type term_pp = Pp.std_ppcmds type subtyping_error = UncoercibleInferType of Util.loc * term_pp * term_pp | UncoercibleInferTerm of Util.loc * term_pp * term_pp * term_pp * term_pp | UncoercibleRewrite of term_pp * term_pp type typing_error = NonFunctionalApp of Util.loc * term_pp * term_pp * term_pp | NonConvertible of Util.loc * term_pp * term_pp | NonSigma of Util.loc * term_pp | IllSorted of Util.loc * term_pp exception Subtyping_error of subtyping_error exception Typing_error of typing_error exception Debug_msg of string val typing_error : typing_error -> 'a val subtyping_error : subtyping_error -> 'a