Set Implicit Arguments. Inductive T (A:Set) : Set := app : T A -> T A -> T A. Fixpoint map (A B:Set)(f:A->B)(t:T A) : T B := match t with app t1 t2 => app (map f t1)(map f t2) end. Fixpoint subst (A B:Set)(f:A -> T B)(t:T A) :T B := match t with app t1 t2 => app (subst f t1)(subst f t2) end. (* This is the culprit: *) Definition k0:=Set. (** interaction of subst with map *) Lemma substLaw1 (A:k0)(B C:Set)(f: A -> B)(g:B -> T C)(t: T A): subst g (map f t) = subst (fun x => g (f x)) t. Proof. intros. generalize B C f g; clear B C f g. induction t; intros; simpl. f_equal. Admitted.