{(* * Xml Light, an small Xml parser/printer with DTD support. * Copyright (C) 2003 Nicolas Cannasse (ncannasse@motion-twin.com) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) open Lexing type error = | EUnterminatedComment | EUnterminatedString | EIdentExpected | ECloseExpected | ENodeExpected | EAttributeNameExpected | EAttributeValueExpected | EUnterminatedEntity exception Error of error type pos = int * int * int * int type token = | Tag of string * (string * string) list * bool | PCData of string | Endtag of string | Eof let last_pos = ref 0 and current_line = ref 0 and current_line_start = ref 0 let tmp = Buffer.create 200 let idents = Hashtbl.create 0 let _ = begin Hashtbl.add idents "gt;" ">"; Hashtbl.add idents "lt;" "<"; Hashtbl.add idents "amp;" "&"; Hashtbl.add idents "apos;" "'"; Hashtbl.add idents "quot;" "\""; end let init lexbuf = current_line := 1; current_line_start := lexeme_start lexbuf; last_pos := !current_line_start let close lexbuf = Buffer.reset tmp let pos lexbuf = !current_line , !current_line_start , !last_pos , lexeme_start lexbuf let restore (cl,cls,lp,_) = current_line := cl; current_line_start := cls; last_pos := lp let newline lexbuf = incr current_line; last_pos := lexeme_end lexbuf; current_line_start := !last_pos let error lexbuf e = last_pos := lexeme_start lexbuf; raise (Error e) } let newline = ['\n'] let break = ['\r'] let space = [' ' '\t'] let identchar = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '0'-'9' ':' '-'] let entitychar = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] let pcchar = [^ '\r' '\n' '<' '>' '&'] rule token = parse | newline | (newline break) | break { newline lexbuf; PCData "\n" } | "" { () } | eof { raise (Error EUnterminatedComment) } | _ { comment lexbuf } and header = parse | newline | (newline break) | break { newline lexbuf; header lexbuf } | "?>" { () } | eof { error lexbuf ECloseExpected } | _ { header lexbuf } and pcdata = parse | pcchar+ { Buffer.add_string tmp (lexeme lexbuf); pcdata lexbuf } | "&#" { Buffer.add_string tmp (lexeme lexbuf); pcdata lexbuf; } | '&' { Buffer.add_string tmp (entity lexbuf); pcdata lexbuf } | "" { Buffer.contents tmp } and entity = parse | entitychar+ ';' { let ident = lexeme lexbuf in try Hashtbl.find idents (String.lowercase ident) with Not_found -> "&" ^ ident } | _ | eof { raise (Error EUnterminatedEntity) } and ident_name = parse | identchar+ { lexeme lexbuf } | _ | eof { error lexbuf EIdentExpected } and close_tag = parse | '>' { () } | _ | eof { error lexbuf ECloseExpected } and attributes = parse | '>' { [], false } | "/>" { [], true } | "" (* do not read a char ! *) { let key = attribute lexbuf in let data = attribute_data lexbuf in ignore_spaces lexbuf; let others, closed = attributes lexbuf in (key, data) :: others, closed } and attribute = parse | identchar+ { lexeme lexbuf } | _ | eof { error lexbuf EAttributeNameExpected } and attribute_data = parse | space* '=' space* '"' { Buffer.reset tmp; last_pos := lexeme_end lexbuf; dq_string lexbuf } | space* '=' space* '\'' { Buffer.reset tmp; last_pos := lexeme_end lexbuf; q_string lexbuf } | _ | eof { error lexbuf EAttributeValueExpected } and dq_string = parse | '"' { Buffer.contents tmp } | '\\' [ '"' '\\' ] { Buffer.add_char tmp (lexeme_char lexbuf 1); dq_string lexbuf } | eof { raise (Error EUnterminatedString) } | _ { Buffer.add_char tmp (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); dq_string lexbuf } and q_string = parse | '\'' { Buffer.contents tmp } | '\\' [ '\'' '\\' ] { Buffer.add_char tmp (lexeme_char lexbuf 1); q_string lexbuf } | eof { raise (Error EUnterminatedString) } | _ { Buffer.add_char tmp (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); q_string lexbuf }