Require Import TestSuite.admit. Set Universe Polymorphism. Definition Lift : $(let U1 := constr:(Type) in let U0 := constr:(Type : U1) in exact (U0 -> U1))$ := fun T => T. Fail Check nat:Prop. (* The command has indeed failed with message: => Error: The term "nat" has type "Set" while it is expected to have type "Prop". *) Set Printing All. Set Printing Universes. Fail Check Lift nat : Prop. (* Lift (* Top.8 Top.9 Top.10 *) nat:Prop : Prop (* Top.10 Top.9 Top.8 |= Top.10 < Top.9 Top.9 < Top.8 Top.9 <= Prop *) *) Fail Eval compute in Lift nat : Prop. (* = nat : Prop *) Section Hurkens. Monomorphic Definition Type2 := Type. Monomorphic Definition Type1 := Type : Type2. (** Assumption of a retract from Type into Prop *) Variable down : Type1 -> Prop. Variable up : Prop -> Type1. Hypothesis back : forall A, up (down A) -> A. Hypothesis forth : forall A, A -> up (down A). Hypothesis backforth : forall (A:Type) (P:A->Type) (a:A), P (back A (forth A a)) -> P a. Hypothesis backforth_r : forall (A:Type) (P:A->Type) (a:A), P a -> P (back A (forth A a)). (** Proof *) Definition V : Type1 := forall A:Prop, ((up A -> Prop) -> up A -> Prop) -> up A -> Prop. Definition U : Type1 := V -> Prop. Definition sb (z:V) : V := fun A r a => r (z A r) a. Definition le (i:U -> Prop) (x:U) : Prop := x (fun A r a => i (fun v => sb v A r a)). Definition le' (i:up (down U) -> Prop) (x:up (down U)) : Prop := le (fun a:U => i (forth _ a)) (back _ x). Definition induct (i:U -> Prop) : Type1 := forall x:U, up (le i x) -> up (i x). Definition WF : U := fun z => down (induct (fun a => z (down U) le' (forth _ a))). Definition I (x:U) : Prop := (forall i:U -> Prop, up (le i x) -> up (i (fun v => sb v (down U) le' (forth _ x)))) -> False. Lemma Omega : forall i:U -> Prop, induct i -> up (i WF). Proof. intros i y. apply y. unfold le, WF, induct. apply forth. intros x H0. apply y. unfold sb, le', le. compute. apply backforth_r. exact H0. Qed. Lemma lemma1 : induct (fun u => down (I u)). Proof. unfold induct. intros x p. apply forth. intro q. generalize (q (fun u => down (I u)) p). intro r. apply back in r. apply r. intros i j. unfold le, sb, le', le in j |-. apply backforth in j. specialize q with (i := fun y => i (fun v:V => sb v (down U) le' (forth _ y))). apply q. exact j. Qed. Lemma lemma2 : (forall i:U -> Prop, induct i -> up (i WF)) -> False. Proof. intro x. generalize (x (fun u => down (I u)) lemma1). intro r; apply back in r. apply r. intros i H0. apply (x (fun y => i (fun v => sb v (down U) le' (forth _ y)))). unfold le, WF in H0. apply back in H0. exact H0. Qed. Theorem paradox : False. Proof. exact (lemma2 Omega). Qed. End Hurkens. Definition informative (x : bool) := match x with | true => Type | false => Prop end. Definition depsort (T : Type) (x : bool) : informative x := match x with | true => T | false => True end. (** This definition should fail *) Definition Box (T : Type1) : Prop := Lift T. Definition prop {T : Type1} (t : Box T) : T := t. Definition wrap {T : Type1} (t : T) : Box T := t. Definition down (x : Type1) : Prop := Box x. Definition up (x : Prop) : Type1 := x. Fail Definition back A : up (down A) -> A := @prop A. Fail Definition forth (A : Type1) : A -> up (down A) := @wrap A. Fail Definition backforth (A:Type1) (P:A->Type) (a:A) : P (back A (forth A a)) -> P a := fun H => H. Fail Definition backforth_r (A:Type1) (P:A->Type) (a:A) : P a -> P (back A (forth A a)) := fun H => H. Theorem pandora : False. Fail apply (paradox down up back forth backforth backforth_r). admit. Qed. Print Assumptions pandora.