open Ascent;; open Pp;; (* LEM: This is actually generated automatically *) let fNODE s n = (str "n\n") ++ (str ("vernac$" ^ s)) ++ (str "\n") ++ (int n) ++ (str "\n");; let fATOM s1 = (str "a\n") ++ (str ("vernac$" ^ s1)) ++ (str "\n");; let f_atom_string = str;; let f_atom_int = int;; let rec fAST = function | CT_coerce_ID_OR_INT_to_AST x -> fID_OR_INT x | CT_coerce_ID_OR_STRING_to_AST x -> fID_OR_STRING x | CT_coerce_SINGLE_OPTION_VALUE_to_AST x -> fSINGLE_OPTION_VALUE x | CT_astnode(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fAST_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "astnode" 2 | CT_astpath(x1) -> fID_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "astpath" 1 | CT_astslam(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fAST x2 ++ fNODE "astslam" 2 and fAST_LIST = function | CT_ast_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fAST l)) ++ fNODE "ast_list" (List.length l) and fBINARY = function | CT_binary x -> fATOM "binary" ++ (f_atom_int x) ++ str "\n" and fBINDER = function | CT_coerce_DEF_to_BINDER x -> fDEF x | CT_binder(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT_NE_LIST x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "binder" 2 | CT_binder_coercion(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT_NE_LIST x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "binder_coercion" 2 and fBINDER_LIST = function | CT_binder_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fBINDER l)) ++ fNODE "binder_list" (List.length l) and fBINDER_NE_LIST = function | CT_binder_ne_list(x,l) -> fBINDER x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fBINDER l)) ++ fNODE "binder_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fBINDING = function | CT_binding(x1, x2) -> fID_OR_INT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "binding" 2 and fBINDING_LIST = function | CT_binding_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fBINDING l)) ++ fNODE "binding_list" (List.length l) and fBOOL = function | CT_false -> fNODE "false" 0 | CT_true -> fNODE "true" 0 and fCASE = function | CT_case x -> fATOM "case" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fCLAUSE = function | CT_clause(x1, x2) -> fHYP_LOCATION_LIST_OR_STAR x1 ++ fSTAR_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "clause" 2 and fCOERCION_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_COERCION_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_coercion_atm -> fNODE "coercion_atm" 0 and fCOFIXTAC = function | CT_cofixtac(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "cofixtac" 2 and fCOFIX_REC = function | CT_cofix_rec(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fID x1 ++ fBINDER_LIST x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fFORMULA x4 ++ fNODE "cofix_rec" 4 and fCOFIX_REC_LIST = function | CT_cofix_rec_list(x,l) -> fCOFIX_REC x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fCOFIX_REC l)) ++ fNODE "cofix_rec_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fCOFIX_TAC_LIST = function | CT_cofix_tac_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fCOFIXTAC l)) ++ fNODE "cofix_tac_list" (List.length l) and fCOMMAND = function | CT_coerce_COMMAND_LIST_to_COMMAND x -> fCOMMAND_LIST x | CT_coerce_EVAL_CMD_to_COMMAND x -> fEVAL_CMD x | CT_coerce_SECTION_BEGIN_to_COMMAND x -> fSECTION_BEGIN x | CT_coerce_THEOREM_GOAL_to_COMMAND x -> fTHEOREM_GOAL x | CT_abort(x1) -> fID_OPT_OR_ALL x1 ++ fNODE "abort" 1 | CT_abstraction(x1, x2, x3) -> fID x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fINT_LIST x3 ++ fNODE "abstraction" 3 | CT_add_field(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fFORMULA_OPT x4 ++ fNODE "add_field" 4 | CT_add_natural_feature(x1, x2) -> fNATURAL_FEATURE x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fNODE "add_natural_feature" 2 | CT_addpath(x1, x2) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fID_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "addpath" 2 | CT_arguments_scope(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fID_OPT_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "arguments_scope" 2 | CT_bind_scope(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fID_NE_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "bind_scope" 2 | CT_cd(x1) -> fSTRING_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "cd" 1 | CT_check(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "check" 1 | CT_class(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "class" 1 | CT_close_scope(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "close_scope" 1 | CT_coercion(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) -> fLOCAL_OPT x1 ++ fIDENTITY_OPT x2 ++ fID x3 ++ fID x4 ++ fID x5 ++ fNODE "coercion" 5 | CT_cofix_decl(x1) -> fCOFIX_REC_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "cofix_decl" 1 | CT_compile_module(x1, x2, x3) -> fVERBOSE_OPT x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fSTRING_OPT x3 ++ fNODE "compile_module" 3 | CT_declare_module(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fID x1 ++ fMODULE_BINDER_LIST x2 ++ fMODULE_TYPE_CHECK x3 ++ fMODULE_EXPR x4 ++ fNODE "declare_module" 4 | CT_define_notation(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fMODIFIER_LIST x3 ++ fID_OPT x4 ++ fNODE "define_notation" 4 | CT_definition(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) -> fDEFN x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fBINDER_LIST x3 ++ fDEF_BODY x4 ++ fFORMULA_OPT x5 ++ fNODE "definition" 5 | CT_delim_scope(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fNODE "delim_scope" 2 | CT_delpath(x1) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fNODE "delpath" 1 | CT_derive_depinversion(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fINV_TYPE x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fSORT_TYPE x4 ++ fNODE "derive_depinversion" 4 | CT_derive_inversion(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fINV_TYPE x1 ++ fINT_OPT x2 ++ fID x3 ++ fID x4 ++ fNODE "derive_inversion" 4 | CT_derive_inversion_with(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fINV_TYPE x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fSORT_TYPE x4 ++ fNODE "derive_inversion_with" 4 | CT_explain_proof(x1) -> fINT_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "explain_proof" 1 | CT_explain_prooftree(x1) -> fINT_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "explain_prooftree" 1 | CT_export_id(x1) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "export_id" 1 | CT_extract_to_file(x1, x2) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fID_NE_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "extract_to_file" 2 | CT_extraction(x1) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "extraction" 1 | CT_fix_decl(x1) -> fFIX_REC_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "fix_decl" 1 | CT_focus(x1) -> fINT_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "focus" 1 | CT_go(x1) -> fINT_OR_LOCN x1 ++ fNODE "go" 1 | CT_guarded -> fNODE "guarded" 0 | CT_hint_destruct(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) -> fID x1 ++ fINT x2 ++ fDESTRUCT_LOCATION x3 ++ fFORMULA x4 ++ fTACTIC_COM x5 ++ fID_LIST x6 ++ fNODE "hint_destruct" 6 | CT_hint_extern(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fINT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fTACTIC_COM x3 ++ fID_LIST x4 ++ fNODE "hint_extern" 4 | CT_hintrewrite(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fORIENTATION x1 ++ fFORMULA_NE_LIST x2 ++ fID x3 ++ fTACTIC_COM x4 ++ fNODE "hintrewrite" 4 | CT_hints(x1, x2, x3) -> fID x1 ++ fID_NE_LIST x2 ++ fID_LIST x3 ++ fNODE "hints" 3 | CT_hints_immediate(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA_NE_LIST x1 ++ fID_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "hints_immediate" 2 | CT_hints_resolve(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA_NE_LIST x1 ++ fID_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "hints_resolve" 2 | CT_hyp_search_pattern(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fIN_OR_OUT_MODULES x2 ++ fNODE "hyp_search_pattern" 2 | CT_implicits(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fID_LIST_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "implicits" 2 | CT_import_id(x1) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "import_id" 1 | CT_ind_scheme(x1) -> fSCHEME_SPEC_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "ind_scheme" 1 | CT_infix(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fMODIFIER_LIST x3 ++ fID_OPT x4 ++ fNODE "infix" 4 | CT_inline(x1) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "inline" 1 | CT_inspect(x1) -> fINT x1 ++ fNODE "inspect" 1 | CT_kill_node(x1) -> fINT x1 ++ fNODE "kill_node" 1 | CT_load(x1, x2) -> fVERBOSE_OPT x1 ++ fID_OR_STRING x2 ++ fNODE "load" 2 | CT_local_close_scope(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "local_close_scope" 1 | CT_local_define_notation(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fMODIFIER_LIST x3 ++ fID_OPT x4 ++ fNODE "local_define_notation" 4 | CT_local_hint_destruct(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) -> fID x1 ++ fINT x2 ++ fDESTRUCT_LOCATION x3 ++ fFORMULA x4 ++ fTACTIC_COM x5 ++ fID_LIST x6 ++ fNODE "local_hint_destruct" 6 | CT_local_hint_extern(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fINT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fTACTIC_COM x3 ++ fID_LIST x4 ++ fNODE "local_hint_extern" 4 | CT_local_hints(x1, x2, x3) -> fID x1 ++ fID_NE_LIST x2 ++ fID_LIST x3 ++ fNODE "local_hints" 3 | CT_local_hints_immediate(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA_NE_LIST x1 ++ fID_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "local_hints_immediate" 2 | CT_local_hints_resolve(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA_NE_LIST x1 ++ fID_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "local_hints_resolve" 2 | CT_local_infix(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fMODIFIER_LIST x3 ++ fID_OPT x4 ++ fNODE "local_infix" 4 | CT_local_open_scope(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "local_open_scope" 1 | CT_local_reserve_notation(x1, x2) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fMODIFIER_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "local_reserve_notation" 2 | CT_locate(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "locate" 1 | CT_locate_file(x1) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fNODE "locate_file" 1 | CT_locate_lib(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "locate_lib" 1 | CT_locate_notation(x1) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fNODE "locate_notation" 1 | CT_mind_decl(x1, x2) -> fCO_IND x1 ++ fIND_SPEC_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "mind_decl" 2 | CT_ml_add_path(x1) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fNODE "ml_add_path" 1 | CT_ml_declare_modules(x1) -> fSTRING_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "ml_declare_modules" 1 | CT_ml_print_modules -> fNODE "ml_print_modules" 0 | CT_ml_print_path -> fNODE "ml_print_path" 0 | CT_module(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fID x1 ++ fMODULE_BINDER_LIST x2 ++ fMODULE_TYPE_CHECK x3 ++ fMODULE_EXPR x4 ++ fNODE "module" 4 | CT_module_type_decl(x1, x2, x3) -> fID x1 ++ fMODULE_BINDER_LIST x2 ++ fMODULE_TYPE_OPT x3 ++ fNODE "module_type_decl" 3 | CT_no_inline(x1) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "no_inline" 1 | CT_omega_flag(x1, x2) -> fOMEGA_MODE x1 ++ fOMEGA_FEATURE x2 ++ fNODE "omega_flag" 2 | CT_open_scope(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "open_scope" 1 | CT_print -> fNODE "print" 0 | CT_print_about(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_about" 1 | CT_print_all -> fNODE "print_all" 0 | CT_print_classes -> fNODE "print_classes" 0 | CT_print_ltac id -> fID id ++ fNODE "print_ltac" 1 | CT_print_coercions -> fNODE "print_coercions" 0 | CT_print_grammar(x1) -> fGRAMMAR x1 ++ fNODE "print_grammar" 1 | CT_print_graph -> fNODE "print_graph" 0 | CT_print_hint(x1) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "print_hint" 1 | CT_print_hintdb(x1) -> fID_OR_STAR x1 ++ fNODE "print_hintdb" 1 | CT_print_rewrite_hintdb(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_rewrite_hintdb" 1 | CT_print_id(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_id" 1 | CT_print_implicit(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_implicit" 1 | CT_print_loadpath -> fNODE "print_loadpath" 0 | CT_print_module(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_module" 1 | CT_print_module_type(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_module_type" 1 | CT_print_modules -> fNODE "print_modules" 0 | CT_print_natural(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_natural" 1 | CT_print_natural_feature(x1) -> fNATURAL_FEATURE x1 ++ fNODE "print_natural_feature" 1 | CT_print_opaqueid(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_opaqueid" 1 | CT_print_path(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fNODE "print_path" 2 | CT_print_proof(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_proof" 1 | CT_print_scope(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_scope" 1 | CT_print_setoids -> fNODE "print_setoids" 0 | CT_print_scopes -> fNODE "print_scopes" 0 | CT_print_section(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "print_section" 1 | CT_print_states -> fNODE "print_states" 0 | CT_print_tables -> fNODE "print_tables" 0 | CT_print_universes(x1) -> fSTRING_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "print_universes" 1 | CT_print_visibility(x1) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "print_visibility" 1 | CT_proof(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "proof" 1 | CT_proof_no_op -> fNODE "proof_no_op" 0 | CT_proof_with(x1) -> fTACTIC_COM x1 ++ fNODE "proof_with" 1 | CT_pwd -> fNODE "pwd" 0 | CT_quit -> fNODE "quit" 0 | CT_read_module(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "read_module" 1 | CT_rec_ml_add_path(x1) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fNODE "rec_ml_add_path" 1 | CT_recaddpath(x1, x2) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fID_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "recaddpath" 2 | CT_record(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) -> fCOERCION_OPT x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fBINDER_LIST x3 ++ fFORMULA x4 ++ fID_OPT x5 ++ fRECCONSTR_LIST x6 ++ fNODE "record" 6 | CT_remove_natural_feature(x1, x2) -> fNATURAL_FEATURE