Require Import Relations. Require Import FSets. Require Import Arith. Require Import Omega. Set Keyed Unification. Lemma Bool_elim_bool : forall (b:bool),b=true \/ b=false. destruct b;try tauto. Qed. Module OrderedPair (X:OrderedType) (Y:OrderedType) <: OrderedType with Definition t := (X.t * Y.t)%type. Definition t := (X.t * Y.t)%type. Definition eq (xy1:t) (xy2:t) := let (x1,y1) := xy1 in let (x2,y2) := xy2 in (X.eq x1 x2) /\ (Y.eq y1 y2). Definition lt (xy1:t) (xy2:t) := let (x1,y1) := xy1 in let (x2,y2) := xy2 in ( x1 x2) \/ ((X.eq x1 x2) /\ ( y1 y2)). Lemma eq_refl : forall (x:t),(eq x x). destruct x. unfold eq. split;[apply X.eq_refl | apply Y.eq_refl]. Qed. Lemma eq_sym : forall (x y:t),(eq x y)->(eq y x). destruct x;destruct y;unfold eq;intro. elim H;clear H;intros. split;[apply X.eq_sym | apply Y.eq_sym];trivial. Qed. Lemma eq_trans : forall (x y z:t),(eq x y)->(eq y z)->(eq x z). unfold eq;destruct x;destruct y;destruct z;intros. elim H;clear H;intros. elim H0;clear H0;intros. split;[eapply X.eq_trans | eapply Y.eq_trans];eauto. Qed. Lemma lt_trans : forall (x y z:t),(lt x y)->(lt y z)->(lt x z). unfold lt;destruct x;destruct y;destruct z;intros. case H;clear H;intro. case H0;clear H0;intro. left. eapply X.lt_trans;eauto. elim H0;clear H0;intros. left. case ( t0 t4);trivial;intros. generalize (X.eq_sym H0);intro. generalize (X.eq_trans e H2);intro. elim (X.lt_not_eq H H3). generalize (X.lt_trans l H);intro. generalize (X.eq_sym H0);intro. elim (X.lt_not_eq H2 H3). elim H;clear H;intros. case H0;clear H0;intro. left. case ( t0 t4);trivial;intros. generalize (X.eq_sym H);intro. generalize (X.eq_trans H2 e);intro. elim (X.lt_not_eq H0 H3). generalize (X.lt_trans H0 l);intro. generalize (X.eq_sym H);intro. elim (X.lt_not_eq H2 H3). elim H0;clear H0;intros. right. split. eauto. eauto. Qed. Lemma lt_not_eq : forall (x y:t),(lt x y)->~(eq x y). unfold lt, eq;destruct x;destruct y;intro;intro. elim H0;clear H0;intros. case H. intro. apply (X.lt_not_eq H2 H0). intro. elim H2;clear H2;intros. apply (Y.lt_not_eq H3 H1). Qed. Definition compare : forall (x y:t),(Compare lt eq x y). destruct x;destruct y. case ( t0 t2);intro. apply LT. left;trivial. case ( t1 t3);intro. apply LT. right. tauto. apply EQ. split;trivial. apply GT. right;auto. apply GT. left;trivial. Defined. Definition eq_dec : forall (x y: t), { eq x y } + { ~ eq x y}. Proof. intros [xa xb] [ya yb]; simpl. destruct (X.eq_dec xa ya). destruct (Y.eq_dec xb yb). + left; now split. + right. now intros [eqa eqb]. + right. now intros [eqa eqb]. Defined. Hint Immediate eq_sym. Hint Resolve eq_refl eq_trans lt_not_eq lt_trans. End OrderedPair. Module MessageSpi. Inductive message : Set := | MNam : nat -> message. Definition t := message. Fixpoint message_lt (m n:message) {struct m} : Prop := match (m,n) with | (MNam n1,MNam n2) => n1 < n2 end. Module Ord <: OrderedType with Definition t := message with Definition eq := @eq message. Definition t := message. Definition eq := @eq message. Definition lt := message_lt. Lemma eq_refl : forall (x:t),eq x x. unfold eq;auto. Qed. Lemma eq_sym : forall (x y:t),(eq x y )->(eq y x). unfold eq;auto. Qed. Lemma eq_trans : forall (x y z:t),(eq x y)->(eq y z)->(eq x z). unfold eq;auto;intros;congruence. Qed. Lemma