(* About typing of with bindings *) Record r : Type := mk_r { type : Type; cond : type -> Prop }. Inductive p : Prop := consp : forall (e : r) (x : type e), cond e x -> p. Goal p. Fail apply consp with (fun _ : bool => mk_r unit (fun x => True)) nil. Abort. (* A simplification of an example from coquelicot, which was failing at some time after a fix #4782 was committed. *) Record T := { dom : Type }. Definition pairT A B := {| dom := (dom A * dom B)%type |}. Class C (A:Type). Parameter B:T. Instance c (A:T) : C (dom A). Instance cn : C (dom B). Parameter F : forall A:T, C (dom A) -> forall x:dom A, x=x -> A = A. Set Typeclasses Debug. Goal forall (A:T) (x:dom A), pairT A A = pairT A A. intros. apply (F _ _) with (x,x). Abort.