#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import with_statement import os, re, sys # Obtain the absolute path of the script being run. By assuming that # the script lives in dev/tools/, and basing all calls on the path of # the script, rather than the current working directory, we can be # robust to users who choose to run the script from any location. SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) ROOT_PATH = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '..', '..')) CONFIGURE_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'configure.ml') HEADER_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'dev', 'header.ml') DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_OLD_VERSIONS = 2 EXTRA_HEADER = '\n(** Compatibility file for making Coq act similar to Coq v%s *)\n' FLAGS_MLI_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'lib', 'flags.mli') FLAGS_ML_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'lib', 'flags.ml') COQARGS_ML_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'toplevel', 'coqargs.ml') G_VERNAC_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'vernac', 'g_vernac.mlg') DOC_INDEX_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'doc', 'stdlib', 'index-list.html.template') BUG_4798_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'test-suite', 'bugs', 'closed', '4798.v') TEST_SUITE_PATHS = tuple(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'test-suite', 'success', i) for i in ('CompatOldOldFlag.v', 'CompatOldFlag.v', 'CompatPreviousFlag.v', 'CompatCurrentFlag.v')) TEST_SUITE_DESCRIPTIONS = ('current-minus-three', 'current-minus-two', 'current-minus-one', 'current') # sanity check that we are where we think we are assert(os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(SCRIPT_PATH)) == os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'dev', 'tools')))) assert(os.path.exists(CONFIGURE_PATH)) def get_header(): with open(HEADER_PATH, 'r') as f: return f.read() HEADER = get_header() def get_version(cur_version=None): if cur_version is not None: return cur_version with open(CONFIGURE_PATH, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): found = re.findall(r'let coq_version = "([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)', line) if len(found) > 0: return found[0] raise Exception("No line 'let coq_version = \"X.X' found in %s" % os.path.relpath(CONFIGURE_PATH, ROOT_PATH)) def compat_name_to_version_name(compat_file_name): assert(compat_file_name.startswith('Coq') and compat_file_name.endswith('.v')) v = compat_file_name[len('Coq'):][:-len('.v')] assert(len(v) == 2 or (len(v) >= 2 and v[0] in ('8', '9'))) # we'll have to change this scheme when we hit Coq 10.* return '%s.%s' % (v[0], v[1:]) def version_name_to_compat_name(v, ext='.v'): return 'Coq%s%s%s' % tuple(v.split('.') + [ext]) # returns (lines of compat files, lines of not compat files def get_doc_index_lines(): with open(DOC_INDEX_PATH, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() return (tuple(line for line in lines if 'theories/Compat/Coq' in line), tuple(line for line in lines if 'theories/Compat/Coq' not in line)) COMPAT_INDEX_LINES, DOC_INDEX_LINES = get_doc_index_lines() def version_to_int_pair(v): return tuple(map(int, v.split('.'))) def get_known_versions(): # We could either get the files from the doc index, or from the # directory list. We assume that the doc index is more # representative. If we wanted to use the directory list, we # would do: # compat_files = os.listdir(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'theories', 'Compat')) compat_files = re.findall(r'Coq[^\.]+\.v', '\n'.join(COMPAT_INDEX_LINES)) return tuple(sorted((compat_name_to_version_name(i) for i in compat_files if i.startswith('Coq') and i.endswith('.v')), key=version_to_int_pair)) def get_new_versions(known_versions, **args): if args['cur_version'] in known_versions: assert(known_versions[-1] == args['cur_version']) assert(len(known_versions) == args['number_of_compat_versions']) return known_versions assert(len(known_versions) >= args['number_of_old_versions']) return tuple(list(known_versions[-args['number_of_old_versions']:]) + [args['cur_version']]) def update_compat_files(old_versions, new_versions, assert_unchanged=False, **args): for v in old_versions: if v not in new_versions: compat_file = os.path.join('theories', 'Compat', version_name_to_compat_name(v)) if not assert_unchanged: print('Removing %s...' % compat_file) compat_path = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, compat_file) os.rename(compat_path, compat_path + '.bak') else: raise Exception('%s exists!' % compat_file) for v, next_v in zip(new_versions, list(new_versions[1:]) + [None]): compat_file = os.path.join('theories', 'Compat', version_name_to_compat_name(v)) compat_path = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, compat_file) if not os.path.exists(compat_path): print('Creating %s...' % compat_file) contents = HEADER + (EXTRA_HEADER % v) if next_v is not None: contents += '\nRequire Export Coq.Compat.