Set Universe Polymorphism. Module Segfault. Inductive decision_tree : Type := . Fixpoint first_satisfying_helper {A B} (f : A -> option B) (ls : list A) : option B := match ls with | nil => None | cons x xs => match f x with | Some v => Some v | None => first_satisfying_helper f xs end end. Axiom admit : forall {T}, T. Definition dtree4 : option decision_tree := match first_satisfying_helper (fun pat : nat => Some pat) (cons 0 nil) with | Some _ => admit | None => admit end . Definition dtree'' := Eval vm_compute in dtree4. (* segfault *) End Segfault. Module OtherExample. Definition bar@{i} := Type@{i}. Definition foo@{i j} (x y z : nat) := @id Type@{j} bar@{i}. Eval vm_compute in foo. End OtherExample. Module LocalClosure. Definition bar@{i} := Type@{i}. Definition foo@{i j} (x y z : nat) := @id (nat -> Type@{j}) (fun _ => Type@{i}). Eval vm_compute in foo. End LocalClosure. Require Import Hurkens. Polymorphic Inductive unit := tt. Polymorphic Definition foo := let x := id tt in (x, x, Type). Lemma bad : False. refine (TypeNeqSmallType.paradox (snd foo) _). vm_compute. Fail reflexivity. Abort.