(* A slight shortening of bug 6078 *) (* This bug exposed a different behavior of unshelve_unifiable depending on which projection is found in the unification heuristics *) Axiom flat_type : Type. Axiom interp_flat_type : flat_type -> Type. Inductive type := Arrow (_ _ : flat_type). Definition interp_type (t : type) := interp_flat_type (match t with Arrow s d => s end) -> interp_flat_type (match t with Arrow s d => d end). Axiom Expr : type -> Type. Axiom Interp : forall {t : type}, Expr t -> interp_type t. Axiom Wf : forall {t}, Expr t -> Prop. Axiom a : forall f, interp_flat_type f. Definition packaged_expr_functionP A := (fun F : Expr A -> Expr A => forall e' v, Interp (F e') v = a (let (_,f) := A in f)). Goal forall (f f0 : flat_type) (e : forall _ : Expr (@Arrow f f0), Expr (@Arrow f f0)), @packaged_expr_functionP (@Arrow f f0) e. intros. refine (fun (e0 : Expr (Arrow f f0)) => (fun zHwf':True => (fun v : interp_flat_type f => ?[G] : ?[U] = ?[V] :> interp_flat_type ?[v])) ?[H]); [ | ]. (* Was: Error: Tactic failure: Incorrect number of goals (expected 3 tactics). *) Abort.