(* Check that problems with several solutions are solved in 8.4 as in 8.2 and 8.3 *) Inductive Fin: nat -> Set := | first k : Fin (S k) | succ k: Fin k -> Fin (S k). Lemma match_sym_eq_eq: forall (n1 n2: nat)(f: Fin n1)(e: n1 = n2), f = match sym_eq e in (_ = l) return (Fin l) with refl_equal => match e in (_ = l) return (Fin l) with refl_equal => f end end. Proof. intros n1 n2 f e. (* Next line has a dependent and a non dependent solution *) (* 8.2 and 8.3 used to choose the dependent one which is the one to make *) (* the goal progress *) refine (match e return _ with refl_equal => _ end). reflexivity. Undo 2. (** Check insensitivity to alphabetic order *) refine (match e as a in _ = b return _ with refl_equal => _ end). reflexivity. Undo 2. (** Check insensitivity to alphabetic order *) refine (match e as z in _ = y return _ with refl_equal => _ end). reflexivity. Undo 2. (* Next line similarly has a dependent and a non dependent solution *) refine (match e with refl_equal => _ end). reflexivity. Qed.