(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* true | _ -> false (*s Some pretty-print utility functions. *) let pp_par par st = if par then str "(" ++ st ++ str ")" else st let pp_apply st par args = match args with | [] -> st | _ -> hov 2 (pp_par par (st ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep spc identity args)) let pr_binding = function | [] -> mt () | l -> str " " ++ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str " ") pr_id l (** By default, in module Format, you can do horizontal placing of blocks even if they include newlines, as long as the number of chars in the blocks are less that a line length. To avoid this awkward situation, we attach a big virtual size to [fnl] newlines. *) let fnl () = stras (1000000,"") ++ fnl () let fnl2 () = fnl () ++ fnl () let space_if = function true -> str " " | false -> mt () let sec_space_if = function true -> spc () | false -> mt () let is_digit = function | '0'..'9' -> true | _ -> false let begins_with_CoqXX s = let n = String.length s in n >= 4 && s.[0] = 'C' && s.[1] = 'o' && s.[2] = 'q' && let i = ref 3 in try while !i < n do if s.[!i] = '_' then i:=n (*Stop*) else if is_digit s.[!i] then incr i else raise Not_found done; true with Not_found -> false let unquote s = if lang () <> Scheme then s else let s = String.copy s in for i=0 to String.length s - 1 do if s.[i] = '\'' then s.[i] <- '~' done; s let rec qualify delim = function | [] -> assert false | [s] -> s | ""::l -> qualify delim l | s::l -> s^delim^(qualify delim l) let dottify = qualify "." let pseudo_qualify = qualify "__" (*s Uppercase/lowercase renamings. *) let is_upper s = match s.[0] with 'A' .. 'Z' -> true | _ -> false let is_lower s = match s.[0] with 'a' .. 'z' | '_' -> true | _ -> false let lowercase_id id = id_of_string (String.uncapitalize (string_of_id id)) let uppercase_id id = let s = string_of_id id in assert (s<>""); if s.[0] = '_' then id_of_string ("Coq_"^s) else id_of_string (String.capitalize s) type kind = Term | Type | Cons | Mod let upperkind = function | Type -> lang () = Haskell | Term -> false | Cons | Mod -> true let kindcase_id k id = if upperkind k then uppercase_id id else lowercase_id id (*s de Bruijn environments for programs *) type env = identifier list * Idset.t (*s Generic renaming issues for local variable names. *) let rec rename_id id avoid = if Idset.mem id avoid then rename_id (lift_subscript id) avoid else id let rec rename_vars avoid = function | [] -> [], avoid | id :: idl when id == dummy_name -> (* we don't rename dummy binders *) let (idl', avoid') = rename_vars avoid idl in (id :: idl', avoid') | id :: idl -> let (idl, avoid) = rename_vars avoid idl in let id = rename_id (lowercase_id id) avoid in (id :: idl, Idset.add id avoid) let rename_tvars avoid l = let rec rename avoid = function | [] -> [],avoid | id :: idl -> let id = rename_id (lowercase_id id) avoid in let idl, avoid = rename (Idset.add id avoid) idl in (id :: idl, avoid) in fst (rename avoid l) let push_vars ids (db,avoid) = let ids',avoid' = rename_vars avoid ids in ids', (ids' @ db, avoid') let get_db_name n (db,_) = let id = List.nth db (pred n) in if id = dummy_name then id_of_string "__" else id (*S Renamings of global objects. *) (*s Tables of global renamings *) let register_cleanup, do_cleanup = let funs = ref [] in (fun f -> funs:=f::!funs), (fun () -> List.iter (fun f -> f ()) !funs) type phase = Pre | Impl | Intf let set_phase, get_phase = let ph = ref Impl in ((:=) ph), (fun () -> !ph) let set_keywords, get_keywords = let k = ref Idset.empty in ((:=) k), (fun () -> !k) let add_global_ids, get_global_ids = let ids = ref Idset.empty in register_cleanup (fun () -> ids := get_keywords ()); let add s = ids := Idset.add s !ids and get () = !ids in (add,get) let empty_env () = [], get_global_ids () let mktable autoclean = let h = Hashtbl.create 97 in if autoclean then register_cleanup (fun () -> Hashtbl.clear h); (Hashtbl.add h, Hashtbl.find h, fun () -> Hashtbl.clear h) (* A table recording objects in the first level of all MPfile *) let add_mpfiles_content,get_mpfiles_content,clear_mpfiles_content = mktable false let get_mpfiles_content mp = try get_mpfiles_content mp with Not_found -> failwith "get_mpfiles_content" (*s The