(* Nijmegen expects redefinition of sorts *) Definition CProp := Prop. Record test : CProp := {n : nat ; m : bool ; _ : n <> 0 }. Require Import Program. Require Import List. Record vector {A : Type} {n : nat} := { vec_list : list A ; vec_len : length vec_list = n }. Arguments vector : clear implicits. Coercion vec_list : vector >-> list. Hint Rewrite @vec_len : datatypes. Ltac crush := repeat (program_simplify ; autorewrite with list datatypes ; auto with *). Obligation Tactic := crush. Program Definition vnil {A} : vector A 0 := {| vec_list := [] |}. Program Definition vcons {A n} (a : A) (v : vector A n) : vector A (S n) := {| vec_list := cons a (vec_list v) |}. Hint Rewrite map_length rev_length : datatypes. Program Definition vmap {A B n} (f : A -> B) (v : vector A n) : vector B n := {| vec_list := map f v |}. Program Definition vreverse {A n} (v : vector A n) : vector A n := {| vec_list := rev v |}. Fixpoint va_list {A B} (v : list (A -> B)) (w : list A) : list B := match v, w with | nil, nil => nil | cons f fs, cons x xs => cons (f x) (va_list fs xs) | _, _ => nil end. Program Definition va {A B n} (v : vector (A -> B) n) (w : vector A n) : vector B n := {| vec_list := va_list v w |}. Next Obligation. destruct v as [v Hv]; destruct w as [w Hw] ; simpl. subst n. revert w Hw. induction v ; destruct w ; crush. rewrite IHv ; auto. Qed. (* Correct type inference of record notation. Initial example by Spiwack. *) Inductive Machin := { Bazar : option Machin }. Definition bli : Machin := {| Bazar := Some ({| Bazar := None |}:Machin) |}. Definition bli' : option (option Machin) := Some (Some {| Bazar := None |} ). Definition bli'' : Machin := {| Bazar := Some {| Bazar := None |} |}. Definition bli''' := {| Bazar := Some {| Bazar := None |} |}. (** Correctly use scoping information *) Require Import ZArith. Record Foo := { bar : Z }. Definition foo := {| bar := 0 |}. (** Notations inside records *) Require Import Relation_Definitions. Record DecidableOrder : Type := { A : Type ; le : relation A where "x <= y" := (le x y) ; le_refl : reflexive _ le ; le_antisym : antisymmetric _ le ; le_trans : transitive _ le ; le_total : forall x y, {x <= y}+{y <= x} }. (* Test syntactic sugar suggested by wish report #2138 *) Record R : Type := { P (A : Type) : Prop := exists x : A -> A, x = x; Q A : P A -> P A }. (* We allow reusing an implicit parameter named in non-recursive types *) (* This is used in a couple of development such as UniMatch *) Record S {A:Type} := { a : A; b : forall A:Type, A }.