Variable Ack : nat -> nat -> nat. Axiom Ack0 : forall m : nat, Ack 0 m = S m. Axiom Ack1 : forall n : nat, Ack (S n) 0 = Ack n 1. Axiom Ack2 : forall n m : nat, Ack (S n) (S m) = Ack n (Ack (S n) m). Hint Rewrite Ack0 Ack1 Ack2 : base0. Lemma ResAck0 : (Ack 2 2 = 7 -> False) -> False. Proof. intros. autorewrite with base0 in H using try (apply H; reflexivity). Qed. Lemma ResAck1 : forall H:(Ack 2 2 = 7 -> False), True -> False. Proof. intros. autorewrite with base0 in *. apply H;reflexivity. Qed. (* Check autorewrite does not solve existing evars *) (* See discussion started by A. Chargueraud in Oct 2010 on coqdev *) Hint Rewrite <- plus_n_O : base1. Goal forall y, exists x, y+x = y. eexists. autorewrite with base1. Fail reflexivity.