(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* int (** Physical size of an object in words. *) val size_b : 'a -> int (** Same as [size] in bytes. *) val size_kb : 'a -> int (** Same as [size] in kilobytes. *) (** {6 Physical size of an ocaml value with sharing.} *) (** This time, all the size of objects are computed with respect to a larger object containing them all, and we only count the new blocks not already seen earlier in the left-to-right visit of the englobing object. *) (** Provides the global object in which we'll search shared sizes *) val register_shared_size : 'a -> unit (** Shared size (in word) of an object with respect to the global object given by the last [register_shared_size]. *) val shared_size_of_obj : 'a -> int (** Same, with an object indicated by its occurrence in the global object. The very same object could have a zero size or not, depending of the occurrence we're considering in the englobing object. For speaking of occurrences, we use an [int list] for a path of field indexes (leftmost = deepest block, rightmost = top block of the global object). *) val shared_size_of_pos : int list -> int (** {6 Logical size of an OCaml value.} *) val obj_stats : 'a -> int * int * int (** Return the (logical) value size, the string size, and the maximum depth of the object. This loops on cyclic structures. *) (** {6 Total size of the allocated ocaml heap. } *) val heap_size : unit -> int (** Heap size, in words. *) val heap_size_kb : unit -> int (** Heap size, in kilobytes. *)