(* Checking computation of free vars of a term for generalization *) Definition Decision := fun P : Prop => {P} + {~ P}. Class SetUnfold (P Q : Prop) : Prop := Build_SetUnfold { set_unfold : P <-> Q }. Section Filter_Help. Context {A: Type}. Context (fold_right : forall A B : Type, (B -> A -> A) -> A -> list B -> A). Definition lType2 := (sigT (fun (P : A -> Prop) => forall a, Decision (P a))). Definition test (X: lType2) := let (x, _) := X in x. Global Instance foo `{fhl1 : list lType2} m Q: SetUnfold (Q) (fold_right _ _ (fun (s : lType2) => let (P, _) := s in and (P m)) (Q) (fhl1)).