(* correct failure of injection/discriminate on types whose inductive status derives from the substitution of an argument *) Inductive t : nat -> Type := | M : forall n: nat, nat -> t n. Lemma eq_t : forall n n' m m', existT (fun B : Type => B) (t n) (M n m) = existT (fun B : Type => B) (t n') (M n' m') -> True. Proof. intros. injection H. intro Ht. exact I. Qed. Lemma eq_t' : forall n n' : nat, existT (fun B : Type => B) (t n) (M n 0) = existT (fun B : Type => B) (t n') (M n' 1) -> True. Proof. intros. discriminate H || exact I. Qed.