Require Import ZArith. Require Import Classical. Require Import List. Open Scope list_scope. Open Scope Z_scope. Dp_debug. Dp_timeout 3. Require Export zenon. Definition neg (z:Z) : Z := match z with | Z0 => Z0 | Zpos p => Zneg p | Zneg p => Zpos p end. Goal forall z, neg (neg z) = z. Admitted. Open Scope nat_scope. Print plus. Goal forall x, x+0=x. induction x; ergo. (* simplify resoud le premier, pas le second *) Admitted. Goal 1::2::3::nil = 1::2::(1+2)::nil. zenon. Admitted. Definition T := nat. Parameter fct : T -> nat. Goal fct O = O. Admitted. Fixpoint even (n:nat) : Prop := match n with O => True | S O => False | S (S p) => even p end. Goal even 4%nat. try zenon. Admitted. Definition p (A B:Set) (a:A) (b:B) : list (A*B) := cons (a,b) nil. Definition head := fun (A : Set) (l : list A) => match l with | nil => None (A:=A) | x :: _ => Some x end. Goal forall x, head _ (p _ _ 1 2) = Some x -> fst x = 1. Admitted. (* BUG avec head prédéfini : manque eta-expansion sur A:Set Goal forall x, head _ (p _ _ 1 2) = Some x -> fst x = 1. Print value. Print Some. zenon. *) Inductive IN (A:Set) : A -> list A -> Prop := | IN1 : forall x l, IN A x (x::l) | IN2: forall x l, IN A x l -> forall y, IN A x (y::l). Arguments IN [A] _ _. Goal forall x, forall (l:list nat), IN x l -> IN x (1%nat::l). zenon. Print In.