Theorem test (A:Prop) : A \/ A -> A. Fail intros H; destruct H as H. (* Cannot coerce to a disjunctive/conjunctive pattern. *) Fail intro H; destruct H as H. (* Disjunctive/conjunctive introduction pattern expected. *) Fail let H := fresh in intro H; destruct H as H. (* Cannot coerce to a disjunctive/conjunctive pattern. *) Fail let H := fresh in intros H; destruct H as H. (* Cannot coerce to a disjunctive/conjunctive pattern. *) Fail let H := idtac in intros H; destruct H as H. (* Ltac variable H is bound to which cannot be coerced to an introduction pattern. *) Fail let H := idtac in intros H; destruct H as H'. (* Disjunctive/conjunctive introduction pattern expected. *) Fail let H' := idtac in intros H; destruct H as H'. (* Ltac variable H' is bound to which cannot be coerced to an introduction pattern. *) Abort.