(* Computation of dependencies in the "match" return predicate was incomplete *) (* Submitted by R. O'Connor, Nov 2009 *) Inductive Symbol : Set := | VAR : Symbol. Inductive SExpression := | atomic : Symbol -> SExpression. Inductive ProperExpr : SExpression -> SExpression -> Type := | pe_3 : forall (x : Symbol) (alpha : SExpression), ProperExpr alpha (atomic VAR) -> ProperExpr (atomic x) alpha. Definition A (P : forall s : SExpression, Type) (x alpha alpha1 : SExpression) (t : ProperExpr (x) alpha1) : option (x = atomic VAR) := match t as pe in ProperExpr a b return option (a = atomic VAR) with | pe_3 x0 alpha3 tye' => (fun (x:Symbol) (alpha : SExpression) => @None (atomic x = atomic VAR)) x0 alpha3 end. Definition B (P : forall s : SExpression, Type) (x alpha alpha1 : SExpression) (t : ProperExpr (x) alpha1) : option (x = atomic VAR) := match t as pe in ProperExpr a b return option (a = atomic VAR) with | pe_3 x0 alpha3 tye' => (fun (x:Symbol) (alpha : SExpression) (t:ProperExpr alpha (atomic VAR)) => @None (atomic x = atomic VAR)) x0 alpha3 tye' end.