(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2012 *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (************************************************************************) open Util open Names open Libnames open Q_util open Compat let is_meta s = String.length s > 0 && s.[0] == '$' let purge_str s = if String.length s == 0 || s.[0] <> '$' then s else String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) let anti loc x = expl_anti loc <:expr< $lid:purge_str x$ >> (* We don't give location for tactic quotation! *) let loc = dummy_loc let dloc = <:expr< Util.dummy_loc >> let mlexpr_of_ident id = <:expr< Names.id_of_string $str:Names.string_of_id id$ >> let mlexpr_of_name = function | Names.Anonymous -> <:expr< Names.Anonymous >> | Names.Name id -> <:expr< Names.Name (Names.id_of_string $str:Names.string_of_id id$) >> let mlexpr_of_dirpath dir = let l = Names.repr_dirpath dir in <:expr< Names.make_dirpath $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_ident l$ >> let mlexpr_of_qualid qid = let (dir, id) = repr_qualid qid in <:expr< make_qualid $mlexpr_of_dirpath dir$ $mlexpr_of_ident id$ >> let mlexpr_of_reference = function | Libnames.Qualid (loc,qid) -> <:expr< Libnames.Qualid $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_qualid qid$ >> | Libnames.Ident (loc,id) -> <:expr< Libnames.Ident $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_ident id$ >> let mlexpr_of_located f (loc,x) = <:expr< ($dloc$, $f x$) >> let mlexpr_of_loc loc = <:expr< $dloc$ >> let mlexpr_of_by_notation f = function | Genarg.AN x -> <:expr< Genarg.AN $f x$ >> | Genarg.ByNotation (loc,s,sco) -> <:expr< Genarg.ByNotation $dloc$ $str:s$ $mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_string sco$ >> let mlexpr_of_intro_pattern = function | Genarg.IntroWildcard -> <:expr< Genarg.IntroWildcard >> | Genarg.IntroAnonymous -> <:expr< Genarg.IntroAnonymous >> | Genarg.IntroFresh id -> <:expr< Genarg.IntroFresh (mlexpr_of_ident $dloc$ id) >> | Genarg.IntroForthcoming b -> <:expr< Genarg.IntroForthcoming (mlexpr_of_bool $dloc$ b) >> | Genarg.IntroIdentifier id -> <:expr< Genarg.IntroIdentifier (mlexpr_of_ident $dloc$ id) >> | Genarg.IntroOrAndPattern _ | Genarg.IntroRewrite _ -> failwith "mlexpr_of_intro_pattern: TODO" let mlexpr_of_ident_option = mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_ident) let mlexpr_of_or_metaid f = function | Tacexpr.AI a -> <:expr< Tacexpr.AI $f a$ >> | Tacexpr.MetaId (_,id) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.AI $anti loc id$ >> let mlexpr_of_quantified_hypothesis = function | Glob_term.AnonHyp n -> <:expr< Glob_term.AnonHyp $mlexpr_of_int n$ >> | Glob_term.NamedHyp id -> <:expr< Glob_term.NamedHyp $mlexpr_of_ident id$ >> let mlexpr_of_or_var f = function | Glob_term.ArgArg x -> <:expr< Glob_term.ArgArg $f x$ >> | Glob_term.ArgVar id -> <:expr< Glob_term.ArgVar $mlexpr_of_located mlexpr_of_ident id$ >> let mlexpr_of_hyp = mlexpr_of_or_metaid (mlexpr_of_located mlexpr_of_ident) let mlexpr_of_occs = mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_bool (mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_or_var mlexpr_of_int)) let mlexpr_of_occurrences f = mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_occs f let mlexpr_of_hyp_location = function | occs, Termops.InHyp -> <:expr< ($mlexpr_of_occurrences mlexpr_of_hyp occs$, Termops.InHyp) >> | occs, Termops.InHypTypeOnly -> <:expr< ($mlexpr_of_occurrences mlexpr_of_hyp occs$, Termops.InHypTypeOnly) >> | occs, Termops.InHypValueOnly -> <:expr< ($mlexpr_of_occurrences mlexpr_of_hyp occs$, Termops.InHypValueOnly) >> let mlexpr_of_clause cl = <:expr< {Tacexpr.onhyps= $mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_hyp_location) cl.Tacexpr.onhyps$; Tacexpr.concl_occs= $mlexpr_of_occs cl.Tacexpr.concl_occs$} >> let mlexpr_of_red_flags { Glob_term.rBeta = bb; Glob_term.rIota = bi; Glob_term.rZeta = bz; Glob_term.rDelta = bd; Glob_term.rConst = l } = <:expr< { Glob_term.rBeta = $mlexpr_of_bool bb$; Glob_term.rIota = $mlexpr_of_bool bi$; Glob_term.rZeta = $mlexpr_of_bool bz$; Glob_term.rDelta = $mlexpr_of_bool bd$; Glob_term.rConst = $mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_by_notation mlexpr_of_reference) l$ } >> let mlexpr_of_explicitation = function | Topconstr.ExplByName id -> <:expr< Topconstr.ExplByName $mlexpr_of_ident id$ >> | Topconstr.ExplByPos (n,_id) -> <:expr< Topconstr.ExplByPos $mlexpr_of_int n$ >> let mlexpr_of_binding_kind = function | Glob_term.Implicit -> <:expr< Glob_term.Implicit >> | Glob_term.Explicit -> <:expr< Glob_term.Explicit >> let mlexpr_of_binder_kind = function | Topconstr.Default b -> <:expr< Topconstr.Default $mlexpr_of_binding_kind b$ >> | Topconstr.Generalized (b,b',b'') -> <:expr< Topconstr.TypeClass $mlexpr_of_binding_kind b$ $mlexpr_of_binding_kind b'$ $mlexpr_of_bool b''$ >> let rec mlexpr_of_constr = function | Topconstr.CRef (Libnames.Ident (loc,id)) when is_meta (string_of_id id) -> anti loc (string_of_id id) | Topconstr.CRef r -> <:expr< Topconstr.CRef $mlexpr_of_reference r$ >> | Topconstr.CFix (loc,_,_) -> failwith "mlexpr_of_constr: TODO" | Topconstr.CCoFix (loc,_,_) -> failwith "mlexpr_of_constr: TODO" | Topconstr.CArrow (loc,a,b) -> <:expr< Topconstr.CArrow $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_constr a$ $mlexpr_of_constr b$ >> | Topconstr.CProdN (loc,l,a) -> <:expr< Topconstr.CProdN $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_triple (mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_pair (fun _ -> dloc) mlexpr_of_name)) mlexpr_of_binder_kind mlexpr_of_constr) l$ $mlexpr_of_constr a$ >> | Topconstr.CLambdaN (loc,l,a) -> <:expr< Topconstr.CLambdaN $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_triple (mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_pair (fun _ -> dloc) mlexpr_of_name)) mlexpr_of_binder_kind mlexpr_of_constr) l$ $mlexpr_of_constr a$ >> | Topconstr.CLetIn (loc,_,_,_) -> failwith "mlexpr_of_constr: TODO" | Topconstr.CAppExpl (loc,a,l) -> <:expr< Topconstr.CAppExpl $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_pair (mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_int) mlexpr_of_reference a$ $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_constr l$ >> | Topconstr.CApp (loc,a,l) -> <:expr< Topconstr.CApp $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_pair (mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_int) mlexpr_of_constr a$ $mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_constr (mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_located mlexpr_of_explicitation))) l$ >> | Topconstr.CCases (loc,_,_,_,_) -> failwith "mlexpr_of_constr: TODO" | Topconstr.CHole (loc, None) -> <:expr< Topconstr.CHole $dloc$ None >> | Topconstr.CHole (loc, Some _) -> failwith "mlexpr_of_constr: TODO CHole (Some _)" | Topconstr.CNotation(_,ntn,(subst,substl,[])) -> <:expr< Topconstr.CNotation $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_string ntn$ ($mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_constr subst$, $mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_constr) substl$,[]) >> | Topconstr.CPatVar (loc,n) -> <:expr< Topconstr.CPatVar $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_bool mlexpr_of_ident n$ >> | _ -> failwith "mlexpr_of_constr: TODO" let mlexpr_of_occ_constr = mlexpr_of_occurrences mlexpr_of_constr let mlexpr_of_red_expr = function | Glob_term.Red b -> <:expr< Glob_term.Red $mlexpr_of_bool b$ >> | Glob_term.Hnf -> <:expr< Glob_term.Hnf >> | Glob_term.Simpl o -> <:expr< Glob_term.Simpl $mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_occ_constr o$ >> | Glob_term.Cbv f -> <:expr< Glob_term.Cbv $mlexpr_of_red_flags f$ >> | Glob_term.Lazy f -> <:expr< Glob_term.Lazy $mlexpr_of_red_flags f$ >> | Glob_term.Unfold l -> let f1 = mlexpr_of_by_notation mlexpr_of_reference in let f = mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_occurrences f1) in <:expr< Glob_term.Unfold $f l$ >> | Glob_term.Fold l -> <:expr< Glob_term.Fold $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_constr l$ >> | Glob_term.Pattern l -> let f = mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_occ_constr in <:expr< Glob_term.Pattern $f l$ >> | Glob_term.CbvVm -> <:expr< Glob_term.CbvVm >> | Glob_term.ExtraRedExpr s -> <:expr< Glob_term.ExtraRedExpr $mlexpr_of_string s$ >> let rec mlexpr_of_argtype loc = function | Genarg.BoolArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.BoolArgType >> | Genarg.IntArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.IntArgType >> | Genarg.IntOrVarArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.IntOrVarArgType >> | Genarg.RefArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.RefArgType >> | Genarg.PreIdentArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.PreIdentArgType >> | Genarg.IntroPatternArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.IntroPatternArgType >> | Genarg.IdentArgType b -> <:expr< Genarg.IdentArgType $mlexpr_of_bool b$ >> | Genarg.VarArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.VarArgType >> | Genarg.StringArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.StringArgType >> | Genarg.QuantHypArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.QuantHypArgType >> | Genarg.OpenConstrArgType b -> <:expr< Genarg.OpenConstrArgType $mlexpr_of_bool b$ >> | Genarg.ConstrWithBindingsArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.ConstrWithBindingsArgType >> | Genarg.BindingsArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.BindingsArgType >> | Genarg.RedExprArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.RedExprArgType >> | Genarg.SortArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.SortArgType >> | Genarg.ConstrArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.ConstrArgType >> | Genarg.ConstrMayEvalArgType -> <:expr< Genarg.ConstrMayEvalArgType >> | Genarg.List0ArgType t -> <:expr< Genarg.List0ArgType $mlexpr_of_argtype loc t$ >> | Genarg.List1ArgType t -> <:expr< Genarg.List1ArgType $mlexpr_of_argtype loc t$ >> | Genarg.OptArgType t -> <:expr< Genarg.OptArgType $mlexpr_of_argtype loc t$ >> | Genarg.PairArgType (t1,t2) -> let t1 = mlexpr_of_argtype loc t1 in let t2 = mlexpr_of_argtype loc t2 in <:expr< Genarg.PairArgType $t1$ $t2$ >> | Genarg.ExtraArgType s -> <:expr< Genarg.ExtraArgType $str:s$ >> let rec mlexpr_of_may_eval f = function | Glob_term.ConstrEval (r,c) -> <:expr< Glob_term.ConstrEval $mlexpr_of_red_expr r$ $f c$ >> | Glob_term.ConstrContext ((loc,id),c) -> let id = mlexpr_of_ident id in <:expr< Glob_term.ConstrContext (loc,$id$) $f c$ >> | Glob_term.ConstrTypeOf c -> <:expr< Glob_term.ConstrTypeOf $mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> | Glob_term.ConstrTerm c -> <:expr< Glob_term.ConstrTerm $mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> let mlexpr_of_binding_kind = function | Glob_term.ExplicitBindings l -> let l = mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_triple mlexpr_of_loc mlexpr_of_quantified_hypothesis mlexpr_of_constr) l in <:expr< Glob_term.ExplicitBindings $l$ >> | Glob_term.ImplicitBindings l -> let l = mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_constr l in <:expr< Glob_term.ImplicitBindings $l$ >> | Glob_term.NoBindings -> <:expr< Glob_term.NoBindings >> let mlexpr_of_binding = mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_binding_kind mlexpr_of_constr let mlexpr_of_constr_with_binding = mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_constr mlexpr_of_binding_kind let mlexpr_of_move_location f = function | Tacexpr.MoveAfter id -> <:expr< Tacexpr.MoveAfter $f id$ >> | Tacexpr.MoveBefore id -> <:expr< Tacexpr.MoveBefore $f id$ >> | Tacexpr.MoveToEnd b -> <:expr< Tacexpr.MoveToEnd $mlexpr_of_bool b$ >> let mlexpr_of_induction_arg = function | Tacexpr.ElimOnConstr c -> <:expr< Tacexpr.ElimOnConstr $mlexpr_of_constr_with_binding c$ >> | Tacexpr.ElimOnIdent (_,id) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.ElimOnIdent $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_ident