Inductive comp : Type -> Type := | Ret {T} : forall (v:T), comp T | Bind {T T'} : forall (p: comp T') (p': T' -> comp T), comp T. Notation "'do' x .. y <- p1 ; p2" := (Bind p1 (fun x => .. (fun y => p2) ..)) (at level 60, right associativity, x binder, y binder). Definition Fst1 A B (p: comp (A*B)) : comp A := do '(a, b) <- p; Ret a. Definition Fst2 A B (p: comp (A*B)) : comp A := match tt with | _ => Bind p (fun '(a, b) => Ret a) end. Definition Fst3 A B (p: comp (A*B)) : comp A := match tt with | _ => do a <- p; Ret (fst a) end. Definition Fst A B (p: comp (A * B)) : comp A := match tt with | _ => do '(a, b) <- p; Ret a end.