Require Export Cring. (* Definition of integral domains: commutative ring without zero divisor *) Class Integral_domain {R : Type}`{Rcr:Cring R} := { integral_domain_product: forall x y, x * y == 0 -> x == 0 \/ y == 0; integral_domain_one_zero: not (1 == 0)}. Section integral_domain. Context {R:Type}`{Rid:Integral_domain R}. Lemma integral_domain_minus_one_zero: ~ - (1:R) == 0. red;intro. apply integral_domain_one_zero. assert (0 == - (0:R)). cring. rewrite H0. rewrite <- H. cring. Qed. Definition pow (r : R) (n : nat) := Ring_theory.pow_N 1 mul r (N_of_nat n). Lemma pow_not_zero: forall p n, pow p n == 0 -> p == 0. induction n. unfold pow; simpl. intros. absurd (1 == 0). simpl. apply integral_domain_one_zero. trivial. setoid_replace (pow p (S n)) with (p * (pow p n)). intros. case (integral_domain_product p (pow p n) H). trivial. trivial. unfold pow; simpl. clear IHn. induction n; simpl; try cring. rewrite Ring_theory.pow_pos_Psucc. cring. apply ring_setoid. apply ring_mult_comp. apply cring_mul_comm. apply ring_mul_assoc. Qed. Lemma Rintegral_domain_pow: forall c p r, ~c == 0 -> c * (pow p r) == ring0 -> p == ring0. intros. case (integral_domain_product c (pow p r) H0). intros; absurd (c == ring0); auto. intros. apply pow_not_zero with r. trivial. Qed. End integral_domain.