#!/usr/bin/env sh usage() { { echo "usage: $0 PR [ARGS]..." echo "A wrapper around check-owners.sh to check owners for a PR." echo "Assumes upstream is the canonical Coq repository." echo "Assumes the PR is against master." echo echo " PR: PR number" echo " ARGS: passed through to check-owners.sh" } >&2 } case "$1" in "--help"|"-h") usage if [ $# = 1 ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi;; "") usage exit 1;; esac PR="$1" shift # this puts both refs in the FETCH_HEAD file but git rev-parse will use the first git fetch upstream "+refs/pull/$PR/head" master head=$(git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD) base=$(git merge-base upstream/master "$head") git diff --name-only -z "$base" "$head" | xargs -0 dev/tools/check-owners.sh "$@"