list of external modules that will be opened initially *) let mpfiles_add, mpfiles_mem, mpfiles_list, mpfiles_clear = let m = ref MPset.empty in let add mp = m:=MPset.add mp !m and mem mp = MPset.mem mp !m and list () = MPset.elements !m and clear () = m:=MPset.empty in register_cleanup clear; (add,mem,list,clear) (*s List of module parameters that we should alpha-rename *) let params_ren_add, params_ren_mem = let m = ref MPset.empty in let add mp = m:=MPset.add mp !m and mem mp = MPset.mem mp !m and clear () = m:=MPset.empty in register_cleanup clear; (add,mem) (*s table indicating the visible horizon at a precise moment, i.e. the stack of structures we are inside. - The sequence of [mp] parts should have the following form: a [MPfile] at the beginning, and then more and more [MPdot] over this [MPfile], or [MPbound] when inside the type of a module parameter. - the [params] are the [MPbound] when [mp] is a functor, the innermost [MPbound] coming first in the list. - The [content] part is used to record all the names already seen at this level. *) type visible_layer = { mp : module_path; params : module_path list; content : ((kind*string),label) Hashtbl.t } let pop_visible, push_visible, get_visible = let vis = ref [] in register_cleanup (fun () -> vis := []); let pop () = match !vis with | [] -> assert false | v :: vl -> vis := vl; (* we save the 1st-level-content of MPfile for later use *) if get_phase () = Impl && modular () && is_modfile v.mp then add_mpfiles_content v.mp v.content and push mp mps = vis := { mp = mp; params = mps; content = Hashtbl.create 97 } :: !vis and get () = !vis in (pop,push,get) let get_visible_mps () = List.map (function v -> v.mp) (get_visible ()) let top_visible () = match get_visible () with [] -> assert false | v::_ -> v let top_visible_mp () = (top_visible ()).mp let add_visible ks l = Hashtbl.add (top_visible ()).content ks l (* table of local module wrappers used to provide non-ambiguous names *) let add_duplicate, check_duplicate = let index = ref 0 and dups = ref Gmap.empty in register_cleanup (fun () -> index := 0; dups := Gmap.empty); let add mp l = incr index; let ren = "Coq__" ^ string_of_int (!index) in dups := Gmap.add (mp,l) ren !dups and check mp l = Gmap.find (mp, l) !dups in (add,check) type reset_kind = AllButExternal | Everything let reset_renaming_tables flag = do_cleanup (); if flag = Everything then clear_mpfiles_content () (*S Renaming functions *) (* This function creates from [id] a correct uppercase/lowercase identifier. This is done by adding a [Coq_] or [coq_] prefix. To avoid potential clashes with previous [Coq_id] variable, these prefixes are duplicated if already existing. *) let modular_rename k id = let s = string_of_id id in let prefix,is_ok = if upperkind k then "Coq_",is_upper else "coq_",is_lower in if not (is_ok s) || (Idset.mem id (get_keywords ())) || (String.length s >= 4 && String.sub s 0 4 = prefix) then prefix ^ s else s (*s For monolithic extraction, first-level modules might have to be renamed with unique numbers *) let modfstlev_rename = let add_prefixes,get_prefixes,_ = mktable true in fun l -> let coqid = id_of_string "Coq" in let id = id_of_label l in try let coqset = get_prefixes id in let nextcoq = next_ident_away coqid coqset in add_prefixes id (nextcoq::coqset); (string_of_id nextcoq)^"_"^(string_of_id id) with Not_found -> let s = string_of_id id in if is_lower s || begins_with_CoqXX s then (add_prefixes id [coqid]; "Coq_"^s) else (add_prefixes id []; s) (*s Creating renaming for a [module_path] : first, the real function ... *) let rec mp_renaming_fun mp = match mp with | _ when not (modular ()) && at_toplevel mp -> [""] | MPdot (mp,l) -> let lmp = mp_renaming mp in if lmp = [""] then (modfstlev_rename l)::lmp else (modular_rename Mod (id_of_label l))::lmp | MPbound mbid -> let s = modular_rename Mod (id_of_mbid mbid) in if not (params_ren_mem mp) then [s] else let i,_,_ = repr_mbid mbid in [s^"__"^string_of_int i] | MPfile _ -> assert (modular ()); (* see [at_toplevel] above *) assert (get_phase () = Pre); let current_mpfile = (list_last (get_visible ())).mp in if mp <> current_mpfile then mpfiles_add mp; [string_of_modfile mp] (* ... and its version using a cache *) and mp_renaming = let