(* File reduced by coq-bug-finder from 138 lines to 78 lines. *) Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Universe Polymorphism. Delimit Scope object_scope with object. Delimit Scope morphism_scope with morphism. Delimit Scope category_scope with category. Record Category (obj : Type) := { Object :> _ := obj; Morphism : obj -> obj -> Type; Identity : forall x, Morphism x x; Compose : forall s d d', Morphism d d' -> Morphism s d -> Morphism s d' }. Arguments Identity {obj%type} [!C%category] x%object : rename. Arguments Compose {obj%type} [!C%category s%object d%object d'%object] m1%morphism m2%morphism : rename. Bind Scope category_scope with Category. Record Functor `(C : @Category objC) `(D : @Category objD) := { ObjectOf :> objC -> objD; MorphismOf : forall s d, C.(Morphism) s d -> D.(Morphism) (ObjectOf s) (ObjectOf d) }. Record NaturalTransformation `(C : @Category objC) `(D : @Category objD) (F G : Functor C D) := { ComponentsOf :> forall c, D.(Morphism) (F c) (G c) }. Definition ProductCategory `(C : @Category objC) `(D : @Category objD) : @Category (objC * objD)%type := @Build_Category _ (fun s d => (C.(Morphism) (fst s) (fst d) * D.(Morphism) (snd s) (snd d))%type) (fun o => (Identity (fst o), Identity (snd o))) (fun s d d' m2 m1 => (Compose (fst m2) (fst m1), Compose (snd m2) (snd m1))). Infix "*" := ProductCategory : category_scope. Record IsomorphismOf `{C : @Category objC} {s d} (m : C.(Morphism) s d) := { IsomorphismOf_Morphism :> C.(Morphism) s d := m; Inverse : C.(Morphism) d s }. Record NaturalIsomorphism `(C : @Category objC) `(D : @Category objD) (F G : Functor C D) := { NaturalIsomorphism_Transformation :> NaturalTransformation F G; NaturalIsomorphism_Isomorphism : forall x : objC, IsomorphismOf (NaturalIsomorphism_Transformation x) }. Section PreMonoidalCategory. Context `(C : @Category objC). Definition TriMonoidalProductL : Functor (C * C * C) C. admit. Defined. Definition TriMonoidalProductR : Functor (C * C * C) C. admit. Defined. (** Replacing [admit. Defined.] with [Admitted.] satisfies the constraints *) Variable Associator : NaturalIsomorphism TriMonoidalProductL TriMonoidalProductR. (* Toplevel input, characters 15-96: Error: Unsatisfied constraints: Coq.Init.Datatypes.28 <= Coq.Init.Datatypes.29 Top.168 <= Coq.Init.Datatypes.29 Top.168 <= Coq.Init.Datatypes.28 Top.169 <= Coq.Init.Datatypes.29 Top.169 <= Coq.Init.Datatypes.28 (maybe a bugged tactic). *)