open Util open Names open Cbytecodes open Cemitcodes open Term open Declarations open Pre_env (* Compilation des variables + calcul des variables libres *) (* Dans la machine virtuel il n'y a pas de difference entre les *) (* fonctions et leur environnement *) (* Representation de l'environnements des fonctions : *) (* [clos_t | code | fv1 | fv2 | ... | fvn ] *) (* ^ *) (* l'offset pour l'acces au variable libre est 1 (il faut passer le *) (* pointeur de code). *) (* Lors de la compilation, les variables libres sont stock'ees dans *) (* [in_env] dans l'ordre inverse de la representation machine, ceci *) (* permet de rajouter des nouvelles variables dans l'environnememt *) (* facilement. *) (* Les arguments de la fonction arrive sur la pile dans l'ordre de *) (* l'application : f arg1 ... argn *) (* - la pile est alors : *) (* arg1 : ... argn : extra args : return addr : ... *) (* Dans le corps de la fonction [arg1] est repr'esent'e par le de Bruijn *) (* [n], [argn] par le de Bruijn [1] *) (* Representation des environnements des points fix mutuels : *) (* [t1|C1| ... |tc|Cc| ... |t(nbr)|C(nbr)| fv1 | fv2 | .... | fvn | type] *) (* ^<----------offset---------> *) (* type = [Ct1 | .... | Ctn] *) (* Ci est le code correspondant au corps du ieme point fix *) (* Lors de l'evaluation d'un point fix l'environnement est un pointeur *) (* sur la position correspondante a son code. *) (* Dans le corps de chaque point fix le de Bruijn [nbr] represente, *) (* le 1er point fix de la declaration mutuelle, le de Bruijn [1] le *) (* nbr-ieme. *) (* L'acces a ces variables se fait par l'instruction [Koffsetclosure] *) (* (decalage de l'environnement) *) (* Ceci permet de representer tout les point fix mutuels en un seul bloc *) (* [Ct1 | ... | Ctn] est un tableau contant le code d'evaluation des *) (* types des points fixes, ils sont utilises pour tester la conversion *) (* Leur environnement d'execution est celui du dernier point fix : *) (* [t1|C1| ... |tc|Cc| ... |t(nbr)|C(nbr)| fv1 | fv2 | .... | fvn | type] *) (* ^ *) (* Representation des cofix mutuels : *) (* a1 = [A_t | accumulate | [Cfx_t | fcofix1 ] ] *) (* ... *) (* anbr = [A_t | accumulate | [Cfx_t | fcofixnbr ] ] *) (* *) (* fcofix1 = [clos_t | code1 | a1 |...| anbr | fv1 |...| fvn | type] *) (* ^ *) (* ... *) (* fcofixnbr = [clos_t | codenbr | a1 |...| anbr | fv1 |...| fvn | type] *) (* ^ *) (* Les block [ai] sont des fonctions qui accumulent leurs arguments : *) (* ai arg1 argp ---> *) (* ai' = [A_t | accumulate | [Cfx_t | fcofixi] | arg1 | ... | argp ] *) (* Si un tel bloc arrive sur un [match] il faut forcer l'evaluation, *) (* la fonction [fcofixi] est alors appliqu'ee a [ai'] [arg1] ... [argp] *) (* A la fin de l'evaluation [ai'] est mis a jour avec le resultat de *) (* l'evaluation : *) (* ai' <-- *) (* [A_t | accumulate | [Cfxe_t |fcofixi|result] | arg1 | ... | argp ] *) (* L'avantage de cette representation est qu'elle permet d'evaluer qu'une *) (* fois l'application d'un cofix (evaluation lazy) *) (* De plus elle permet de creer facilement des cycles quand les cofix ne *) (* n'ont pas d'aruments, ex: *) (* cofix one := cons 1 one *) (* a1 = [A_t | accumulate | [Cfx_t|fcofix1] ] *) (* fcofix1 = [clos_t | code | a1] *) (* Quand on force l'evaluation de [a1] le resultat est *) (* [cons_t | 1 | a1] *) (* [a1] est mis a jour : *) (* a1 = [A_t | accumulate | [Cfxe_t | fcofix1 | [cons_t | 1 | a1]] ] *) (* Le cycle est cree ... *) (* On conserve la fct de cofix pour la conversion *) type vm_env = { size : int; (* longueur de la liste [n] *) fv_rev : fv_elem list (* [fvn; ... ;fv1] *) } let empty_fv = { size= 0; fv_rev = [] } type comp_env = { nb_stack : int; (* nbre de variables sur la pile *) in_stack : int list; (* position dans la pile *) nb_rec : int; (* nbre de fonctions mutuellement *) (* recursives = nbr *) pos_rec : instruction list; (* instruction d'acces pour les variables *) (* de point fix ou de cofix *) offset : int; in_env : vm_env ref } let fv r = !