace (remove a (Add a Empty)) with Empty. auto. unfold same in |- *. split. simpl in |- *. case (eq_dec a a). intros e ff; elim ff. intros; absurd (a = a); trivial. simpl in |- *. intro H; elim H. Qed. Parameter P : set -> Prop. Parameter P_ext : forall s t : set, same s t -> P s -> P t. Add Morphism P : P_extt. intros; split; apply P_ext; (assumption || apply (Seq_sym _ _ setoid_set); assumption). Qed. Lemma test_rewrite : forall (a : A) (s t : set), same s t -> P (Add a s) -> P (Add a t). intros. rewrite <- H. rewrite H. setoid_rewrite <- H. setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite <- H. trivial. Qed. (* Unifying the domain up to delta-conversion (example from emakarov) *) Definition id: Set -> Set := fun A => A. Definition rel : forall A : Set, relation (id A) := @eq. Definition f: forall A : Set, A -> A := fun A x => x. Add Relation (id A) (rel A) as eq_rel. Add Morphism (@f A) : f_morph. Proof. unfold rel, f. trivial. Qed. (* Submitted by Nicolas Tabareau *) (* Needs to support environments with de Bruijn *) Goal forall (f : Prop -> Prop) (Q : (nat -> Prop) -> Prop) (H : forall (h : nat -> Prop), Q (fun x : nat => f (h x)) <-> True) (h:nat -> Prop), Q (fun x : nat => f (Q (fun b : nat => f (h x)))) <-> True. intros f0 Q H. setoid_rewrite H. tauto. Qed.