(* Check that the subterms of the predicate of a match are taken into account *) Require Import List. Open Scope list_scope. Goal forall A (x x' : A) (xs xs' : list A) (H : x::xs = x'::xs'), let k := (match H in (_ = y) return x = hd x y with | eq_refl => eq_refl end : x = x') in k = k. simpl. intros. match goal with | [ |- appcontext G[@hd] ] => idtac end. (* This second example comes from CFGV where inspecting subterms of a match is expecting to inspect first the term to match (even though it would certainly be better to provide a "match x with _ end" construct for generically matching a "match") *) Ltac find_head_of_head_match T := match T with context [?E] => match T with | E => fail 1 | _ => constr:(E) end end. Ltac mydestruct := match goal with | |- ?T1 = _ => let E := find_head_of_head_match T1 in destruct E end. Goal forall x, match x with 0 => 0 | _ => 0 end = 0. intros. mydestruct.