(r.in_env) let empty_comp_env ()= { nb_stack = 0; in_stack = []; nb_rec = 0; pos_rec = []; offset = 0; in_env = ref empty_fv; } (*i Creation functions for comp_env *) let rec add_param n sz l = if n = 0 then l else add_param (n - 1) sz (n+sz::l) let comp_env_fun arity = { nb_stack = arity; in_stack = add_param arity 0 []; nb_rec = 0; pos_rec = []; offset = 1; in_env = ref empty_fv } let comp_env_type rfv = { nb_stack = 0; in_stack = []; nb_rec = 0; pos_rec = []; offset = 1; in_env = rfv } let comp_env_fix ndef curr_pos arity rfv = let prec = ref [] in for i = ndef downto 1 do prec := Koffsetclosure (2 * (ndef - curr_pos - i)) :: !prec done; { nb_stack = arity; in_stack = add_param arity 0 []; nb_rec = ndef; pos_rec = !prec; offset = 2 * (ndef - curr_pos - 1)+1; in_env = rfv } let comp_env_cofix ndef arity rfv = let prec = ref [] in for i = 1 to ndef do prec := Kenvacc i :: !prec done; { nb_stack = arity; in_stack = add_param arity 0 []; nb_rec = ndef; pos_rec = !prec; offset = ndef+1; in_env = rfv } (* [push_param ] ajoute les parametres de fonction dans la pile *) let push_param n sz r = { r with nb_stack = r.nb_stack + n; in_stack = add_param n sz r.in_stack } (* [push_local e sz] ajoute une nouvelle variable dans la pile a la *) (* position [sz] *) let push_local sz r = { r with nb_stack = r.nb_stack + 1; in_stack = (sz + 1) :: r.in_stack } (*i Compilation of variables *) let find_at el l = let rec aux n = function | [] -> raise Not_found | hd :: tl -> if hd = el then n else aux (n+1) tl in aux 1 l let pos_named id r = let env = !(r.in_env) in let cid = FVnamed id in try Kenvacc(r.offset + env.size - (find_at cid env.fv_rev)) with Not_found -> let pos = env.size in r.in_env := { size = pos+1; fv_rev = cid:: env.fv_rev}; Kenvacc (r.offset + pos) let pos_rel i r sz = if i <= r.nb_stack then Kacc(sz - (List.nth r.in_stack (i-1))) else let i = i - r.nb_stack in if i <= r.nb_rec then try List.nth r.pos_rec (i-1) with _ -> assert false else let i = i - r.nb_rec in let db = FVrel(i) in let env = !(r.in_env) in try Kenvacc(r.offset + env.size - (find_at db env.fv_rev)) with Not_found -> let pos = env.size in r.in_env := { size = pos+1; fv_rev = db:: env.fv_rev}; Kenvacc(r.offset + pos) (*i Examination of the continuation *) (* Discard all instructions up to the next label. *) (* This function is to be applied to the continuation before adding a *) (* non-terminating instruction (branch, raise, return, appterm) *) (* in front of it. *) let rec discard_dead_code cont = cont (*function [] -> [] | (Klabel _ | Krestart ) :: _ as cont -> cont | _ :: cont -> discard_dead_code cont *) (* Return a label to the beginning of the given continuation. *) (* If the sequence starts with a branch, use the target of that branch *) (* as the label, thus avoiding a jump to a jump. *) let label_code = function | Klabel lbl :: _ as cont -> (lbl, cont) | cont -> let lbl = Label.create() in (lbl, Klabel lbl :: cont) (* Return a branch to the continuation. That is, an instruction that, when executed, branches to the continuation or performs what the continuation performs. We avoid generating branches to returns. *) let make_branch cont = match cont with | (Kreturn _ as return) :: cont' -> return, cont' | Klabel lbl as b :: _ -> b, cont | _ -> let b = Klabel(Label.create()) in b,b::cont (* Check if we're in tailcall position *) let rec is_tailcall = function | Kreturn k :: _ -> Some k | Klabel _ :: c -> is_tailcall c | _ -> None (* Extention of the continuation *) (* Add a Kpop n instruction in front of a continuation *) let rec add_pop n = function | Kpop m :: cont -> add_pop (n+m) cont | Kreturn m:: cont -> Kreturn (n+m) ::cont | cont -> if n = 0 then cont else Kpop n :: cont let add_grab arity lbl cont = if arity = 1 then Klabel lbl :: cont else Krestart :: Klabel lbl :: Kgrab (arity - 1) :: cont let add_grabrec rec_arg arity lbl cont = if arity = 1 then Klabel lbl :: Kgrabrec 0 :: Krestart :: cont else Krestart :: Klabel lbl :: Kgrabrec rec_arg :: Krestart :: Kgrab (arity - 1) :: cont (* continuation of a cofix *) let cont_cofix arity = (* accu = res *) (* stk = ai::args::ra::... *) (* ai = [At|accumulate|[Cfx_t|fcofix]|args] *) [ Kpush; Kpush; (* stk = res::res::ai::args::ra::... *) Kacc 2; Kfield 1; Kfield 0; Kmakeblock(2, cofix_evaluated_tag); Kpush; (* stk = [Cfxe_t|fcofix|res]::res::ai::args::ra::...*) Kacc 2; Ksetfield 1; (* ai = [At|accumulate|[Cfxe_t|fcofix|res]|args] *) (* stk = res::ai::args::ra::... *) Kacc 0; (* accu = res *) Kreturn (arity+2) ] (*i Global environment global *) let global_env = ref empty_env let set_global_env env = global_env := env (* Code des fermetures *) let fun_code = ref [] let init_fun_code () = fun_code := [] (* Compilation des constructeurs et des inductifs *) (* Inv : nparam + arity > 0 *) let code_construct tag nparams arity cont = let f_cont = add_pop nparams (if arity = 0 then [Kconst (Const_b0 tag); Kreturn 0] else [Kacc 0; Kpop 1; Kmakeblock(arity, tag); Kreturn 0]) in let lbl = Label.create() in fun_code := [Ksequence (add_grab (nparams+arity) lbl f_cont,!fun_code)]; Kclosure(lbl,0) :: cont type block = | Bconstr of constr | Bstrconst of structured_constant | Bmakeblock of int * block array | Bconstruct_app of int * int * int * block array (* tag , nparams, arity *) let get_strcst = function | Bstrconst sc -> sc | _ -> raise Not_found let rec str_const c = match kind_of_term c with | Sort s -> Bstrconst (Const_sorts s) | Cast(c,_,_) -> str_const c | App(f,args) -> begin match kind_of_term f with | Construct((kn,j),i) -> let oib = lookup_mind kn !global_env in let oip = oib.mind_packets.(j) in let num,arity = oip.mind_reloc_tbl.(i-1) in let nparams = oib.mind_nparams in if nparams + arity = Array.length args then if arity = 0 then Bstrconst(Const_b0 num) else let rargs = Array.sub args nparams arity in let b_args = str_const rargs in try let sc_args = get_strcst b_args in Bstrconst(Const_bn(num, sc_args)) with Not_found -> Bmakeblock(num,b_args) else let b_args = str_const args in Bconstruct_app(num, nparams, arity, b_args) | _ -> Bconstr c end | Ind ind -> Bstrconst (Const_ind ind) | Construct ((kn,j),i) -> let oib = lookup_mind kn !global_env in let oip = oib.mind_packets.(j) in let num,arity = oip.mind_reloc_tbl.(i-1) in let nparams = oib.mind_nparams in if nparams + arity = 0 then Bstrconst(Const_b0 num) else Bconstruct_app(num,nparams,arity,[||]) | _ -> Bconstr c (* compilation des applications *) let comp_args comp_expr reloc args sz cont = let nargs_m_1 = Array.length args - 1 in let c = ref (comp_expr reloc args.(0) (sz + nargs_m_1) cont) in for i = 1 to nargs_m_1 do c := comp_expr reloc args.