(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* glob_sign (** In globalize tactics, we need to keep the initial [constr_expr] to recompute in the environment by the effective calls to Intro, Inversion, etc The [constr_expr] field is [None] in TacDef though *) type glob_constr_and_expr = Glob_term.glob_constr * Constrexpr.constr_expr option type glob_constr_pattern_and_expr = Id.Set.t * glob_constr_and_expr * Pattern.constr_pattern (** {5 Internalization functions} *) type ('raw, 'glb) intern_fun = glob_sign -> 'raw -> glob_sign * 'glb (** The type of functions used for internalizing generic arguments. *) val intern : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> ('raw, 'glb) intern_fun val generic_intern : (raw_generic_argument, glob_generic_argument) intern_fun (** {5 Substitution functions} *) type 'glb subst_fun = substitution -> 'glb -> 'glb (** The type of functions used for substituting generic arguments. *) val substitute : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> 'glb subst_fun val generic_substitute : glob_generic_argument subst_fun (** {5 Notation functions} *) type 'glb ntn_subst_fun = glob_constr_and_expr Id.Map.t -> 'glb -> 'glb val substitute_notation : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> 'glb ntn_subst_fun val generic_substitute_notation : glob_generic_argument ntn_subst_fun (** Registering functions *) val register_intern0 : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> ('raw, 'glb) intern_fun -> unit val register_subst0 : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> 'glb subst_fun -> unit val register_ntn_subst0 : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> 'glb ntn_subst_fun -> unit