x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fNODE "remove_natural_feature" 2 | CT_require(x1, x2, x3) -> fIMPEXP x1 ++ fSPEC_OPT x2 ++ fID_NE_LIST_OR_STRING x3 ++ fNODE "require" 3 | CT_reserve(x1, x2) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "reserve" 2 | CT_reserve_notation(x1, x2) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fMODIFIER_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "reserve_notation" 2 | CT_reset(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "reset" 1 | CT_reset_section(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "reset_section" 1 | CT_restart -> fNODE "restart" 0 | CT_restore_state(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "restore_state" 1 | CT_resume(x1) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "resume" 1 | CT_save(x1, x2) -> fTHM_OPT x1 ++ fID_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "save" 2 | CT_scomments(x1) -> fSCOMMENT_CONTENT_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "scomments" 1 | CT_search(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fIN_OR_OUT_MODULES x2 ++ fNODE "search" 2 | CT_search_about(x1, x2) -> fID_OR_STRING_NE_LIST x1 ++ fIN_OR_OUT_MODULES x2 ++ fNODE "search_about" 2 | CT_search_pattern(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fIN_OR_OUT_MODULES x2 ++ fNODE "search_pattern" 2 | CT_search_rewrite(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fIN_OR_OUT_MODULES x2 ++ fNODE "search_rewrite" 2 | CT_section_end(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "section_end" 1 | CT_section_struct(x1, x2, x3) -> fSECTION_BEGIN x1 ++ fSECTION_BODY x2 ++ fCOMMAND x3 ++ fNODE "section_struct" 3 | CT_set_natural(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "set_natural" 1 | CT_set_natural_default -> fNODE "set_natural_default" 0 | CT_set_option(x1) -> fTABLE x1 ++ fNODE "set_option" 1 | CT_set_option_value(x1, x2) -> fTABLE x1 ++ fSINGLE_OPTION_VALUE x2 ++ fNODE "set_option_value" 2 | CT_set_option_value2(x1, x2) -> fTABLE x1 ++ fID_OR_STRING_NE_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "set_option_value2" 2 | CT_sethyp(x1) -> fINT x1 ++ fNODE "sethyp" 1 | CT_setundo(x1) -> fINT x1 ++ fNODE "setundo" 1 | CT_show_existentials -> fNODE "show_existentials" 0 | CT_show_goal(x1) -> fINT_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "show_goal" 1 | CT_show_implicit(x1) -> fINT x1 ++ fNODE "show_implicit" 1 | CT_show_intro -> fNODE "show_intro" 0 | CT_show_intros -> fNODE "show_intros" 0 | CT_show_node -> fNODE "show_node" 0 | CT_show_proof -> fNODE "show_proof" 0 | CT_show_proofs -> fNODE "show_proofs" 0 | CT_show_script -> fNODE "show_script" 0 | CT_show_tree -> fNODE "show_tree" 0 | CT_solve(x1, x2, x3) -> fINT x1 ++ fTACTIC_COM x2 ++ fDOTDOT_OPT x3 ++ fNODE "solve" 3 | CT_strategy(CT_level_list x1) -> List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( (fun(l,q) -> fLEVEL l ++ fID_LIST q ++ fNODE "pair"2) x1) ++ fNODE "strategy" (List.length x1) | CT_suspend -> fNODE "suspend" 0 | CT_syntax_macro(x1, x2, x3) -> fID x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fINT_OPT x3 ++ fNODE "syntax_macro" 3 | CT_tactic_definition(x1) -> fTAC_DEF_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "tactic_definition" 1 | CT_test_natural_feature(x1, x2) -> fNATURAL_FEATURE x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fNODE "test_natural_feature" 2 | CT_theorem_struct(x1, x2) -> fTHEOREM_GOAL x1 ++ fPROOF_SCRIPT x2 ++ fNODE "theorem_struct" 2 | CT_time(x1) -> fCOMMAND x1 ++ fNODE "time" 1 | CT_undo(x1) -> fINT_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "undo" 1 | CT_unfocus -> fNODE "unfocus" 0 | CT_unset_option(x1) -> fTABLE x1 ++ fNODE "unset_option" 1 | CT_unsethyp -> fNODE "unsethyp" 0 | CT_unsetundo -> fNODE "unsetundo" 0 | CT_user_vernac(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fVARG_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "user_vernac" 2 | CT_variable(x1, x2) -> fVAR x1 ++ fBINDER_NE_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "variable" 2 | CT_write_module(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fSTRING_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "write_module" 2 and fLEVEL = function | CT_Opaque -> fNODE "opaque" 0 | CT_Level n -> fINT n ++ fNODE "level" 1 | CT_Expand -> fNODE "expand" 0 and fCOMMAND_LIST = function | CT_command_list(x,l) -> fCOMMAND x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fCOMMAND l)) ++ fNODE "command_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fCOMMENT = function | CT_comment x -> fATOM "comment" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fCOMMENT_S = function | CT_comment_s l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fCOMMENT l)) ++ fNODE "comment_s" (List.length l) and fCONSTR = function | CT_constr(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "constr" 2 | CT_constr_coercion(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "constr_coercion" 2 and fCONSTR_LIST = function | CT_constr_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fCONSTR l)) ++ fNODE "constr_list" (List.length l) and fCONTEXT_HYP_LIST = function | CT_context_hyp_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fPREMISE_PATTERN l)) ++ fNODE "context_hyp_list" (List.length l) and fCONTEXT_PATTERN = function | CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_CONTEXT_PATTERN x -> fFORMULA x | CT_context(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "context" 2 and fCONTEXT_RULE = function | CT_context_rule(x1, x2, x3) -> fCONTEXT_HYP_LIST x1 ++ fCONTEXT_PATTERN x2 ++ fTACTIC_COM x3 ++ fNODE "context_rule" 3 | CT_def_context_rule(x1) -> fTACTIC_COM x1 ++ fNODE "def_context_rule" 1 and fCONVERSION_FLAG = function | CT_beta -> fNODE "beta" 0 | CT_delta -> fNODE "delta" 0 | CT_evar -> fNODE "evar" 0 | CT_iota -> fNODE "iota" 0 | CT_zeta -> fNODE "zeta" 0 and fCONVERSION_FLAG_LIST = function | CT_conversion_flag_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fCONVERSION_FLAG l)) ++ fNODE "conversion_flag_list" (List.length l) and fCONV_SET = function | CT_unf l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fID l)) ++ fNODE "unf" (List.length l) | CT_unfbut l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fID l)) ++ fNODE "unfbut" (List.length l) and fCO_IND = function | CT_co_ind x -> fATOM "co_ind" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fDECL_NOTATION_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_DECL_NOTATION_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_decl_notation(x1, x2, x3) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fID_OPT x3 ++ fNODE "decl_notation" 3 and fDEF = function | CT_def(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "def" 2 and fDEFN = function | CT_defn x -> fATOM "defn" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fDEFN_OR_THM = function | CT_coerce_DEFN_to_DEFN_OR_THM x -> fDEFN x | CT_coerce_THM_to_DEFN_OR_THM x -> fTHM x and fDEF_BODY = function | CT_coerce_CONTEXT_PATTERN_to_DEF_BODY x -> fCONTEXT_PATTERN x | CT_coerce_EVAL_CMD_to_DEF_BODY x -> fEVAL_CMD x | CT_type_of(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "type_of" 1 and fDEF_BODY_OPT = function | CT_coerce_DEF_BODY_to_DEF_BODY_OPT x -> fDEF_BODY x | CT_coerce_FORMULA_OPT_to_DEF_BODY_OPT x -> fFORMULA_OPT x and fDEP = function | CT_dep x -> fATOM "dep" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fDESTRUCTING = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_DESTRUCTING x -> fNONE x | CT_destructing -> fNODE "destructing" 0 and fDESTRUCT_LOCATION = function | CT_conclusion_location -> fNODE "conclusion_location" 0 | CT_discardable_hypothesis -> fNODE "discardable_hypothesis" 0 | CT_hypothesis_location -> fNODE "hypothesis_location" 0 and fDOTDOT_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_DOTDOT_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_dotdot -> fNODE "dotdot" 0 and fEQN = function | CT_eqn(x1, x2) -> fMATCH_PATTERN_NE_LIST x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "eqn" 2 and fEQN_LIST = function | CT_eqn_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fEQN l)) ++ fNODE "eqn_list" (List.length l) and fEVAL_CMD = function | CT_eval(x1, x2, x3) -> fINT_OPT x1 ++ fRED_COM x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fNODE "eval" 3 and fFIXTAC = function | CT_fixtac(x1, x2, x3) -> fID x1 ++ fINT x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fNODE "fixtac" 3 and fFIX_BINDER = function | CT_coerce_FIX_REC_to_FIX_BINDER x -> fFIX_REC x | CT_fix_binder(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fID x1 ++ fINT x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fFORMULA x4 ++ fNODE "fix_binder" 4 and fFIX_BINDER_LIST = function | CT_fix_binder_list(x,l) -> fFIX_BINDER x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fFIX_BINDER l)) ++ fNODE "fix_binder_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fFIX_REC = function | CT_fix_rec(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) -> fID x1 ++ fBINDER_NE_LIST x2 ++ fID_OPT x3 ++ fFORMULA x4 ++ fFORMULA x5 ++ fNODE "fix_rec" 5 and fFIX_REC_LIST = function | CT_fix_rec_list(x,l) -> fFIX_REC x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fFIX_REC l)) ++ fNODE "fix_rec_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fFIX_TAC_LIST = function | CT_fix_tac_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fFIXTAC l)) ++ fNODE "fix_tac_list" (List.length l) and fFORMULA = function | CT_coerce_BINARY_to_FORMULA x -> fBINARY x | CT_coerce_ID_to_FORMULA x -> fID x | CT_coerce_NUM_to_FORMULA x -> fNUM x | CT_coerce_SORT_TYPE_to_FORMULA x -> fSORT_TYPE x | CT_coerce_TYPED_FORMULA_to_FORMULA x -> fTYPED_FORMULA x | CT_appc(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fFORMULA_NE_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "appc" 2 | CT_arrowc(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "arrowc" 2 | CT_bang(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "bang" 1 | CT_cases(x1, x2, x3) -> fMATCHED_FORMULA_NE_LIST x1 ++ fFORMULA_OPT x2 ++ fEQN_LIST x3 ++ fNODE "cases" 3 | CT_cofixc(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fCOFIX_REC_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "cofixc" 2 | CT_elimc(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fCASE x1 ++ fFORMULA_OPT x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fFORMULA_LIST x4 ++ fNODE "elimc" 4 | CT_existvarc -> fNODE "existvarc" 0 | CT_fixc(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fFIX_BINDER_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "fixc" 2 | CT_if(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fRETURN_INFO x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fFORMULA x4 ++ fNODE "if" 4 | CT_inductive_let(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fFORMULA_OPT x1 ++ fID_OPT_NE_LIST x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fFORMULA x4 ++ fNODE "inductive_let" 4 | CT_labelled_arg(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "labelled_arg" 2 | CT_lambdac(x1, x2) -> fBINDER_NE_LIST x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "lambdac" 2 | CT_let_tuple(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fID_OPT_NE_LIST x1 ++ fRETURN_INFO x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fFORMULA x4 ++ fNODE "let_tuple" 4 | CT_letin(x1, x2) -> fDEF x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "letin" 2 | CT_notation(x1, x2) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fFORMULA_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "notation" 2 | CT_num_encapsulator(x1, x2) -> fNUM_TYPE x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "num_encapsulator" 2 | CT_prodc(x1, x2) -> fBINDER_NE_LIST x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "prodc" 2 | CT_proj(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fFORMULA_NE_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "proj" 2 and fFORMULA_LIST = function | CT_formula_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fFORMULA l)) ++ fNODE "formula_list" (List.length l) and fFORMULA_NE_LIST = function | CT_formula_ne_list(x,l) -> fFORMULA x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fFORMULA l)) ++ fNODE "formula_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fFORMULA_OPT = function | CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OPT x -> fFORMULA x | CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_FORMULA_OPT x -> fID_OPT x and fFORMULA_OR_INT = function | CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OR_INT x -> fFORMULA x | CT_coerce_ID_OR_INT_to_FORMULA_OR_INT x -> fID_OR_INT x and fGRAMMAR = function | CT_grammar_none -> fNODE "grammar_none" 0 and fHYP_LOCATION = function | CT_coerce_UNFOLD_to_HYP_LOCATION x -> fUNFOLD x | CT_intype(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fINT_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "intype" 2 | CT_invalue(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fINT_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "invalue" 2 and fHYP_LOCATION_LIST_OR_STAR = function | CT_coerce_STAR_to_HYP_LOCATION_LIST_OR_STAR x -> fSTAR x | CT_hyp_location_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fHYP_LOCATION l)) ++ fNODE "hyp_location_list" (List.length l) and fID = function | CT_ident x -> fATOM "ident" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" | CT_metac(x1) -> fINT x1 ++ fNODE "metac" 1 | CT_metaid x -> fATOM "metaid" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fIDENTITY_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_IDENTITY_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_identity -> fNODE "identity" 0 and fID_LIST = function | CT_id_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fID l)) ++ fNODE "id_list" (List.length l) and fID_LIST_LIST = function | CT_id_list_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fID_LIST l)) ++ fNODE "id_list_list" (List.length l) and fID_LIST_OPT = function | CT_coerce_ID_LIST_to_ID_LIST_OPT x -> fID_LIST x | CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_LIST_OPT x -> fNONE x and fID_NE_LIST = function | CT_id_ne_list(x,l) -> fID x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fID l)) ++ fNODE "id_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR = function | CT_coerce_ID_NE_LIST_to_ID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR x -> fID_NE_LIST x | CT_coerce_STAR_to_ID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR x -> fSTAR x and fID_NE_LIST_OR_STRING = function | CT_coerce_ID_NE_LIST_to_ID_NE_LIST_OR_STRING x -> fID_NE_LIST x | CT_coerce_STRING_to_ID_NE_LIST_OR_STRING x -> fSTRING x and fID_OPT = function | CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OPT x -> fID x | CT_coerce_NONE_to_ID_OPT x -> fNONE x and fID_OPT_LIST = function | CT_id_opt_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fID_OPT l)) ++ fNODE "id_opt_list" (List.length l) and fID_OPT_NE_LIST = function | CT_id_opt_ne_list(x,l) -> fID_OPT x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fID_OPT l)) ++ fNODE "id_opt_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fID_OPT_OR_ALL = function | CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OPT_OR_ALL x -> fID_OPT x | CT_all -> fNODE "all" 0 and fID_OR_INT = function | CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_INT x -> fID x | CT_coerce_INT_to_ID_OR_INT x -> fINT x and fID_OR_INT_OPT = function | CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT x -> fID_OPT x | CT_coerce_ID_OR_INT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT x -> fID_OR_INT x | CT_coerce_INT_OPT_to_ID_OR_INT_OPT x -> fINT_OPT x and fID_OR_STAR = function | CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_STAR x -> fID x | CT_coerce_STAR_to_ID_OR_STAR x -> fSTAR x and fID_OR_STRING = function | CT_coerce_ID_to_ID_OR_STRING x -> fID x | CT_coerce_STRING_to_ID_OR_STRING x -> fSTRING x and fID_OR_STRING_NE_LIST = function | CT_id_or_string_ne_list(x,l) -> fID_OR_STRING x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fID_OR_STRING l)) ++ fNODE "id_or_string_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fIMPEXP = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_IMPEXP x -> fNONE x | CT_export -> fNODE "export" 0 | CT_import -> fNODE "import" 0 and fIND_SPEC = function | CT_ind_spec(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) -> fID x1 ++ fBINDER_LIST x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fCONSTR_LIST x4 ++ fDECL_NOTATION_OPT x5 ++ fNODE "ind_spec" 5 and fIND_SPEC_LIST = function | CT_ind_spec_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fIND_SPEC l)) ++ fNODE "ind_spec_list" (List.length l) and fINT = function | CT_int x -> fATOM "int" ++ (f_atom_int x) ++ str "\n" and fINTRO_PATT = function | CT_coerce_ID_to_INTRO_PATT x -> fID x | CT_disj_pattern(x,l) -> fINTRO_PATT_LIST x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fINTRO_PATT_LIST l)) ++ fNODE "disj_pattern" (1 + (List.length l)) and fINTRO_PATT_LIST = function | CT_intro_patt_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fINTRO_PATT l)) ++ fNODE "intro_patt_list" (List.length l) and fINTRO_PATT_OPT = function | CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_INTRO_PATT_OPT x -> fID_OPT x | CT_coerce_INTRO_PATT_to_INTRO_PATT_OPT x -> fINTRO_PATT x and fINT_LIST = function | CT_int_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fINT l)) ++ fNODE "int_list" (List.length l) and fINT_NE_LIST = function | CT_int_ne_list(x,l) -> fINT x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fINT l)) ++ fNODE "int_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fINT_OPT = function | CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OPT x -> fINT x | CT_coerce_NONE_to_INT_OPT x -> fNONE x and fINT_OR_LOCN = function | CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OR_LOCN x -> fINT x | CT_coerce_LOCN_to_INT_OR_LOCN x -> fLOCN x and fINT_OR_NEXT = function | CT_coerce_INT_to_INT_OR_NEXT x -> fINT x | CT_next_level -> fNODE "next_level" 0 and fINV_TYPE = function | CT_inv_clear -> fNODE "inv_clear" 0 | CT_inv_regular -> fNODE "inv_regular" 0 | CT_inv_simple -> fNODE "inv_simple" 0 and fIN_OR_OUT_MODULES = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_IN_OR_OUT_MODULES x -> fNONE x | CT_in_modules(x1) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "in_modules" 1 | CT_out_modules(x1) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "out_modules" 1 and fLET_CLAUSE = function | CT_let_clause(x1, x2, x3) -> fID x1 ++ fTACTIC_OPT x2 ++ fLET_VALUE x3 ++ fNODE "let_clause" 3 and fLET_CLAUSES = function | CT_let_clauses(x,l) -> fLET_CLAUSE x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fLET_CLAUSE l)) ++ fNODE "let_clauses" (1 + (List.length l)) and fLET_VALUE = function | CT_coerce_DEF_BODY_to_LET_VALUE x -> fDEF_BODY x | CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_LET_VALUE x -> fTACTIC_COM x and fLOCAL_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_LOCAL_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_local -> fNODE "local" 0 and fLOCN = function | CT_locn x -> fATOM "locn" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fMATCHED_FORMULA = function | CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_MATCHED_FORMULA x -> fFORMULA x | CT_formula_as(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fID_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "formula_as" 2 | CT_formula_as_in(x1, x2, x3) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fID_OPT x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fNODE "formula_as_in" 3 | CT_formula_in(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "formula_in" 2 and fMATCHED_FORMULA_NE_LIST = function | CT_matched_formula_ne_list(x,l) -> fMATCHED_FORMULA x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fMATCHED_FORMULA l)) ++ fNODE "matched_formula_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fMATCH_PATTERN = function | CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_MATCH_PATTERN x -> fID_OPT x | CT_coerce_NUM_to_MATCH_PATTERN x -> fNUM x | CT_pattern_app(x1, x2) -> fMATCH_PATTERN x1 ++ fMATCH_PATTERN_NE_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "pattern_app" 2 | CT_pattern_as(x1, x2) -> fMATCH_PATTERN x1 ++ fID_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "pattern_as" 2 | CT_pattern_delimitors(x1, x2) -> fNUM_TYPE x1 ++ fMATCH_PATTERN x2 ++ fNODE "pattern_delimitors" 2 | CT_pattern_notation(x1, x2) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fMATCH_PATTERN_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "pattern_notation" 2 and fMATCH_PATTERN_LIST = function | CT_match_pattern_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fMATCH_PATTERN l)) ++ fNODE "match_pattern_list" (List.length l) and fMATCH_PATTERN_NE_LIST = function | CT_match_pattern_ne_list(x,l) -> fMATCH_PATTERN x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fMATCH_PATTERN l)) ++ fNODE "match_pattern_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fMATCH_TAC_RULE = function | CT_match_tac_rule(x1, x2) -> fCONTEXT_PATTERN x1 ++ fLET_VALUE x2 ++ fNODE "match_tac_rule" 2 and fMATCH_TAC_RULES = function | CT_match_tac_rules(x,l) -> fMATCH_TAC_RULE x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fMATCH_TAC_RULE l)) ++ fNODE "match_tac_rules" (1 + (List.length l)) and fMODIFIER = function | CT_entry_type(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fNODE "entry_type" 2 | CT_format(x1) -> fSTRING x1 ++ fNODE "format" 1 | CT_lefta -> fNODE "lefta" 0 | CT_nona -> fNODE "nona" 0 | CT_only_parsing -> fNODE "only_parsing" 0 | CT_righta -> fNODE "righta" 0 | CT_set_item_level(x1, x2) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fINT_OR_NEXT x2 ++ fNODE "set_item_level" 2 | CT_set_level(x1) -> fINT x1 ++ fNODE "set_level" 1 and fMODIFIER_LIST = function | CT_modifier_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fMODIFIER l)) ++ fNODE "modifier_list" (List.length l) and fMODULE_BINDER = function | CT_module_binder(x1, x2) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fMODULE_TYPE x2 ++ fNODE "module_binder" 2 and fMODULE_BINDER_LIST = function | CT_module_binder_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fMODULE_BINDER l)) ++ fNODE "module_binder_list" (List.length l) and fMODULE_EXPR = function | CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_MODULE_EXPR x -> fID_OPT x | CT_module_app(x1, x2) -> fMODULE_EXPR x1 ++ fMODULE_EXPR x2 ++ fNODE "module_app" 2 and fMODULE_TYPE = function | CT_coerce_ID_to_MODULE_TYPE x -> fID x | CT_module_type_with_def(x1, x2, x3) -> fMODULE_TYPE x1 ++ fID_LIST x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fNODE "module_type_with_def" 3 | CT_module_type_with_mod(x1, x2, x3) -> fMODULE_TYPE x1 ++ fID_LIST x2 ++ fID x3 ++ fNODE "module_type_with_mod" 3 and fMODULE_TYPE_CHECK = function | CT_coerce_MODULE_TYPE_OPT_to_MODULE_TYPE_CHECK x -> fMODULE_TYPE_OPT x | CT_only_check(x1) -> fMODULE_TYPE x1 ++ fNODE "only_check" 1 and fMODULE_TYPE_OPT = function | CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_MODULE_TYPE_OPT x -> fID_OPT x | CT_coerce_MODULE_TYPE_to_MODULE_TYPE_OPT x -> fMODULE_TYPE x and fNATURAL_FEATURE = function | CT_contractible -> fNODE "contractible" 0 | CT_implicit -> fNODE "implicit" 0 | CT_nat_transparent -> fNODE "nat_transparent" 0 and fNONE = function | CT_none -> fNODE "none" 0 and fNUM = function | CT_int_encapsulator x -> fATOM "int_encapsulator" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fNUM_TYPE = function | CT_num_type x -> fATOM "num_type" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fOMEGA_FEATURE = function | CT_coerce_STRING_to_OMEGA_FEATURE x -> fSTRING x | CT_flag_action -> fNODE "flag_action" 0 | CT_flag_system -> fNODE "flag_system" 0 | CT_flag_time -> fNODE "flag_time" 0 and fOMEGA_MODE = function | CT_set -> fNODE "set" 0 | CT_switch -> fNODE "switch" 0 | CT_unset -> fNODE "unset" 0 and fORIENTATION = function | CT_lr -> fNODE "lr" 0 | CT_rl -> fNODE "rl" 0 and fPATTERN = function | CT_pattern_occ(x1, x2) -> fINT_LIST x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "pattern_occ" 2 and fPATTERN_NE_LIST = function | CT_pattern_ne_list(x,l) -> fPATTERN x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fPATTERN l)) ++ fNODE "pattern_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fPATTERN_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_PATTERN_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_coerce_PATTERN_to_PATTERN_OPT x -> fPATTERN x and fPREMISE = function | CT_coerce_TYPED_FORMULA_to_PREMISE x -> fTYPED_FORMULA x | CT_eval_result(x1, x2, x3) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fNODE "eval_result" 3 | CT_premise(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "premise" 2 and fPREMISES_LIST = function | CT_premises_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fPREMISE l)) ++ fNODE "premises_list" (List.length l) and fPREMISE_PATTERN = function | CT_premise_pattern(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fCONTEXT_PATTERN x2 ++ fNODE "premise_pattern" 2 and fPROOF_SCRIPT = function | CT_proof_script l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fCOMMAND l)) ++ fNODE "proof_script" (List.length l) and fRECCONSTR = function | CT_defrecconstr(x1, x2, x3) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fFORMULA_OPT x3 ++ fNODE "defrecconstr" 3 | CT_defrecconstr_coercion(x1, x2, x3) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fFORMULA_OPT x3 ++ fNODE "defrecconstr_coercion" 3 | CT_recconstr(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "recconstr" 2 | CT_recconstr_coercion(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "recconstr_coercion" 2 and fRECCONSTR_LIST = function | CT_recconstr_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fRECCONSTR l)) ++ fNODE "recconstr_list" (List.length l) and fREC_TACTIC_FUN = function | CT_rec_tactic_fun(x1, x2, x3) -> fID x1 ++ fID_OPT_NE_LIST x2 ++ fTACTIC_COM x3 ++ fNODE "rec_tactic_fun" 3 and fREC_TACTIC_FUN_LIST = function | CT_rec_tactic_fun_list(x,l) -> fREC_TACTIC_FUN x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fREC_TACTIC_FUN l)) ++ fNODE "rec_tactic_fun_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fRED_COM = function | CT_cbv(x1, x2) -> fCONVERSION_FLAG_LIST x1 ++ fCONV_SET x2 ++ fNODE "cbv" 2 | CT_fold(x1) -> fFORMULA_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "fold" 1 | CT_hnf -> fNODE "hnf" 0 | CT_lazy(x1, x2) -> fCONVERSION_FLAG_LIST x1 ++ fCONV_SET x2 ++ fNODE "lazy" 2 | CT_pattern(x1) -> fPATTERN_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "pattern" 1 | CT_red -> fNODE "red" 0 | CT_cbvvm -> fNODE "vm_compute" 0 | CT_simpl(x1) -> fPATTERN_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "simpl" 1 | CT_unfold(x1) -> fUNFOLD_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "unfold" 1 and fRETURN_INFO = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_RETURN_INFO x -> fNONE x | CT_as_and_return(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "as_and_return" 2 | CT_return(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "return" 1 and fRULE = function | CT_rule(x1, x2) -> fPREMISES_LIST x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "rule" 2 and fRULE_LIST = function | CT_rule_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fRULE l)) ++ fNODE "rule_list" (List.length l) and fSCHEME_SPEC = function | CT_scheme_spec(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fID x1 ++ fDEP x2 ++ fFORMULA x3 ++ fSORT_TYPE x4 ++ fNODE "scheme_spec" 4 and fSCHEME_SPEC_LIST = function | CT_scheme_spec_list(x,l) -> fSCHEME_SPEC x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fSCHEME_SPEC l)) ++ fNODE "scheme_spec_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fSCOMMENT_CONTENT = function | CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_SCOMMENT_CONTENT x -> fFORMULA x | CT_coerce_ID_OR_STRING_to_SCOMMENT_CONTENT x -> fID_OR_STRING x and fSCOMMENT_CONTENT_LIST = function | CT_scomment_content_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fSCOMMENT_CONTENT l)) ++ fNODE "scomment_content_list" (List.length l) and fSECTION_BEGIN = function | CT_section(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "section" 1 and fSECTION_BODY = function | CT_section_body l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fCOMMAND l)) ++ fNODE "section_body" (List.length l) and fSIGNED_INT = function | CT_coerce_INT_to_SIGNED_INT x -> fINT x | CT_minus(x1) -> fINT x1 ++ fNODE "minus" 1 and fSIGNED_INT_LIST = function | CT_signed_int_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fSIGNED_INT l)) ++ fNODE "signed_int_list" (List.length l) and fSINGLE_OPTION_VALUE = function | CT_coerce_INT_to_SINGLE_OPTION_VALUE x -> fINT x | CT_coerce_STRING_to_SINGLE_OPTION_VALUE x -> fSTRING x and fSORT_TYPE = function | CT_sortc x -> fATOM "sortc" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fSPEC_LIST = function | CT_coerce_BINDING_LIST_to_SPEC_LIST x -> fBINDING_LIST x | CT_coerce_FORMULA_LIST_to_SPEC_LIST x -> fFORMULA_LIST x and