(* Ancien bug signale par Laurent Thery sur la condition de garde *) Require Import Bool. Require Import ZArith. Definition rNat := positive. Inductive rBoolOp : Set := | rAnd : rBoolOp | rEq : rBoolOp. Definition rlt (a b : rNat) : Prop := Pcompare a b Eq = Lt. Definition rltDec : forall m n : rNat, {rlt m n} + {rlt n m \/ m = n}. intros n m; generalize (nat_of_P_lt_Lt_compare_morphism n m); generalize (nat_of_P_gt_Gt_compare_morphism n m); generalize (Pcompare_Eq_eq n m); case (Pcompare n m Eq). intros H' H'0 H'1; right; right; auto. intros H' H'0 H'1; left; unfold rlt in |- *. apply nat_of_P_lt_Lt_compare_complement_morphism; auto. intros H' H'0 H'1; right; left; unfold rlt in |- *. apply nat_of_P_lt_Lt_compare_complement_morphism; auto. apply H'0; auto. Defined. Definition rmax : rNat -> rNat -> rNat. intros n m; case (rltDec n m); intros Rlt0. exact m. exact n. Defined. Inductive rExpr : Set := | rV : rNat -> rExpr | rN : rExpr -> rExpr | rNode : rBoolOp -> rExpr -> rExpr -> rExpr. Fixpoint maxVar (e : rExpr) : rNat := match e with | rV n => n | rN p => maxVar p | rNode n p q => rmax (maxVar p) (maxVar q) end. (* Check bug #1491 *) Require Import Streams. Definition decomp (s:Stream nat) : Stream nat := match s with Cons _ s => s end. CoFixpoint bx0 : Stream nat := Cons 0 bx1 with bx1 : Stream nat := Cons 1 bx0. Lemma bx0bx : decomp bx0 = bx1. simpl. (* used to return bx0 in V8.1 and before instead of bx1 *) reflexivity. Qed. (* Check mutually inductive statements *) Require Import ZArith_base Omega. Open Scope Z_scope. Inductive even: Z -> Prop := | even_base: even 0 | even_succ: forall n, odd (n - 1) -> even n with odd: Z -> Prop := | odd_succ: forall n, even (n - 1) -> odd n. Lemma even_pos_odd_pos: forall n, even n -> n >= 0 with odd_pos_even_pos : forall n, odd n -> n >= 1. Proof. intros. destruct H. omega. apply odd_pos_even_pos in H. omega. intros. destruct H. apply even_pos_odd_pos in H. omega. Qed. CoInductive a : Prop := acons : b -> a with b : Prop := bcons : a -> b. Lemma a1 : a with b1 : b. Proof. apply acons. assumption. apply bcons. assumption. Qed.