add,get,_ = mktable true in fun x -> try if is_mp_bound (base_mp x) then raise Not_found; get x with Not_found -> let y = mp_renaming_fun x in add x y; y (*s Renamings creation for a [global_reference]: we build its fully-qualified name in a [string list] form (head is the short name). *) let ref_renaming_fun (k,r) = let mp = modpath_of_r r in let l = mp_renaming mp in let l = if lang () <> Ocaml && not (modular ()) then [""] else l in let s = if l = [""] (* this happens only at toplevel of the monolithic case *) then let globs = Idset.elements (get_global_ids ()) in let id = next_ident_away (kindcase_id k (safe_basename_of_global r)) globs in string_of_id id else modular_rename k (safe_basename_of_global r) in add_global_ids (id_of_string s); s::l (* Cached version of the last function *) let ref_renaming = let add,get,_ = mktable true in fun x -> try if is_mp_bound (base_mp (modpath_of_r (snd x))) then raise Not_found; get x with Not_found -> let y = ref_renaming_fun x in add x y; y (* [visible_clash mp0 (k,s)] checks if [mp0-s] of kind [k] can be printed as [s] in the current context of visible modules. More precisely, we check if there exists a visible [mp] that contains [s]. The verification stops if we encounter [mp=mp0]. *) let rec clash mem mp0 ks = function | [] -> false | mp :: _ when mp = mp0 -> false | mp :: _ when mem mp ks -> true | _ :: mpl -> clash mem mp0 ks mpl let mpfiles_clash mp0 ks = clash (fun mp -> Hashtbl.mem (get_mpfiles_content mp)) mp0 ks (List.rev (mpfiles_list ())) let rec params_lookup mp0 ks = function | [] -> false | param :: _ when mp0 = param -> true | param :: params -> if ks = (Mod, List.hd (mp_renaming param)) then params_ren_add param; params_lookup mp0 ks params let visible_clash mp0 ks = let rec clash = function | [] -> false | v :: _ when v.mp = mp0 -> false | v :: vis -> let b = Hashtbl.mem v.content ks in if b && not (is_mp_bound mp0) then true else begin if b then params_ren_add mp0; if params_lookup mp0 ks v.params then false else clash vis end in clash (get_visible ()) (* Same, but with verbose output (and mp0 shouldn't be a MPbound) *) let visible_clash_dbg mp0 ks = let rec clash = function | [] -> None | v :: _ when v.mp = mp0 -> None | v :: vis -> try Some (v.mp,Hashtbl.find v.content ks) with Not_found -> if params_lookup mp0 ks v.params then None else clash vis in clash (get_visible ()) (* After the 1st pass, we can decide which modules will be opened initially *) let opened_libraries () = if not (modular ()) then [] else let used_files = mpfiles_list () in let used_ks = List.map (fun mp -> Mod,string_of_modfile mp) used_files in (* By default, we open all used files. Ambiguities will be resolved later by using qualified names. Nonetheless, we don't open any file A that contains an immediate submodule A.B hiding another file B : otherwise, after such an open, there's no unambiguous way to refer to objects of B. *) let to_open = List.filter (fun mp -> not (List.exists (Hashtbl.mem (get_mpfiles_content mp)) used_ks)) used_files in mpfiles_clear (); List.iter mpfiles_add to_open; mpfiles_list () (*s On-the-fly qualification issues for both monolithic or modular extraction. *) (* [pp_ocaml_gen] below is a function that factorize the printing of both [global_reference] and module names for ocaml. When [k=Mod] then [olab=None], otherwise it contains the label of the reference to print. [rls] is the string list giving the qualified name, short name at the end. *) (* In Coq, we can qualify [M.t] even if we are inside [M], but in Ocaml we cannot do that. So, if [t] gets hidden and we need a long name for it, we duplicate the _definition_ of t in a Coq__XXX module, and similarly for a sub-module [M.N] *) let pp_duplicate k' prefix mp rls olab = let rls', lbl = if k'<>Mod then (* Here rls=[s], the ref to print is ., and olab<>None *) rls, Option.get olab else (* Here rls=s::rls', we search the label for s inside mp *) List.tl rls, get_nth_label_mp (mp_length mp - mp_length prefix) mp in try dottify (check_duplicate prefix lbl :: rls') with Not_found -> assert (get_phase () = Pre); (* otherwise it's too late *) add_duplicate prefix lbl; dottify rls let fstlev_ks k = function | [] -> assert false | [s] -> k,s | s::_ -> Mod,s (* [pp_ocaml_local] : [mp] has something in common with [top_visible ()] but isn't equal to it *) let pp_ocaml_local k prefix mp rls olab = (* what is the largest prefix of [mp] that belongs to [visible]? *) assert (k <> Mod || mp <> prefix); (* mp as whole module isn't in itself *) let rls' = list_skipn (mp_length prefix) rls in let k's = fstlev_ks k rls' in (* Reference r / module path mp is of the form [.s.