Require Import TestSuite.admit. (* File reduced by coq-bug-finder from 10044 lines to 493 lines, then from 425 lines to 160 lines. *) Set Universe Polymorphism. Notation idmap := (fun x => x). Notation "( x ; y )" := (existT _ x y) : fibration_scope. Open Scope fibration_scope. Notation "x .1" := (projT1 x) (at level 3) : fibration_scope. Inductive paths {A : Type} (a : A) : A -> Type := idpath : paths a a. Arguments idpath {A a} , [A] a. Notation "x = y :> A" := (@paths A x y) : type_scope. Notation "x = y" := (x = y :>_) : type_scope. Delimit Scope path_scope with path. Local Open Scope path_scope. Definition transport {A : Type} (P : A -> Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (u : P x) : P y := match p with idpath => u end. Definition ap {A B:Type} (f:A -> B) {x y:A} (p:x = y) : f x = f y := match p with idpath => idpath end. Definition apD10 {A} {B:A->Type} {f g : forall x, B x} (h:f=g) : forall x, f x = g x := fun x => match h with idpath => idpath end. Class IsEquiv {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) := BuildIsEquiv { equiv_inv : B -> A }. Delimit Scope equiv_scope with equiv. Local Open Scope equiv_scope. Notation "f ^-1" := (@equiv_inv _ _ f _) (at level 3) : equiv_scope. Class Funext := { isequiv_apD10 :> forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Type) f g, IsEquiv (@apD10 A P f g) }. Definition path_forall `{Funext} {A : Type} {P : A -> Type} (f g : forall x : A, P x) : (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g := (@apD10 A P f g)^-1. Inductive Unit : Set := tt : Unit. Definition path_prod_uncurried {A B : Type} (z z' : A * B) (pq : (fst z = fst z') * (snd z = snd z')) : (z = z') := match pq with (p,q) => match z, z' return (fst z = fst z') -> (snd z = snd z') -> (z = z') with | (a,b), (a',b') => fun p q => match p, q with idpath, idpath => idpath end end p q end. Definition path_prod {A B : Type} (z z' : A * B) : (fst z = fst z') -> (snd z = snd z') -> (z = z') := fun p q => path_prod_uncurried z z' (p,q). Definition path_prod' {A B : Type} {x x' : A} {y y' : B} : (x = x') -> (y = y') -> ((x,y) = (x',y')) := fun p q => path_prod (x,y) (x',y') p q. Lemma path_forall_recr_beta `{Funext} A B x0 P f g e Px : @transport (forall a : A, B a) (fun f => P f (f x0)) f g (@path_forall _ _ _ _ _ e) Px = @transport ((forall a, B a) * B x0)%type (fun x => P (fst x) (snd x)) (f, f x0) (g, g x0) (path_prod' (@path_forall _ _ _ _ _ e) (e x0)) Px. admit. Defined. Definition transport_path_prod'_beta' A B P (x x' : A) (y y' : B) (HA : x = x') (HB : y = y') (Px : P x y) : @transport (A * B) (fun xy => P (fst xy) (snd xy)) (x, y) (x', y') (@path_prod' A B x x' y y' HA HB) Px = @transport A (fun x => P x y') x x' HA (@transport B (fun y => P x y) y y' HB Px). admit. Defined. Goal forall (T : Type) (T0 : T -> T -> Type) (Pmor : forall s d : T, T0 s d -> Type) (x x0 : T) (x1 : T0 x x0) (p : Pmor x x0 x1) (H : Funext), transport (fun x2 : {_ : T & Unit} -> {_ : T & Unit} => { x1 : _ & Pmor (x2 (x; tt)) .1 (x2 (x0; tt)) .1 x1}) (path_forall (fun c : {_ : T & Unit} => (c .1; tt)) idmap (fun x2 : {_ : T & Unit} => let (x3, y) as s return ((s .1; tt) = s) := x2 in match y as y0 return ((x3; tt) = (x3; y0)) with | tt => idpath end)) (x1; p) = (x1; p). intros. let F := match goal with |- appcontext[@transport _ (fun x0 => @?F x0) _ _ (@path_forall ?H ?X ?T ?f ?g ?e)] => constr:(F) end in let H := match goal with |- appcontext[@transport _ (fun x0 => @?F x0) _ _ (@path_forall ?H ?X ?T ?f ?g ?e)] => constr:(H) end in let X := match goal with |- appcontext[@transport _ (fun x0 => @?F x0) _ _ (@path_forall ?H ?X ?T ?f ?g ?e)] => constr:(X) end in let T := match goal with |- appcontext[@transport _ (fun x0 => @?F x0) _ _ (@path_forall ?H ?X ?T ?f ?g ?e)] => constr:(T) end in let t0 := fresh "t0" in let t1 := fresh "t1" in let T1 := lazymatch type of F with (?T -> _) -> _ => constr:(T) end in evar (t1 : T1); let T0 := lazymatch type of F with (forall a : ?A, @?B a) -> ?C => constr:((forall a : A, B a) -> B t1 -> C) end in evar (t0 : T0); let dummy := fresh in assert (dummy : forall x0, F x0 = t0 x0 (x0 t1)); [ let x0 := fresh in intro x0; simpl in *; let GL0 := lazymatch goal with |- ?GL0 = _ => constr:(GL0) end in let GL0' := fresh in let GL1' := fresh in set (GL0' := GL0); let arg := match GL0 with appcontext[x0 ?arg] => constr:(arg) end in assert (t1 = arg) by (subst t1; reflexivity); subst t1; pattern (x0 arg) in GL0'; match goal with | [ GL0'' := ?GR _ |- _ ] => constr_eq GL0' GL0''; pose GR as GL1' end; pattern x0 in GL1'; match goal with | [ GL1'' := ?GR _ |- _ ] => constr_eq GL1' GL1''; assert (t0 = GR) end; subst t0; [ reflexivity | reflexivity ] | clear dummy ]; let p := fresh in pose (@path_forall_recr_beta H X T t1 t0) as p; simpl in *; rewrite p; subst t0 t1 p. rewrite transport_path_prod'_beta'. (* Anomaly: Uncaught exception Invalid_argument("to_constraints: non-trivial algebraic constraint between universes", _). Please report. *)