id$ >> | Tacexpr.ElimOnAnonHyp n -> <:expr< Tacexpr.ElimOnAnonHyp $mlexpr_of_int n$ >> let mlexpr_of_clause_pattern _ = failwith "mlexpr_of_clause_pattern: TODO" let mlexpr_of_pattern_ast = mlexpr_of_constr let mlexpr_of_entry_type = function _ -> failwith "mlexpr_of_entry_type: TODO" let mlexpr_of_match_pattern = function | Tacexpr.Term t -> <:expr< Tacexpr.Term $mlexpr_of_pattern_ast t$ >> | Tacexpr.Subterm (b,ido,t) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.Subterm $mlexpr_of_bool b$ $mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_ident ido$ $mlexpr_of_pattern_ast t$ >> let mlexpr_of_match_context_hyps = function | Tacexpr.Hyp (id,l) -> let f = mlexpr_of_located mlexpr_of_name in <:expr< Tacexpr.Hyp $f id$ $mlexpr_of_match_pattern l$ >> | Tacexpr.Def (id,v,l) -> let f = mlexpr_of_located mlexpr_of_name in <:expr< Tacexpr.Def $f id$ $mlexpr_of_match_pattern v$ $mlexpr_of_match_pattern l$ >> let mlexpr_of_match_rule f = function | Tacexpr.Pat (l,mp,t) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.Pat $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_match_context_hyps l$ $mlexpr_of_match_pattern mp$ $f t$ >> | Tacexpr.All t -> <:expr< Tacexpr.All $f t$ >> let mlexpr_of_message_token = function | Tacexpr.MsgString s -> <:expr< Tacexpr.MsgString $str:s$ >> | Tacexpr.MsgInt n -> <:expr< Tacexpr.MsgInt $mlexpr_of_int n$ >> | Tacexpr.MsgIdent id -> <:expr< Tacexpr.MsgIdent $mlexpr_of_hyp id$ >> let mlexpr_of_debug = function | Tacexpr.Off -> <:expr< Tacexpr.Off >> | Tacexpr.Debug -> <:expr< Tacexpr.Debug >> | Tacexpr.Info -> <:expr< Tacexpr.Info >> let rec mlexpr_of_atomic_tactic = function (* Basic tactics *) | Tacexpr.TacIntroPattern pl -> let pl = mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_located mlexpr_of_intro_pattern) pl in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacIntroPattern $pl$ >> | Tacexpr.TacIntrosUntil h -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacIntrosUntil $mlexpr_of_quantified_hypothesis h$ >> | Tacexpr.TacIntroMove (idopt,idopt') -> let idopt = mlexpr_of_ident_option idopt in let idopt'= mlexpr_of_move_location mlexpr_of_hyp idopt' in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacIntroMove $idopt$ $idopt'$ >> | Tacexpr.TacAssumption -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacAssumption >> | Tacexpr.TacExact c -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacExact $mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> | Tacexpr.TacExactNoCheck c -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacExactNoCheck $mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> | Tacexpr.TacVmCastNoCheck c -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacVmCastNoCheck $mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> | Tacexpr.TacApply (b,false,cb,None) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacApply $mlexpr_of_bool b$ False $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_constr_with_binding cb$ None >> | Tacexpr.TacElim (false,cb,cbo) -> let cb = mlexpr_of_constr_with_binding cb in let cbo = mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_constr_with_binding cbo in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacElim False $cb$ $cbo$ >> | Tacexpr.TacElimType c -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacElimType $mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> | Tacexpr.TacCase (false,cb) -> let cb = mlexpr_of_constr_with_binding cb in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacCase False $cb$ >> | Tacexpr.TacCaseType c -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacCaseType $mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> | Tacexpr.TacFix (ido,n) -> let ido = mlexpr_of_ident_option ido in let n = mlexpr_of_int n in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacFix $ido$ $n$ >> | Tacexpr.TacMutualFix (b,id,n,l) -> let b = mlexpr_of_bool b in let id = mlexpr_of_ident id in let n = mlexpr_of_int n in let f =mlexpr_of_triple mlexpr_of_ident mlexpr_of_int mlexpr_of_constr in let l = mlexpr_of_list f l in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacMutualFix $b$ $id$ $n$ $l$ >> | Tacexpr.TacCofix ido -> let ido = mlexpr_of_ident_option ido in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacCofix $ido$ >> | Tacexpr.TacMutualCofix (b,id,l) -> let b = mlexpr_of_bool b in let id = mlexpr_of_ident id in let f = mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_ident mlexpr_of_constr in let l = mlexpr_of_list f l in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacMutualCofix $b$ $id$ $l$ >> | Tacexpr.TacCut c -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacCut $mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> | Tacexpr.TacAssert (t,ipat,c) -> let ipat = mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_located mlexpr_of_intro_pattern) ipat in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacAssert $mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_tactic t$ $ipat$ $mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> | Tacexpr.TacGeneralize cl -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacGeneralize $mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_occ_constr mlexpr_of_name) cl$ >> | Tacexpr.TacGeneralizeDep c -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacGeneralizeDep $mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> | Tacexpr.TacLetTac (na,c,cl,b,e) -> let na = mlexpr_of_name na in let cl = mlexpr_of_clause_pattern cl in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacLetTac $na$ $mlexpr_of_constr c$ $cl$ $mlexpr_of_bool b$ (mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_located mlexpr_of_intro_pattern) e) >> (* Derived basic tactics *) | Tacexpr.TacSimpleInductionDestruct (isrec,h) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacSimpleInductionDestruct $mlexpr_of_bool isrec$ $mlexpr_of_quantified_hypothesis h$ >> | Tacexpr.TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,l) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacInductionDestruct $mlexpr_of_bool isrec$ $mlexpr_of_bool ev$ $mlexpr_of_triple (mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_pair mlexpr_of_induction_arg (mlexpr_of_pair (mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_located mlexpr_of_intro_pattern)) (mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_located mlexpr_of_intro_pattern))))) (mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_constr_with_binding) (mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_clause) l$ >> (* Context management *) | Tacexpr.TacClear (b,l) -> let l = mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_hyp) l in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacClear $mlexpr_of_bool b$ $l$ >> | Tacexpr.TacClearBody l -> let l = mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_hyp) l in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacClearBody $l$ >> | Tacexpr.TacMove (dep,id1,id2) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacMove $mlexpr_of_bool dep$ $mlexpr_of_hyp id1$ $mlexpr_of_move_location mlexpr_of_hyp id2$ >> (* Constructors *) | Tacexpr.TacLeft (ev,l) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacLeft $mlexpr_of_bool ev$ $mlexpr_of_binding_kind l$>> | Tacexpr.TacRight (ev,l) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacRight $mlexpr_of_bool ev$ $mlexpr_of_binding_kind l$>> | Tacexpr.TacSplit (ev,b,l) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacSplit ($mlexpr_of_bool ev$,$mlexpr_of_bool b$,$mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_binding_kind l$)>> | Tacexpr.TacAnyConstructor (ev,t) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacAnyConstructor $mlexpr_of_bool ev$ $mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_tactic t$>> | Tacexpr.TacConstructor (ev,n,l) -> let n = mlexpr_of_or_var mlexpr_of_int n in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacConstructor $mlexpr_of_bool ev$ $n$ $mlexpr_of_binding_kind