(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (************************************************************************) (* $Id: coqmktop.ml 13430 2010-09-18 08:15:25Z herbelin $ *) (* coqmktop is a script to link Coq, analogous to ocamlmktop. The command line contains options specific to coqmktop, options for the Ocaml linker and files to link (in addition to the default Coq files). *) open Unix (* Objects to link *) (* 1. Core objects *) let ocamlobjs = ["str.cma";"unix.cma";"nums.cma"] let dynobjs = ["dynlink.cma"] let camlp4objs = ["gramlib.cma"] let libobjs = ocamlobjs @ camlp4objs let spaces = Str.regexp "[ \t\n]+" let split_list l = Str.split spaces l let copts = split_list Tolink.copts let core_objs = split_list Tolink.core_objs let core_libs = split_list Tolink.core_libs let ide = split_list Tolink.ide (* 3. Toplevel objects *) let camlp4topobjs = if Coq_config.camlp4 = "camlp5" then ["camlp5_top.cma"; "pa_o.cmo"; "pa_extend.cmo"] else ["camlp4_top.cma"; "pa_o.cmo"; "pa_op.cmo"; "pa_extend.cmo"] let topobjs = camlp4topobjs let gramobjs = [] let notopobjs = gramobjs (* 4. High-level tactics objects *) (* environment *) let opt = ref false let full = ref false let top = ref false let searchisos = ref false let coqide = ref false let echo = ref false let src_dirs () = [ []; ["kernel";"byterun"]; [ "config" ]; [ "toplevel" ] ] @ if !coqide then [[ "ide" ]] else [] let includes () = let coqlib = Envars.coqlib () in let camlp4lib = Envars.camlp4lib () in List.fold_right (fun d l -> "-I" :: ("\"" ^ List.fold_left Filename.concat coqlib d ^ "\"") :: l) (src_dirs ()) (["-I"; "\"" ^ camlp4lib ^ "\""] @ ["-I"; "\"" ^ coqlib ^ "\""] @ (if !coqide then ["-thread"; "-I"; "+lablgtk2"] else [])) (* Transform bytecode object file names in native object file names *) let native_suffix f = if Filename.check_suffix f ".cmo" then (Filename.chop_suffix f ".cmo") ^ ".cmx" else if Filename.check_suffix f ".cma" then (Filename.chop_suffix f ".cma") ^ ".cmxa" else if Filename.check_suffix f ".a" then f else failwith ("File "^f^" has not extension .cmo, .cma or .a") (* Transforms a file name in the corresponding Caml module name. *) let rem_ext_regexpr = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)\\.\\(cm..?\\|ml\\)" let module_of_file name = let s = Str.replace_first rem_ext_regexpr "\\1" (Filename.basename name) in String.capitalize s (* Build the list of files to link and the list of modules names *) let files_to_link userfiles = let dyn_objs = if not !opt || Coq_config.has_natdynlink then dynobjs else [] in let toplevel_objs = if !top then topobjs else if !opt then notopobjs else [] in let ide_objs = if !coqide then "Threads"::"Lablgtk"::"GtkThread"::ide else [] in let ide_libs = if !coqide then ["threads.cma" ; "lablgtk.cma" ; "gtkThread.cmo" ; "ide/ide.cma" ] else [] in let objs = dyn_objs @ libobjs @ core_objs @ toplevel_objs @ ide_objs in let modules = List.map module_of_file (objs @ userfiles) in let libs = dyn_objs @ libobjs @ core_libs @ toplevel_objs @ ide_libs in let libstolink = (if !opt then List.map native_suffix libs else libs) @ userfiles in (modules, libstolink) (* Gives the list of all the directories under [dir]. Uses [Unix] (it is hard to do without it). *) let all_subdirs dir = let l = ref [dir] in let add f = l := f :: !l in let rec traverse dir = let dirh = try opendir dir with Unix_error _ -> invalid_arg "all_subdirs" in try while true do let f = readdir dirh in if f <> "." && f <> ".." then let file = Filename.concat dir f in if (stat file).st_kind = S_DIR then begin add file; traverse file end done with End_of_file -> closedir dirh in traverse dir; List.rev !l (* usage *) let usage () = prerr_endline "Usage: coqmktop <options> <ocaml options> files Flags are: -coqlib dir Specify where the Coq object files are -camlbin dir Specify where the OCaml binaries are -camlp4bin dir Specify where the CAmp4/5 binaries are -o exec-file Specify the name of the resulting toplevel -boot Run in boot mode -echo Print calls to external commands -ide Build a toplevel for the Coq IDE -full Link high level tactics -opt Compile in native code -searchisos Build a toplevel for SearchIsos -top Build Coq on a OCaml toplevel (incompatible with -opt) -R dir Specify recursively directories for Ocaml\n"; exit 1 (* parsing of the command line *) let parse_args () = let rec parse (op,fl) = function | [] -> List.rev op, List.rev fl | "-coqlib" :: d :: rem -> Flags.coqlib_spec := true; Flags.coqlib := d ; parse (op,fl) rem | "-coqlib" :: _ -> usage () | "-camlbin" :: d :: rem -> Flags.camlbin_spec := true; Flags.camlbin := d ; parse (op,fl) rem | "-camlbin" :: _ -> usage () | "-camlp4bin" :: d :: rem -> Flags.camlp4bin_spec := true; Flags.camlp4bin := d ; parse (op,fl) rem | "-camlp4bin" :: _ -> usage () | "-boot" :: rem -> Flags.boot := true; parse (op,fl) rem | "-opt" :: rem -> opt := true ; parse (op,fl) rem | "-full" :: rem -> full := true ; parse (op,fl) rem | "-top" :: rem -> top := true ; parse (op,fl) rem | "-ide" :: rem -> coqide := true; parse (op,fl) rem | "-v8" :: rem -> Printf.eprintf "warning: option -v8 deprecated"; parse (op,fl) rem | "-echo" :: rem -> echo := true ; parse (op,fl) rem | ("-cclib"|"-ccopt"|"-I"|"-o"|"-w" as o) :: rem' -> begin match rem' with | a :: rem -> parse (a::o::op,fl) rem | [] -> usage () end | "-R" :: a :: rem -> parse ((List.rev(List.flatten (List.map (fun d -> ["-I";d]) (all_subdirs a))))@op,fl) rem | "-R" :: [] -> usage () | ("-noassert"|"-compact"|"-g"|"-p"|"-thread"|"-dtypes" as o) :: rem -> parse (o::op,fl) rem | ("-h"|"--help") :: _ -> usage () | f :: rem -> if Filename.check_suffix f ".ml" or Filename.check_suffix f ".cmx" or Filename.check_suffix f ".cmo" or Filename.check_suffix f ".cmxa" or Filename.check_suffix f ".cma" then parse (op,f::fl) rem else begin prerr_endline ("Don't know what to do with " ^ f); exit 1 end in parse ([Coq_config.osdeplibs],[]) (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)) let clean file = let rm f = if Sys.file_exists f then Sys.remove f in let basename = Filename.chop_suffix file ".ml" in if not !echo then begin rm file; rm (basename ^ ".o"); rm (basename ^ ".cmi"); rm (basename ^ ".cmo"); rm (basename ^ ".cmx") end (* Creates another temporary file for Dynlink if needed *) let tmp_dynlink()= let tmp = Filename.temp_file "coqdynlink" ".ml" in let _ = Sys.command ("echo \"Dynlink.init();;\" > "^tmp) in tmp (* Initializes the kind of loading in the main program *) let declare_loading_string () = if not !top then "Mltop.remove ();;" else "begin try (* Enable rectypes in the toplevel if it has the directive #rectypes *) begin match Hashtbl.find Toploop.directive_table \"rectypes\" with | Toploop.Directive_none f -> f () | _ -> () end with | Not_found -> () end;; let ppf = Format.std_formatter;; Mltop.set_top {Mltop.load_obj= (fun f -> if not (Topdirs.load_file ppf f) then Util.error (\"Could not load plugin \"^f));\ Mltop.use_file=Topdirs.dir_use ppf; Mltop.add_dir=Topdirs.dir_directory; Mltop.ml_loop=(fun () -> Toploop.loop ppf) };;\n" (* create a temporary main file to link *) let create_tmp_main_file modules = let main_name = Filename.temp_file "coqmain" ".ml" in let oc = open_out main_name in try (* Add the pre-linked modules *) output_string oc "List.iter Mltop.add_known_module [\""; output_string oc (String.concat "\";\"" modules); output_string oc "\"];;\n"; (* Initializes the kind of loading *) output_string oc (declare_loading_string()); (* Start the right toplevel loop: Coq or Coq_searchisos *) if !searchisos then output_string oc "Cmd_searchisos_line.start();;\n" else if !coqide then output_string oc "Coqide.start();;\n" else output_string oc "Coqtop.start();;\n"; close_out oc; main_name with e -> clean main_name; raise e (* main part *) let main () = let (options, userfiles) = parse_args () in (* which ocaml command to invoke *) let camlbin = Envars.camlbin () in let prog = if !opt then begin (* native code *) if !top then failwith "no custom toplevel in native code !"; let ocamloptexec = Filename.concat camlbin "ocamlopt" in ocamloptexec^" -linkall" end else (* bytecode (we shunt ocamlmktop script which fails on win32) *) let ocamlmktoplib = " toplevellib.cma" in let ocamlcexec = Filename.concat camlbin "ocamlc" in let ocamlccustom = Printf.sprintf "%s %s -linkall " ocamlcexec Coq_config.coqrunbyteflags in (if !top then ocamlccustom^ocamlmktoplib else ocamlccustom) in (* files to link *) let (modules, tolink) = files_to_link userfiles in (*file for dynlink *) let dynlink= if not (!opt || !top) then [tmp_dynlink()] else [] in (* the list of the loaded modules *) let main_file = create_tmp_main_file modules in try let args = options @ (includes ()) @ copts @ tolink @ dynlink @ [ main_file ] in (* add topstart.cmo explicitly because we shunted ocamlmktop wrapper *) let args = if !top then args @ [ "topstart.cmo" ] else args in (* Now, with the .cma, we MUST use the -linkall option *) let command = String.concat " " (prog::"-rectypes"::args) in if !echo then begin print_endline command; print_endline ("(command length is " ^ (string_of_int (String.length command)) ^ " characters)"); flush Pervasives.stdout end; let retcode = Sys.command command in clean main_file; (* command gives the exit code in HSB, and signal in LSB !!! *) if retcode > 255 then retcode lsr 8 else retcode with e -> clean main_file; raise e let retcode = try Printexc.print main () with _ -> 1 let _ = exit retcode