(* This checks compatibility of interpretation scope used for exact between 8.4 and 8.5. See discussion at https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=4034. It is not clear what we would like exactly, but certainly, if exact is interpreted in a special scope, it should be interpreted consistently so also in ltac code. *) Record Foo := {}. Bind Scope foo_scope with Foo. Notation "!" := Build_Foo : foo_scope. Notation "!" := 1 : core_scope. Open Scope foo_scope. Open Scope core_scope. Goal Foo. Fail exact !. (* ... but maybe will we want it to succeed eventually if we ever would be able to make it working the same in Ltac myexact e := exact e. Goal Foo. myexact !. Defined. *)