Require Import Classes.RelationClasses List Setoid. Definition RowType := list Type. Inductive RowTypeDecidable (P : forall T, relation T) `(forall T, Equivalence (P T)) : RowType -> Type := | RTDecNil : RowTypeDecidable P _ nil | RTDecCons : forall T Ts, (forall t0 t1 : T, {P T t0 t1} + {~P T t0 t1}) -> RowTypeDecidable P _ Ts -> RowTypeDecidable P _ (T :: Ts). (* Toplevel input, characters 15-378: Error: Last occurrence of "RowTypeDecidable" must have "H" as 2nd argument in "RowTypeDecidable P (fun T : Type => H T) nil". *)