(i) (sz + nargs_m_1 - i) (Kpush :: !c) done; !c let comp_app comp_fun comp_arg reloc f args sz cont = let nargs = Array.length args in match is_tailcall cont with | Some k -> comp_args comp_arg reloc args sz (Kpush :: comp_fun reloc f (sz + nargs) (Kappterm(nargs, k + nargs) :: (discard_dead_code cont))) | None -> if nargs < 4 then comp_args comp_arg reloc args sz (Kpush :: (comp_fun reloc f (sz+nargs) (Kapply nargs :: cont))) else let lbl,cont1 = label_code cont in Kpush_retaddr lbl :: (comp_args comp_arg reloc args (sz + 3) (Kpush :: (comp_fun reloc f (sz+3+nargs) (Kapply nargs :: cont1)))) (* Compilation des variables libres *) let compile_fv_elem reloc fv sz cont = match fv with | FVrel i -> pos_rel i reloc sz :: cont | FVnamed id -> pos_named id reloc :: cont let rec compile_fv reloc l sz cont = match l with | [] -> cont | [fvn] -> compile_fv_elem reloc fvn sz cont | fvn :: tl -> compile_fv_elem reloc fvn sz (Kpush :: compile_fv reloc tl (sz + 1) cont) (* compilation des constantes *) let rec get_allias env kn = let tps = (lookup_constant kn env).const_body_code in match Cemitcodes.force tps with | BCallias kn' -> get_allias env kn' | _ -> kn (* compilation des expressions *) let rec compile_constr reloc c sz cont = match kind_of_term c with | Meta _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cbytegen.compile_constr : Meta") | Evar _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cbytegen.compile_constr : Evar") | Cast(c,_,_) -> compile_constr reloc c sz cont | Rel i -> pos_rel i reloc sz :: cont | Var id -> pos_named id reloc :: cont | Const kn -> Kgetglobal (get_allias !global_env kn) :: cont | Sort _ | Ind _ | Construct _ -> compile_str_cst reloc (str_const c) sz cont | LetIn(_,xb,_,body) -> compile_constr reloc xb sz (Kpush :: (compile_constr (push_local sz reloc) body (sz+1) (add_pop 1 cont))) | Prod(id,dom,codom) -> let cont1 = Kpush :: compile_constr reloc dom (sz+1) (Kmakeprod :: cont) in compile_constr reloc (mkLambda(id,dom,codom)) sz cont1 | Lambda _ -> let params, body = decompose_lam c in let arity = List.length params in let r_fun = comp_env_fun arity in let lbl_fun = Label.create() in let cont_fun = compile_constr r_fun body arity [Kreturn arity] in fun_code := [Ksequence(add_grab arity lbl_fun cont_fun,!fun_code)]; let fv = fv r_fun in compile_fv reloc fv.fv_rev sz (Kclosure(lbl_fun,fv.size) :: cont) | App(f,args) -> begin match kind_of_term f with | Construct _ -> compile_str_cst reloc (str_const c) sz cont | _ -> comp_app compile_constr compile_constr reloc f args sz cont end | Fix ((rec_args,init),(_,type_bodies,rec_bodies)) -> let ndef = Array.length type_bodies in let rfv = ref empty_fv in let lbl_types = Array.create ndef in let lbl_bodies = Array.create ndef in (* Compilation des types *) let env_type = comp_env_type rfv in for i = 0 to ndef - 1 do let lbl,fcode = label_code (compile_constr env_type type_bodies.(i) 0 [Kstop]) in lbl_types.(i) <- lbl; fun_code := [Ksequence(fcode,!fun_code)] done; (* Compilation des corps *) for i = 0 to ndef - 1 do let params,body = decompose_lam rec_bodies.(i) in let arity = List.length params in let env_body = comp_env_fix ndef i arity rfv in let cont1 = compile_constr env_body body arity [Kreturn arity] in let lbl = Label.create () in lbl_bodies.(i) <- lbl; let fcode = add_grabrec rec_args.(i) arity lbl cont1 in fun_code := [Ksequence(fcode,!fun_code)] done; let fv = !rfv in compile_fv reloc fv.fv_rev sz (Kclosurerec(fv.size,init,lbl_types,lbl_bodies) :: cont) | CoFix(init,(_,type_bodies,rec_bodies)) -> let ndef = Array.length type_bodies in let lbl_types = Array.create ndef in let lbl_bodies = Array.create ndef in (* Compilation des types *) let rfv = ref empty_fv in let env_type = comp_env_type rfv in for i = 0 to ndef - 1 do let lbl,fcode = label_code (compile_constr env_type type_bodies.(i) 0 [Kstop]) in lbl_types.(i) <- lbl; fun_code := [Ksequence(fcode,!fun_code)] done; (* Compilation des corps *) for i = 0 to ndef - 1 do let params,body = decompose_lam rec_bodies.