Inductive even (x: nat): nat -> Prop := | even_base: even x O | even_succ: forall n, odd x n -> even x (S n) with odd (x: nat): nat -> Prop := | odd_succ: forall n, even x n -> odd x (S n). Scheme even_ind2 := Minimality for even Sort Prop with odd_ind2 := Minimality for odd Sort Prop. Combined Scheme even_odd_ind from even_ind2, odd_ind2. Check (even_odd_ind :forall (x : nat) (P P0 : nat -> Prop), P 0 -> (forall n : nat, odd x n -> P0 n -> P (S n)) -> (forall n : nat, even x n -> P n -> P0 (S n)) -> (forall n : nat, even x n -> P n) /\ (forall n : nat, odd x n -> P0 n)).