<...>]. *) if not (visible_clash prefix k's) then dottify rls' else pp_duplicate (fst k's) prefix mp rls' olab (* [pp_ocaml_bound] : [mp] starts with a [MPbound], and we are not inside (i.e. we are not printing the type of the module parameter) *) let pp_ocaml_bound base rls = (* clash with a MPbound will be detected and fixed by renaming this MPbound *) if get_phase () = Pre then ignore (visible_clash base (Mod,List.hd rls)); dottify rls (* [pp_ocaml_extern] : [mp] isn't local, it is defined in another [MPfile]. *) let pp_ocaml_extern k base rls = match rls with | [] -> assert false | base_s :: rls' -> if (not (modular ())) (* Pseudo qualification with "" *) || (rls' = []) (* Case of a file A.v used as a module later *) || (not (mpfiles_mem base)) (* Module not opened *) || (mpfiles_clash base (fstlev_ks k rls')) (* Conflict in opened files *) || (visible_clash base (fstlev_ks k rls')) (* Local conflict *) then (* We need to fully qualify. Last clash situation is unsupported *) match visible_clash_dbg base (Mod,base_s) with | None -> dottify rls | Some (mp,l) -> error_module_clash base (MPdot (mp,l)) else (* Standard situation : object in an opened file *) dottify rls' (* [pp_ocaml_gen] : choosing between [pp_ocaml_extern] or [pp_ocaml_extern] *) let pp_ocaml_gen k mp rls olab = match common_prefix_from_list mp (get_visible_mps ()) with | Some prefix -> pp_ocaml_local k prefix mp rls olab | None -> let base = base_mp mp in if is_mp_bound base then pp_ocaml_bound base rls else pp_ocaml_extern k base rls (* For Haskell, things are simplier: we have removed (almost) all structures *) let pp_haskell_gen k mp rls = match rls with | [] -> assert false | s::rls' -> let str = pseudo_qualify rls' in let str = if is_upper str && not (upperkind k) then ("_"^str) else str in let prf = if base_mp mp <> top_visible_mp () then s ^ "." else "" in prf ^ str (* Main name printing function for a reference *) let pp_global k r = let ls = ref_renaming (k,r) in assert (List.length ls > 1); let s = List.hd ls in let mp,_,l = repr_of_r r in if mp = top_visible_mp () then (* simpliest situation: definition of r (or use in the same context) *) (* we update the visible environment *) (add_visible (k,s) l; unquote s) else let rls = List.rev ls in (* for what come next it's easier this way *) match lang () with | Scheme -> unquote s (* no modular Scheme extraction... *) | Haskell -> if modular () then pp_haskell_gen k mp rls else s | Ocaml -> pp_ocaml_gen k mp rls (Some l) (* The next function is used only in Ocaml extraction...*) let pp_module mp = let ls = mp_renaming mp in match mp with | MPdot (mp0,l) when mp0 = top_visible_mp () -> (* simpliest situation: definition of mp (or use in the same context) *) (* we update the visible environment *) let s = List.hd ls in add_visible (Mod,s) l; s | _ -> pp_ocaml_gen Mod mp (List.rev ls) None (** Special hack for constants of type Ascii.ascii : if an [Extract Inductive ascii => char] has been declared, then the constants are directly turned into chars *) let mk_ind path s = make_mind (MPfile (dirpath_of_string path)) empty_dirpath (mk_label s) let ind_ascii = mk_ind "Coq.Strings.Ascii" "ascii" let check_extract_ascii () = try let char_type = match lang () with | Ocaml -> "char" | Haskell -> "Char" | _ -> raise Not_found in find_custom (IndRef (ind_ascii,0)) = char_type with Not_found -> false let is_list_cons l = List.for_all (function MLcons (_,ConstructRef(_,_),[]) -> true | _ -> false) l let is_native_char = function | MLcons(_,ConstructRef ((kn,0),1),l) -> kn = ind_ascii && check_extract_ascii () && is_list_cons l | _ -> false let pp_native_char c = let rec cumul = function | [] -> 0 | MLcons(_,ConstructRef(_,j),[])::l -> (2-j) + 2 * (cumul l) | _ -> assert false in let l = match c with MLcons(_,_,l) -> l | _ -> assert false in str ("'"^Char.escaped (Char.chr (cumul l))^"'")