(* Check that "dependent inversion" behaves correctly w.r.t to universes *) Require Import Eqdep. Set Implicit Arguments. Inductive illist(A:Type) : nat -> Type := illistn : illist A 0 | illistc : forall n:nat, A -> illist A n -> illist A (S n). Inductive isig (A:Type)(P:A -> Type) : Type := iexists : forall x : A, P x -> isig P. Lemma inv : forall (A:Type)(n n':nat)(ts':illist A n'), n' = S n -> isig (fun t => isig (fun ts => eq_dep nat (fun n => illist A n) n' ts' (S n) (illistc t ts))). Proof. intros. dependent inversion ts'.