Unset Strict Universe Declaration. (* I'm not sure what the general rule should be; intuitively, I want [IsHProp (* Set *) Foo] to mean [IsHProp (* U >= Set *) Foo]. (I think this worked in HoTT/coq, too.) Morally, [IsHProp] has no universe level associated with it distinct from that of its argument, you should never get a universe inconsistency from unifying [IsHProp A] with [IsHProp A]. (The issue is tricker when IsHProp uses [A] elsewhere, as in: *) (* File reduced by coq-bug-finder from original input, then from 7725 lines to 78 lines, then from 51 lines to 13 lines *) Set Universe Polymorphism. Inductive Empty : Set := . Record IsHProp (A : Type) := { foo : True }. Definition hprop_Empty : IsHProp@{i} Empty := {| foo := I |}. Goal let U := Type in let gt := Set : U in IsHProp (Empty : U). simpl. Set Printing Universes. exact @hprop_Empty. (* Toplevel input, characters 21-32: Error: The term "hprop_Empty" has type "IsHProp (* Set *) Empty" while it is expected to have type "IsHProp (* Top.17 *) Empty" (Universe inconsistency: Cannot enforce Top.17 = Set because Set < Top.17)). *) Defined. Module B. (* -*- coq-prog-args: ("-indices-matter") -*- *) (* File reduced by coq-bug-finder from original input, then from 7725 lines to 78 lines, then from 51 lines to 13 lines *) Set Universe Polymorphism. Inductive paths {A} (a : A) : A -> Type := idpath : paths a a where "x = y" := (@paths _ x y) : type_scope. Record Contr (A : Type) := { center : A }. Monomorphic Record IsHProp (A : Type) := { foo : forall x y : A, Contr (x = y) }. Definition hprop_Empty : IsHProp Empty := {| foo x y := match x : Empty with end |}. Goal let U := Type in let gt := Set : U in IsHProp (Empty : U). simpl. Set Printing Universes. exact hprop_Empty. Defined. End B.