l$>> (* Conversion *) | Tacexpr.TacReduce (r,cl) -> let l = mlexpr_of_clause cl in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacReduce $mlexpr_of_red_expr r$ $l$ >> | Tacexpr.TacChange (p,c,cl) -> let l = mlexpr_of_clause cl in let g = mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_constr in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacChange $g p$ $mlexpr_of_constr c$ $l$ >> (* Equivalence relations *) | Tacexpr.TacReflexivity -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacReflexivity >> | Tacexpr.TacSymmetry ido -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacSymmetry $mlexpr_of_clause ido$ >> | Tacexpr.TacTransitivity c -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacTransitivity $mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> (* Automation tactics *) | Tacexpr.TacAuto (debug,n,lems,l) -> let d = mlexpr_of_debug debug in let n = mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_or_var mlexpr_of_int) n in let lems = mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_constr lems in let l = mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_string) l in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacAuto $d$ $n$ $lems$ $l$ >> | Tacexpr.TacTrivial (debug,lems,l) -> let d = mlexpr_of_debug debug in let l = mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_string) l in let lems = mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_constr lems in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacTrivial $d$ $lems$ $l$ >> | _ -> failwith "Quotation of atomic tactic expressions: TODO" and mlexpr_of_tactic : (Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr -> MLast.expr) = function | Tacexpr.TacAtom (loc,t) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacAtom $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_atomic_tactic t$ >> | Tacexpr.TacThen (t1,[||],t2,[||]) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacThen $mlexpr_of_tactic t1$ [||] $mlexpr_of_tactic t2$ [||]>> | Tacexpr.TacThens (t,tl) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacThens $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_tactic tl$>> | Tacexpr.TacFirst tl -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacFirst $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_tactic tl$ >> | Tacexpr.TacSolve tl -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacSolve $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_tactic tl$ >> | Tacexpr.TacTry t -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacTry $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ >> | Tacexpr.TacOrelse (t1,t2) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacOrelse $mlexpr_of_tactic t1$ $mlexpr_of_tactic t2$ >> | Tacexpr.TacDo (n,t) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacDo $mlexpr_of_or_var mlexpr_of_int n$ $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ >> | Tacexpr.TacTimeout (n,t) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacTimeout $mlexpr_of_or_var mlexpr_of_int n$ $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ >> | Tacexpr.TacRepeat t -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacRepeat $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ >> | Tacexpr.TacProgress t -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacProgress $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ >> | Tacexpr.TacId l -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacId $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_message_token l$ >> | Tacexpr.TacFail (n,l) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacFail $mlexpr_of_or_var mlexpr_of_int n$ $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_message_token l$ >> (* | Tacexpr.TacInfo t -> TacInfo (loc,f t) | Tacexpr.TacRec (id,(idl,t)) -> TacRec (loc,(id,(idl,f t))) | Tacexpr.TacRecIn (l,t) -> TacRecIn(loc,List.map (fun (id,t) -> (id,f t)) l,f t) *) | Tacexpr.TacLetIn (isrec,l,t) -> let f = mlexpr_of_pair (mlexpr_of_pair (fun _ -> dloc) mlexpr_of_ident) mlexpr_of_tactic_arg in <:expr< Tacexpr.TacLetIn $mlexpr_of_bool isrec$ $mlexpr_of_list f l$ $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ >> | Tacexpr.TacMatch (lz,t,l) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacMatch $mlexpr_of_bool lz$ $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ $mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_match_rule mlexpr_of_tactic) l$>> | Tacexpr.TacMatchGoal (lz,lr,l) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacMatchGoal $mlexpr_of_bool lz$ $mlexpr_of_bool lr$ $mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_match_rule mlexpr_of_tactic) l$>> | Tacexpr.TacFun (idol,body) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacFun ($mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_ident_option idol$, $mlexpr_of_tactic body$) >> | Tacexpr.TacArg (_,Tacexpr.MetaIdArg (_,true,id)) -> anti loc id | Tacexpr.TacArg (_,t) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacArg $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_tactic_arg t$ >> | Tacexpr.TacComplete t -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacComplete $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ >> | _ -> failwith "Quotation of tactic expressions: TODO" and mlexpr_of_tactic_arg = function | Tacexpr.MetaIdArg (loc,true,id) -> anti loc id | Tacexpr.MetaIdArg (loc,false,id) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.ConstrMayEval (Glob_term.ConstrTerm $anti loc id$) >> | Tacexpr.TacCall (loc,t,tl) -> <:expr< Tacexpr.TacCall $dloc$ $mlexpr_of_reference t$ $mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_tactic_arg tl$>> | Tacexpr.Tacexp t -> <:expr< Tacexpr.Tacexp $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ >> | Tacexpr.ConstrMayEval c -> <:expr< Tacexpr.ConstrMayEval $mlexpr_of_may_eval mlexpr_of_constr c$ >> | Tacexpr.Reference r -> <:expr< Tacexpr.Reference $mlexpr_of_reference r$ >> | _ -> failwith "mlexpr_of_tactic_arg: TODO" IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN let not_impl x = let desc = if Obj.is_block (Obj.repr x) then "tag = " ^ string_of_int (Obj.tag (Obj.repr x)) else "int_val = " ^ string_of_int (Obj.magic x) in failwith ("<Q_coqast.patt_of_expt, not impl: " ^ desc) (* The following function is written without quotation in order to be parsable even by camlp4. The version with quotation can be found in revision <= 12972 of [q_util.ml4] *) open MLast let rec patt_of_expr e = let loc = loc_of_expr e in match e with | ExAcc (_, e1, e2) -> PaAcc (loc, patt_of_expr e1, patt_of_expr e2) | ExApp (_, e1, e2) -> PaApp (loc, patt_of_expr e1, patt_of_expr e2) | ExLid (_, x) when x = vala "loc" -> PaAny loc | ExLid (_, s) -> PaLid (loc, s) | ExUid (_, s) -> PaUid (loc, s) | ExStr (_, s) -> PaStr (loc, s) | ExAnt (_, e) -> PaAnt (loc, patt_of_expr e) | _ -> not_impl e let fconstr e = let ee s = mlexpr_of_constr (Pcoq.Gram.entry_parse e (Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s))) in let ep s = patt_of_expr (ee s) in Quotation.ExAst (ee, ep) let ftac e = let ee s = mlexpr_of_tactic (Pcoq.Gram.entry_parse e (Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s))) in let ep s = patt_of_expr (ee s) in Quotation.ExAst (ee, ep) let _ = Quotation.add "constr" (fconstr Pcoq.Constr.constr_eoi); Quotation.add "tactic" (ftac Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_eoi); Quotation.default := "constr" ELSE open Pcaml let expand_constr_quot_expr loc _loc_name_opt contents = mlexpr_of_constr (Pcoq.Gram.parse_string Pcoq.Constr.constr_eoi loc contents) let expand_tactic_quot_expr loc _loc_name_opt contents = mlexpr_of_tactic (Pcoq.Gram.parse_string Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_eoi loc contents) let _ = (* FIXME: for the moment, we add quotations in expressions only, not pattern *) Quotation.add "constr" Quotation.DynAst.expr_tag expand_constr_quot_expr; Quotation.add "tactic" Quotation.DynAst.expr_tag expand_tactic_quot_expr; Quotation.default := "constr" END