%s.\n' % version_name_to_compat_name(next_v, ext='') if not assert_unchanged: with open(compat_path, 'w') as f: f.write(contents) print(r"Don't forget to 'git add %s'!" % compat_file) else: raise Exception('%s does not exist!' % compat_file) else: # print('Checking %s...' % compat_file) with open(compat_path, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() header = HEADER + (EXTRA_HEADER % v) if not contents.startswith(HEADER): raise Exception("Invalid header in %s; does not match %s" % (compat_file, os.path.relpath(HEADER_PATH, ROOT_PATH))) if not contents.startswith(header): raise Exception("Invalid header in %s; missing line %s" % (compat_file, EXTRA_HEADER.strip('\n') % v)) if next_v is not None: line = 'Require Export Coq.Compat.%s.' % version_name_to_compat_name(next_v, ext='') if ('\n%s\n' % line) not in contents: if not contents.startswith(header + '\n'): contents = contents.replace(header, header + '\n') contents = contents.replace(header, '%s\n%s' % (header, line)) if not assert_unchanged: print('Updating %s...' % compat_file) with open(compat_path, 'w') as f: f.write(contents) else: raise Exception('Compat file %s is missing line %s' % (compat_file, line)) def update_compat_versions_type_line(new_versions, contents, relpath): compat_version_string = ' | '.join(['V%s_%s' % tuple(v.split('.')) for v in new_versions[:-1]] + ['Current']) new_compat_line = 'type compat_version = %s' % compat_version_string new_contents = re.sub(r'^type compat_version = .*$', new_compat_line, contents, flags=re.MULTILINE) if new_compat_line not in new_contents: raise Exception("Could not find 'type compat_version =' in %s" % relpath) return new_contents def update_version_compare(new_versions, contents, relpath): first_line = 'let version_compare v1 v2 = match v1, v2 with' new_lines = [first_line] for v in new_versions[:-1]: V = 'V%s_%s' % tuple(v.split('.')) new_lines.append(' | %s, %s -> 0' % (V, V)) new_lines.append(' | %s, _ -> -1' % V) new_lines.append(' | _, %s -> 1' % V) new_lines.append(' | Current, Current -> 0') new_lines = '\n'.join(new_lines) new_contents = re.sub(first_line + '.*' + 'Current, Current -> 0', new_lines, contents, flags=re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE) if new_lines not in new_contents: raise Exception('Could not find version_compare in %s' % relpath) return new_contents def update_pr_version(new_versions, contents, relpath): first_line = 'let pr_version = function' new_lines = [first_line] for v in new_versions[:-1]: V = 'V%s_%s' % tuple(v.split('.')) new_lines.append(' | %s -> "%s"' % (V, v)) new_lines.append(' | Current -> "current"') new_lines = '\n'.join(new_lines) new_contents = re.sub(first_line + '.*' + 'Current -> "current"', new_lines, contents, flags=re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE) if new_lines not in new_contents: raise Exception('Could not find pr_version in %s' % relpath) return new_contents def update_add_compat_require(new_versions, contents, relpath): first_line = 'let add_compat_require opts v =' new_lines = [first_line, ' match v with'] for v in new_versions[:-1]: V = 'V%s_%s' % tuple(v.split('.')) new_lines.append(' | Flags.%s -> add_vo_require opts "Coq.Compat.%s" None (Some false)' % (V, version_name_to_compat_name(v, ext=''))) new_lines.append(' | Flags.Current -> add_vo_require opts "Coq.Compat.%s" None (Some false)' % version_name_to_compat_name(new_versions[-1], ext='')) new_lines = '\n'.join(new_lines) new_contents = re.sub(first_line + '.*' + 'Flags.Current -> add_vo_require opts "Coq.Compat.[^"]+" None .Some false.', new_lines, contents, flags=re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE) if new_lines not in new_contents: raise Exception('Could not find add_compat_require in %s' % relpath) return new_contents def update_parse_compat_version(new_versions, contents, relpath, **args): line_count = args['number_of_compat_versions']+2 # 1 for the first line, 1 for the invalid flags first_line = 'let parse_compat_version = let open Flags in function' old_function_lines = contents[contents.index(first_line):].split('\n')[:line_count] if re.match(r'^ \| \([0-9 "\.