(i) in let arity = List.length params in let env_body = comp_env_cofix ndef arity rfv in let lbl = Label.create () in let cont1 = compile_constr env_body body (arity+1) (cont_cofix arity) in let cont2 = add_grab (arity+1) lbl cont1 in lbl_bodies.(i) <- lbl; fun_code := [Ksequence(cont2,!fun_code)]; done; let fv = !rfv in compile_fv reloc fv.fv_rev sz (Kclosurecofix(fv.size, init, lbl_types, lbl_bodies) :: cont) | Case(ci,t,a,branchs) -> let ind = ci.ci_ind in let mib = lookup_mind (fst ind) !global_env in let oib = mib.mind_packets.(snd ind) in let tbl = oib.mind_reloc_tbl in let lbl_consts = Array.create oib.mind_nb_constant in let lbl_blocks = Array.create (oib.mind_nb_args+1) in let branch1,cont = make_branch cont in (* Compilation du type *) let lbl_typ,fcode = label_code (compile_constr reloc t sz [Kpop sz; Kstop]) in fun_code := [Ksequence(fcode,!fun_code)]; (* Compilation des branches *) let lbl_sw = Label.create () in let sz_b,branch,is_tailcall = match branch1 with | Kreturn k -> assert (k = sz); sz, branch1, true | _ -> sz+3, Kjump, false in let annot = {ci = ci; rtbl = tbl; tailcall = is_tailcall} in (* Compilation de la branche accumulate *) let lbl_accu, code_accu = label_code(Kmakeswitchblock(lbl_typ,lbl_sw,annot,sz) :: branch::cont) in lbl_blocks.(0) <- lbl_accu; let c = ref code_accu in (* Compilation des branches constructeurs *) for i = 0 to Array.length tbl - 1 do let tag, arity = tbl.(i) in if arity = 0 then let lbl_b,code_b = label_code(compile_constr reloc branchs.(i) sz_b (branch :: !c)) in lbl_consts.(tag) <- lbl_b; c := code_b else let args, body = decompose_lam branchs.(i) in let nargs = List.length args in let lbl_b,code_b = label_code( if nargs = arity then Kpushfields arity :: compile_constr (push_param arity sz_b reloc) body (sz_b+arity) (add_pop arity (branch :: !c)) else let sz_appterm = if is_tailcall then sz_b + arity else arity in Kpushfields arity :: compile_constr reloc branchs.(i) (sz_b+arity) (Kappterm(arity,sz_appterm) :: !c)) in lbl_blocks.(tag) <- lbl_b; c := code_b done; c := Klabel lbl_sw :: Kswitch(lbl_consts,lbl_blocks) :: !c; let code_sw = match branch1 with | Klabel lbl -> Kpush_retaddr lbl :: !c | _ -> !c in compile_constr reloc a sz code_sw and compile_str_cst reloc sc sz cont = match sc with | Bconstr c -> compile_constr reloc c sz cont | Bstrconst sc -> Kconst sc :: cont | Bmakeblock(tag,args) -> let nargs = Array.length args in comp_args compile_str_cst reloc args sz (Kmakeblock(nargs,tag) :: cont) | Bconstruct_app(tag,nparams,arity,args) -> if Array.length args = 0 then code_construct tag nparams arity cont else comp_app (fun _ _ _ cont -> code_construct tag nparams arity cont) compile_str_cst reloc () args sz cont let compile env c = set_global_env env; init_fun_code (); Label.reset_label_counter (); let reloc = empty_comp_env () in let init_code = compile_constr reloc c 0 [Kstop] in let fv = List.rev (!(reloc.in_env).fv_rev) in (* draw_instr init_code; draw_instr !fun_code; Format.print_string "fv = "; List.iter (fun v -> match v with | FVnamed id -> Format.print_string ((string_of_id id)^"; ") | FVrel i -> Format.print_string ((string_of_int i)^"; ")) fv; Format .print_string "\n"; Format.print_flush(); *) init_code,!fun_code, Array.of_list fv let compile_constant_body env body opaque boxed = if opaque then BCconstant else match body with | None -> BCconstant | Some sb -> let body = Declarations.force sb in if boxed then let res = compile env body in let to_patch = to_memory res in BCdefined(true, to_patch) else match kind_of_term body with | Const kn' -> BCallias (get_allias env kn') | _ -> let res = compile env body in let to_patch = to_memory res in BCdefined (false, to_patch)