#!/usr/bin/env bash # save failed logs to logs/, then print failure information # returns failure code if any failed logs exist # save step SAVEDIR="logs" # reset for local builds rm -rf "$SAVEDIR" mkdir "$SAVEDIR" # keep this synced with test-suite/Makefile FAILMARK="==========> FAILURE <==========" FAILED=$(mktemp /tmp/coq-check-XXXXXX) find . '(' -path ./bugs/opened -prune ')' -o '(' -name '*.log' -exec grep "$FAILMARK" -q '{}' ';' -print0 ')' > "$FAILED" rsync -a --from0 --files-from="$FAILED" . "$SAVEDIR" cp summary.log "$SAVEDIR"/ # cleanup rm "$FAILED" # print info if [ -n "$TRAVIS" ] || [ -n "$PRINT_LOGS" ]; then find logs/ -name '*.log' -not -name 'summary.log' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do if [ -n "$TRAVIS" ]; then # ${foo////.} replaces every / by . in $foo printf 'travis_fold:start:coq.logs.%s\n' "${file////.}"; else printf '%s\n' "$file" fi cat "$file" if [ -n "$TRAVIS" ]; then # ${foo////.} replaces every / by . in $foo printf 'travis_fold:end:coq.logs.%s\n' "${file////.}"; else printf '\n' fi done fi if grep -q -F 'Error!' summary.log ; then echo FAILURES; grep -F 'Error!' summary.log; if [ -z "$TRAVIS" ] && [ -z "$PRINT_LOGS" ]; then echo 'To print details of failed tests, rerun with environment variable PRINT_LOGS=1' echo 'eg "make report PRINT_LOGS=1" from the test suite directory"' echo 'See README.md in the test suite directory for more information.' fi false else echo NO FAILURES; fi