lt_trans : forall (x y z:t),(lt x y)->(lt y z)->(lt x z). unfold lt. induction x;destruct y;simpl;try tauto;destruct z;try tauto;intros. omega. Qed. Lemma lt_not_eq : forall (x y:t),(lt x y)->~(eq x y). unfold eq;unfold lt. induction x;destruct y;simpl;try tauto;intro;red;intro;try (discriminate H0);injection H0;intros. elim (lt_irrefl n);try omega. Qed. Definition compare : forall (x y:t),(Compare lt eq x y). unfold lt, eq. induction x;destruct y;intros;try (apply LT;simpl;trivial;fail);try (apply GT;simpl;trivial;fail). case (lt_eq_lt_dec n n0);intros;try (case s;clear s;intros). apply LT;trivial. apply EQ;trivial. rewrite e;trivial. apply GT;trivial. Defined. Definition eq_dec : forall (x y: t), { eq x y } + { ~ eq x y}. Proof. intros [i] [j]. unfold eq. destruct (eq_nat_dec i j). + left. now f_equal. + right. intros meq; now inversion meq. Defined. Hint Immediate eq_sym. Hint Resolve eq_refl eq_trans lt_not_eq lt_trans. End Ord. Theorem eq_dec : forall (m n:message),{m=n}+{~(m=n)}. intros. case ( m n);intro;[right | left | right];try (red;intro). elim (Ord.lt_not_eq m n);auto. rewrite e;auto. elim (Ord.lt_not_eq n m);auto. Defined. End MessageSpi. Module MessagePair := OrderedPair MessageSpi.Ord MessageSpi.Ord. Module Type Hedge := FSetInterface.S with Module E := MessagePair. Module A (H:Hedge). Definition hedge := H.t. Definition message_relation := relation MessageSpi.message. Definition relation_of_hedge (h:hedge) (m n:MessageSpi.message) := H.In (m,n) h. Inductive hedge_synthesis_relation (h:message_relation) : message_relation := | SynInc : forall (m n:MessageSpi.message),(h m n)->(hedge_synthesis_relation h m n). Fixpoint hedge_in_synthesis (h:hedge) (m:MessageSpi.message) (n:MessageSpi.message) {struct m} : bool := if H.mem (m,n) h then true else false. Definition hedge_synthesis_spec (h:hedge) := hedge_synthesis_relation (relation_of_hedge h). Lemma hedge_in_synthesis_impl_hedge_synthesis_spec : forall (h:hedge),forall (m n:MessageSpi.message),(hedge_in_synthesis h m n)=true->(hedge_synthesis_spec h m n). unfold hedge_synthesis_spec;unfold relation_of_hedge. induction m;simpl;intro. elim (Bool_elim_bool (H.mem (MessageSpi.MNam n,n0) h));intros. apply SynInc;apply H.mem_2;trivial. rewrite H in H0. (* !! possible here !! *) discriminate H0. Qed. End A. Module B (H:Hedge). Definition hedge := H.t. Definition message_relation := relation MessageSpi.t. Definition relation_of_hedge (h:hedge) (m n:MessageSpi.t) := H.In (m,n) h. Inductive hedge_synthesis_relation (h:message_relation) : message_relation := | SynInc : forall (m n:MessageSpi.t),(h m n)->(hedge_synthesis_relation h m n). Fixpoint hedge_in_synthesis (h:hedge) (m:MessageSpi.t) (n:MessageSpi.t) {struct m} : bool := if H.mem (m,n) h then true else false. Definition hedge_synthesis_spec (h:hedge) := hedge_synthesis_relation (relation_of_hedge h). Lemma hedge_in_synthesis_impl_hedge_synthesis_spec : forall (h:hedge),forall (m n:MessageSpi.t),(hedge_in_synthesis h m n)=true->(hedge_synthesis_spec h m n). unfold hedge_synthesis_spec;unfold relation_of_hedge. induction m;simpl;intro. elim (Bool_elim_bool (H.mem (MessageSpi.MNam n,n0) h));intros. apply SynInc;apply H.mem_2;trivial. rewrite H in H0. discriminate. (* !! impossible here !! *) Qed. End B.