\|]*\) as s ->$', old_function_lines[-1]) is None: raise Exception('Could not recognize line %d of parse_compat_version in %s as a list of invalid versions' % (line_count, relpath)) all_versions = re.findall(r'"([0-9\.]+)"', ''.join(old_function_lines)) invalid_versions = tuple(i for i in all_versions if i not in new_versions) new_function_lines = [first_line] for v, V in reversed(list(zip(new_versions, ['V%s_%s' % tuple(v.split('.')) for v in new_versions[:-1]] + ['Current']))): new_function_lines.append(' | "%s" -> %s' % (v, V)) new_function_lines.append(' | (%s) as s ->' % ' | '.join('"%s"' % v for v in invalid_versions)) new_lines = '\n'.join(new_function_lines) new_contents = contents.replace('\n'.join(old_function_lines), new_lines) if new_lines not in new_contents: raise Exception('Could not find parse_compat_version in %s' % relpath) return new_contents def check_no_old_versions(old_versions, new_versions, contents, relpath): for v in old_versions: if v not in new_versions: V = 'V%s_%s' % tuple(v.split('.')) if V in contents: raise Exception('Unreplaced usage of %s remaining in %s' % (V, relpath)) def update_if_changed(contents, new_contents, path, assert_unchanged=False, **args): if contents != new_contents: if not assert_unchanged: print('Updating %s...' % os.path.relpath(path, ROOT_PATH)) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(new_contents) else: raise Exception('%s changed!' % os.path.relpath(path, ROOT_PATH)) def update_flags_mli(old_versions, new_versions, **args): with open(FLAGS_MLI_PATH, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() new_contents = update_compat_versions_type_line(new_versions, contents, os.path.relpath(FLAGS_MLI_PATH, ROOT_PATH)) check_no_old_versions(old_versions, new_versions, new_contents, os.path.relpath(FLAGS_MLI_PATH, ROOT_PATH)) update_if_changed(contents, new_contents, FLAGS_MLI_PATH, **args) def update_flags_ml(old_versions, new_versions, **args): with open(FLAGS_ML_PATH, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() new_contents = update_compat_versions_type_line(new_versions, contents, os.path.relpath(FLAGS_ML_PATH, ROOT_PATH)) new_contents = update_version_compare(new_versions, new_contents, os.path.relpath(FLAGS_ML_PATH, ROOT_PATH)) new_contents = update_pr_version(new_versions, new_contents, os.path.relpath(FLAGS_ML_PATH, ROOT_PATH)) check_no_old_versions(old_versions, new_versions, new_contents, os.path.relpath(FLAGS_ML_PATH, ROOT_PATH)) update_if_changed(contents, new_contents, FLAGS_ML_PATH, **args) def update_coqargs_ml(old_versions, new_versions, **args): with open(COQARGS_ML_PATH, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() new_contents = update_add_compat_require(new_versions, contents, os.path.relpath(COQARGS_ML_PATH, ROOT_PATH)) check_no_old_versions(old_versions, new_versions, new_contents, os.path.relpath(COQARGS_ML_PATH, ROOT_PATH)) update_if_changed(contents, new_contents, COQARGS_ML_PATH, **args) def update_g_vernac(old_versions, new_versions, **args): with open(G_VERNAC_PATH, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() new_contents = update_parse_compat_version(new_versions, contents, os.path.relpath(G_VERNAC_PATH, ROOT_PATH), **args) check_no_old_versions(old_versions, new_versions, new_contents, os.path.relpath(G_VERNAC_PATH, ROOT_PATH)) update_if_changed(contents, new_contents, G_VERNAC_PATH, **args) def update_flags(old_versions, new_versions, **args): update_flags_mli(old_versions, new_versions, **args) update_flags_ml(old_versions, new_versions, **args) update_coqargs_ml(old_versions, new_versions, **args) update_g_vernac(old_versions, new_versions, **args) def update_test_suite(new_versions, assert_unchanged=False, test_suite_paths=TEST_SUITE_PATHS, test_suite_descriptions=TEST_SUITE_DESCRIPTIONS, **args): assert(len(new_versions) == len(test_suite_paths)) assert(len(new_versions) == len(test_suite_descriptions)) for i, (v, path, descr) in enumerate(zip(new_versions, test_suite_paths, test_suite_descriptions)): if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception('Could not find existing file %s' % os.path.relpath(path, ROOT_PATH)) if '%s' in descr: descr = descr % v with open(path, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() lines = ['(* -*- coq-prog-args: ("-compat" "%s") -*- *)' % v, '(** Check that the %s compatibility flag actually requires the relevant modules. *)' % descr] for imp_v in reversed(new_versions[i:]): lines.append('Import Coq.Compat.