(* -*- coq-prog-args: ("-emacs-U" "-debug") -*- *) Require Import List. Require Import Coq.subtac.Utils. Set Implicit Arguments. Definition sub_list (A : Set) (l' l : list A) := (forall v, In v l' -> In v l) /\ length l' <= length l. Lemma sub_list_tl : forall A : Set, forall x (l l' : list A), sub_list (x :: l) l' -> sub_list l l'. Proof. intros. inversion H. split. intros. apply H0. auto with datatypes. auto with arith. Qed. Section Map_DependentRecursor. Variable U V : Set. Variable l : list U. Variable f : { x : U | In x l } -> V. Obligations Tactic := unfold sub_list in * ; subtac_simpl ; intuition. Program Fixpoint map_rec ( l' : list U | sub_list l' l ) { measure length l' } : { r : list V | length r = length l' } := match l' with nil => nil | cons x tl => let tl' := map_rec tl in f x :: tl' end. Next Obligation. destruct_call map_rec. simpl in *. subst l'. simpl ; auto with arith. Qed. Program Definition map : list V := map_rec l. End Map_DependentRecursor. Extraction map. Extraction map_rec.