Require Import TestSuite.admit. Set Universe Polymorphism. Notation Type0 := Set. Definition Type1 := Eval hnf in let gt := (Set : Type@{i}) in Type@{i}. Notation compose := (fun g f x => g (f x)). Notation "g 'o' f" := (compose g f) (at level 40, left associativity) : function_scope. Open Scope function_scope. Definition pointwise_paths {A} {P:A->Type} (f g:forall x:A, P x) := forall x:A, f x = g x. Notation "f == g" := (pointwise_paths f g) (at level 70, no associativity) : type_scope. Class Contr_internal (A : Type) := BuildContr { center : A ; contr : (forall y : A, center = y) }. Inductive trunc_index : Type := | minus_two : trunc_index | trunc_S : trunc_index -> trunc_index. Notation "n .+1" := (trunc_S n) (at level 2, left associativity, format "n .+1") : trunc_scope. Local Open Scope trunc_scope. Notation "-2" := minus_two (at level 0) : trunc_scope. Notation "-1" := (-2.+1) (at level 0) : trunc_scope. Fixpoint IsTrunc_internal (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) : Type := match n with | -2 => Contr_internal A | n'.+1 => forall (x y : A), IsTrunc_internal n' (x = y) end. Class IsTrunc (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) : Type := Trunc_is_trunc : IsTrunc_internal n A. Notation Contr := (IsTrunc -2). Notation IsHProp := (IsTrunc -1). Monomorphic Axiom dummy_funext_type : Type0. Monomorphic Class Funext := { dummy_funext_value : dummy_funext_type }. Inductive Unit : Type1 := tt : Unit. Record TruncType (n : trunc_index) := BuildTruncType { trunctype_type : Type ; istrunc_trunctype_type : IsTrunc n trunctype_type }. Arguments BuildTruncType _ _ {_}. Coercion trunctype_type : TruncType >-> Sortclass. Notation "n -Type" := (TruncType n) (at level 1) : type_scope. Notation hProp := (-1)-Type. Notation BuildhProp := (BuildTruncType -1). Private Inductive Trunc (n : trunc_index) (A :Type) : Type := tr : A -> Trunc n A. Arguments tr {n A} a. Global Instance istrunc_truncation (n : trunc_index) (A : Type@{i}) : IsTrunc@{j} n (Trunc@{i} n A). Admitted. Definition Trunc_ind {n A} (P : Trunc n A -> Type) {Pt : forall aa, IsTrunc n (P aa)} : (forall a, P (tr a)) -> (forall aa, P aa) := (fun f aa => match aa with tr a => fun _ => f a end Pt). Definition merely (A : Type@{i}) : hProp@{i} := BuildhProp (Trunc -1 A). Definition cconst_factors_contr `{Funext} {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) (P : Type) `{Pc : X -> Contr P} (g : X -> P) (h : P -> Y) (p : h o g == f) : Unit. Proof. assert (merely X -> IsHProp P) by admit. refine (let g' := Trunc_ind (fun _ => P) g : merely X -> P in _); [ assumption.. | ]. pose (g'' := Trunc_ind (fun _ => P) g : merely X -> P).