%s.' % version_name_to_compat_name(imp_v, ext='')) lines.append('') new_contents = '\n'.join(lines) update_if_changed(contents, new_contents, path, **args) def update_doc_index(new_versions, **args): with open(DOC_INDEX_PATH, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() firstline = ' theories/Compat/AdmitAxiom.v' new_contents = ''.join(DOC_INDEX_LINES) if firstline not in new_contents: raise Exception("Could not find line '%s' in %s" % (firstline, os.path.relpath(DOC_INDEX_PATH, ROOT_PATH))) extra_lines = [' theories/Compat/%s' % version_name_to_compat_name(v) for v in new_versions] new_contents = new_contents.replace(firstline, '\n'.join([firstline] + extra_lines)) update_if_changed(contents, new_contents, DOC_INDEX_PATH, **args) def update_bug_4789(new_versions, **args): # we always update this compat notation to oldest # currently-supported compat version, which should never be the # current version with open(BUG_4798_PATH, 'r') as f: contents = f.read() new_contents = r"""Check match 2 with 0 => 0 | S n => n end. Notation "|" := 1 (compat "%s"). Check match 2 with 0 => 0 | S n => n end. (* fails *) """ % new_versions[0] update_if_changed(contents, new_contents, BUG_4798_PATH, **args) def update_compat_notations_in(old_versions, new_versions, contents): for v in old_versions: if v not in new_versions: reg = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*(?:Notation|Infix)[^\n]*?compat "%s"[^\n]*?\n' % v, flags=re.MULTILINE) contents = re.sub(r'^[ \t]*(?:Notation|Infix)[^\n]*?compat "%s"[^\n]*?\n' % v, '', contents, flags=re.MULTILINE) return contents def update_compat_notations(old_versions, new_versions, **args): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'theories')): for fname in files: if not fname.endswith('.v'): continue with open(os.path.join(root, fname), 'r') as f: contents = f.read() new_contents = update_compat_notations_in(old_versions, new_versions, contents) update_if_changed(contents, new_contents, os.path.join(root, fname), **args) def display_git_grep(old_versions, new_versions): Vs = ['V%s_%s' % tuple(v.split('.')) for v in old_versions if v not in new_versions] compat_vs = ['compat "%s"' % v for v in old_versions if v not in new_versions] all_options = tuple(Vs + compat_vs) options = (['"-compat" "%s"' % v for v in old_versions if v not in new_versions] + [version_name_to_compat_name(v, ext='') for v in old_versions if v not in new_versions]) if len(options) > 0 or len(all_options) > 0: print('To discover what files require manual updating, run:') if len(options) > 0: print("git grep -- '%s' test-suite/" % r'\|'.join(options)) if len(all_options) > 0: print("git grep -- '%s'" % r'\|'.join(all_options)) def parse_args(argv): args = { 'assert_unchanged': False, 'cur_version': None, 'number_of_old_versions': DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_OLD_VERSIONS } for arg in argv[1:]: if arg == '--assert-unchanged': args['assert_unchanged'] = True elif arg.startswith('--cur-version='): args['cur_version'] = arg[len('--cur-version='):] assert(len(args['cur_version'].split('.')) == 2) assert(all(map(str.isdigit, args['cur_version'].split('.')))) elif arg.startswith('--number-of-old-versions='): args['number_of_old_versions'] = int(arg[len('--number-of-old-versions='):]) else: print('USAGE: %s [--assert-unchanged] [--cur-version=NN.NN] [--number-of-old-versions=NN]' % argv[0]) print('') print('ERROR: Unrecognized argument: %s' % arg) sys.exit(1) return args if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args(sys.argv) args['cur_version'] = get_version(args['cur_version']) args['number_of_compat_versions'] = args['number_of_old_versions'] + 1 known_versions = get_known_versions() new_versions = get_new_versions(known_versions, **args) assert(len(TEST_SUITE_PATHS) >= args['number_of_compat_versions']) args['test_suite_paths'] = tuple(TEST_SUITE_PATHS[-args['number_of_compat_versions']:]) args['test_suite_descriptions'] = tuple(TEST_SUITE_DESCRIPTIONS[-args['number_of_compat_versions']:]) update_compat_files(known_versions, new_versions, **args) update_flags(known_versions, new_versions, **args) update_test_suite(new_versions, **args) update_doc_index(new_versions, **args) update_bug_4789(new_versions, **args) update_compat_notations(known_versions, new_versions, **args) display_git_grep(known_versions, new_versions)