fSPEC_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_SPEC_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_spec -> fNODE "spec" 0 and fSTAR = function | CT_star -> fNODE "star" 0 and fSTAR_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_STAR_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_coerce_STAR_to_STAR_OPT x -> fSTAR x and fSTRING = function | CT_string x -> fATOM "string" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fSTRING_NE_LIST = function | CT_string_ne_list(x,l) -> fSTRING x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fSTRING l)) ++ fNODE "string_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fSTRING_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_STRING_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_coerce_STRING_to_STRING_OPT x -> fSTRING x and fTABLE = function | CT_coerce_ID_to_TABLE x -> fID x | CT_table(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fNODE "table" 2 and fTACTIC_ARG = function | CT_coerce_EVAL_CMD_to_TACTIC_ARG x -> fEVAL_CMD x | CT_coerce_FORMULA_OR_INT_to_TACTIC_ARG x -> fFORMULA_OR_INT x | CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TACTIC_ARG x -> fTACTIC_COM x | CT_coerce_TERM_CHANGE_to_TACTIC_ARG x -> fTERM_CHANGE x | CT_void -> fNODE "void" 0 and fTACTIC_ARG_LIST = function | CT_tactic_arg_list(x,l) -> fTACTIC_ARG x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTACTIC_ARG l)) ++ fNODE "tactic_arg_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fTACTIC_COM = function | CT_abstract(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fTACTIC_COM x2 ++ fNODE "abstract" 2 | CT_absurd(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "absurd" 1 | CT_any_constructor(x1) -> fTACTIC_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "any_constructor" 1 | CT_apply(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fSPEC_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "apply" 2 | CT_assert(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "assert" 2 | CT_assumption -> fNODE "assumption" 0 | CT_auto(x1) -> fINT_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "auto" 1 | CT_auto_with(x1, x2) -> fINT_OPT x1 ++ fID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR x2 ++ fNODE "auto_with" 2 | CT_autorewrite(x1, x2) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fTACTIC_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "autorewrite" 2 | CT_autotdb(x1) -> fINT_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "autotdb" 1 | CT_case_type(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "case_type" 1 | CT_casetac(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fSPEC_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "casetac" 2 | CT_cdhyp(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "cdhyp" 1 | CT_change(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fCLAUSE x2 ++ fNODE "change" 2 | CT_change_local(x1, x2, x3) -> fPATTERN x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fCLAUSE x3 ++ fNODE "change_local" 3 | CT_clear(x1) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "clear" 1 | CT_clear_body(x1) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "clear_body" 1 | CT_cofixtactic(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fCOFIX_TAC_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "cofixtactic" 2 | CT_condrewrite_lr(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fTACTIC_COM x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fSPEC_LIST x3 ++ fID_OPT x4 ++ fNODE "condrewrite_lr" 4 | CT_condrewrite_rl(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fTACTIC_COM x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fSPEC_LIST x3 ++ fID_OPT x4 ++ fNODE "condrewrite_rl" 4 | CT_constructor(x1, x2) -> fINT x1 ++ fSPEC_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "constructor" 2 | CT_contradiction -> fNODE "contradiction" 0 | CT_contradiction_thm(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fSPEC_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "contradiction_thm" 2 | CT_cut(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "cut" 1 | CT_cutrewrite_lr(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fID_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "cutrewrite_lr" 2 | CT_cutrewrite_rl(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fID_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "cutrewrite_rl" 2 | CT_dauto(x1, x2) -> fINT_OPT x1 ++ fINT_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "dauto" 2 | CT_dconcl -> fNODE "dconcl" 0 | CT_decompose_list(x1, x2) -> fID_NE_LIST x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "decompose_list" 2 | CT_decompose_record(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "decompose_record" 1 | CT_decompose_sum(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "decompose_sum" 1 | CT_depinversion(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fINV_TYPE x1 ++ fID_OR_INT x2 ++ fINTRO_PATT_OPT x3 ++ fFORMULA_OPT x4 ++ fNODE "depinversion" 4 | CT_deprewrite_lr(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "deprewrite_lr" 1 | CT_deprewrite_rl(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "deprewrite_rl" 1 | CT_destruct(x1) -> fID_OR_INT x1 ++ fNODE "destruct" 1 | CT_dhyp(x1) -> fID x1 ++ fNODE "dhyp" 1 | CT_discriminate_eq(x1) -> fID_OR_INT_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "discriminate_eq" 1 | CT_do(x1, x2) -> fID_OR_INT x1 ++ fTACTIC_COM x2 ++ fNODE "do" 2 | CT_eapply(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fSPEC_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "eapply" 2 | CT_eauto(x1, x2) -> fID_OR_INT_OPT x1 ++ fID_OR_INT_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "eauto" 2 | CT_eauto_with(x1, x2, x3) -> fID_OR_INT_OPT x1 ++ fID_OR_INT_OPT x2 ++ fID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR x3 ++ fNODE "eauto_with" 3 | CT_elim(x1, x2, x3) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fSPEC_LIST x2 ++ fUSING x3 ++ fNODE "elim" 3 | CT_elim_type(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "elim_type" 1 | CT_exact(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "exact" 1 | CT_exact_no_check(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "exact_no_check" 1 | CT_vm_cast_no_check(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "vm_cast_no_check" 1 | CT_exists(x1) -> fSPEC_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "exists" 1 | CT_fail(x1, x2) -> fID_OR_INT x1 ++ fSTRING_OPT x2 ++ fNODE "fail" 2 | CT_first(x,l) -> fTACTIC_COM x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTACTIC_COM l)) ++ fNODE "first" (1 + (List.length l)) | CT_firstorder(x1) -> fTACTIC_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "firstorder" 1 | CT_firstorder_using(x1, x2) -> fTACTIC_OPT x1 ++ fID_NE_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "firstorder_using" 2 | CT_firstorder_with(x1, x2) -> fTACTIC_OPT x1 ++ fID_NE_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "firstorder_with" 2 | CT_fixtactic(x1, x2, x3) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fINT x2 ++ fFIX_TAC_LIST x3 ++ fNODE "fixtactic" 3 | CT_formula_marker(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "formula_marker" 1 | CT_fresh(x1) -> fSTRING_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "fresh" 1 | CT_generalize(x1) -> fFORMULA_NE_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "generalize" 1 | CT_generalize_dependent(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "generalize_dependent" 1 | CT_idtac(x1) -> fSTRING_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "idtac" 1 | CT_induction(x1) -> fID_OR_INT x1 ++ fNODE "induction" 1 | CT_info(x1) -> fTACTIC_COM x1 ++ fNODE "info" 1 | CT_injection_eq(x1) -> fID_OR_INT_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "injection_eq" 1 | CT_instantiate(x1, x2, x3) -> fINT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fCLAUSE x3 ++ fNODE "instantiate" 3 | CT_intro(x1) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "intro" 1 | CT_intro_after(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fNODE "intro_after" 2 | CT_intros(x1) -> fINTRO_PATT_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "intros" 1 | CT_intros_until(x1) -> fID_OR_INT x1 ++ fNODE "intros_until" 1 | CT_inversion(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fINV_TYPE x1 ++ fID_OR_INT x2 ++ fINTRO_PATT_OPT x3 ++ fID_LIST x4 ++ fNODE "inversion" 4 | CT_left(x1) -> fSPEC_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "left" 1 | CT_let_ltac(x1, x2) -> fLET_CLAUSES x1 ++ fLET_VALUE x2 ++ fNODE "let_ltac" 2 | CT_lettac(x1, x2, x3) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fCLAUSE x3 ++ fNODE "lettac" 3 | CT_match_context(x,l) -> fCONTEXT_RULE x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fCONTEXT_RULE l)) ++ fNODE "match_context" (1 + (List.length l)) | CT_match_context_reverse(x,l) -> fCONTEXT_RULE x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fCONTEXT_RULE l)) ++ fNODE "match_context_reverse" (1 + (List.length l)) | CT_match_tac(x1, x2) -> fTACTIC_COM x1 ++ fMATCH_TAC_RULES x2 ++ fNODE "match_tac" 2 | CT_move_after(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fNODE "move_after" 2 | CT_new_destruct(x1, x2, x3) -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fFORMULA_OR_INT x1)) ++ (* Julien F. Est-ce correct? *) fUSING x2 ++ fINTRO_PATT_OPT x3 ++ fNODE "new_destruct" 3 | CT_new_induction(x1, x2, x3) -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fFORMULA_OR_INT x1)) ++ (* Pierre C. Est-ce correct? *) fUSING x2 ++ fINTRO_PATT_OPT x3 ++ fNODE "new_induction" 3 | CT_omega -> fNODE "omega" 0 | CT_orelse(x1, x2) -> fTACTIC_COM x1 ++ fTACTIC_COM x2 ++ fNODE "orelse" 2 | CT_parallel(x,l) -> fTACTIC_COM x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTACTIC_COM l)) ++ fNODE "parallel" (1 + (List.length l)) | CT_pose(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "pose" 2 | CT_progress(x1) -> fTACTIC_COM x1 ++ fNODE "progress" 1 | CT_prolog(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA_LIST x1 ++ fINT x2 ++ fNODE "prolog" 2 | CT_rec_tactic_in(x1, x2) -> fREC_TACTIC_FUN_LIST x1 ++ fTACTIC_COM x2 ++ fNODE "rec_tactic_in" 2 | CT_reduce(x1, x2) -> fRED_COM x1 ++ fCLAUSE x2 ++ fNODE "reduce" 2 | CT_refine(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "refine" 1 | CT_reflexivity -> fNODE "reflexivity" 0 | CT_rename(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fNODE "rename" 2 | CT_repeat(x1) -> fTACTIC_COM x1 ++ fNODE "repeat" 1 | CT_replace_with(x1, x2,x3,x4) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fCLAUSE x3 ++ fTACTIC_OPT x4 ++ fNODE "replace_with" 4 | CT_rewrite_lr(x1, x2, x3) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fSPEC_LIST x2 ++ fCLAUSE x3 ++ fNODE "rewrite_lr" 3 | CT_rewrite_rl(x1, x2, x3) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fSPEC_LIST x2 ++ fCLAUSE x3 ++ fNODE "rewrite_rl" 3 | CT_right(x1) -> fSPEC_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "right" 1 | CT_ring(x1) -> fFORMULA_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "ring" 1 | CT_simple_user_tac(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fTACTIC_ARG_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "simple_user_tac" 2 | CT_simplify_eq(x1) -> fID_OR_INT_OPT x1 ++ fNODE "simplify_eq" 1 | CT_specialize(x1, x2, x3) -> fINT_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fSPEC_LIST x3 ++ fNODE "specialize" 3 | CT_split(x1) -> fSPEC_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "split" 1 | CT_subst(x1) -> fID_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "subst" 1 | CT_superauto(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fINT_OPT x1 ++ fID_LIST x2 ++ fDESTRUCTING x3 ++ fUSINGTDB x4 ++ fNODE "superauto" 4 | CT_symmetry(x1) -> fCLAUSE x1 ++ fNODE "symmetry" 1 | CT_tac_double(x1, x2) -> fID_OR_INT x1 ++ fID_OR_INT x2 ++ fNODE "tac_double" 2 | CT_tacsolve(x,l) -> fTACTIC_COM x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTACTIC_COM l)) ++ fNODE "tacsolve" (1 + (List.length l)) | CT_tactic_fun(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT_NE_LIST x1 ++ fTACTIC_COM x2 ++ fNODE "tactic_fun" 2 | CT_then(x,l) -> fTACTIC_COM x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTACTIC_COM l)) ++ fNODE "then" (1 + (List.length l)) | CT_transitivity(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "transitivity" 1 | CT_trivial -> fNODE "trivial" 0 | CT_trivial_with(x1) -> fID_NE_LIST_OR_STAR x1 ++ fNODE "trivial_with" 1 | CT_truecut(x1, x2) -> fID_OPT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "truecut" 2 | CT_try(x1) -> fTACTIC_COM x1 ++ fNODE "try" 1 | CT_use(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "use" 1 | CT_use_inversion(x1, x2, x3) -> fID_OR_INT x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fID_LIST x3 ++ fNODE "use_inversion" 3 | CT_user_tac(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fTARG_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "user_tac" 2 and fTACTIC_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_TACTIC_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TACTIC_OPT x -> fTACTIC_COM x and fTAC_DEF = function | CT_tac_def(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fTACTIC_COM x2 ++ fNODE "tac_def" 2 and fTAC_DEF_NE_LIST = function | CT_tac_def_ne_list(x,l) -> fTAC_DEF x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTAC_DEF l)) ++ fNODE "tac_def_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fTARG = function | CT_coerce_BINDING_to_TARG x -> fBINDING x | CT_coerce_COFIXTAC_to_TARG x -> fCOFIXTAC x | CT_coerce_FIXTAC_to_TARG x -> fFIXTAC x | CT_coerce_FORMULA_OR_INT_to_TARG x -> fFORMULA_OR_INT x | CT_coerce_PATTERN_to_TARG x -> fPATTERN x | CT_coerce_SCOMMENT_CONTENT_to_TARG x -> fSCOMMENT_CONTENT x | CT_coerce_SIGNED_INT_LIST_to_TARG x -> fSIGNED_INT_LIST x | CT_coerce_SINGLE_OPTION_VALUE_to_TARG x -> fSINGLE_OPTION_VALUE x | CT_coerce_SPEC_LIST_to_TARG x -> fSPEC_LIST x | CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TARG x -> fTACTIC_COM x | CT_coerce_TARG_LIST_to_TARG x -> fTARG_LIST x | CT_coerce_UNFOLD_to_TARG x -> fUNFOLD x | CT_coerce_UNFOLD_NE_LIST_to_TARG x -> fUNFOLD_NE_LIST x and fTARG_LIST = function | CT_targ_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTARG l)) ++ fNODE "targ_list" (List.length l) and fTERM_CHANGE = function | CT_check_term(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "check_term" 1 | CT_inst_term(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "inst_term" 2 and fTEXT = function | CT_coerce_ID_to_TEXT x -> fID x | CT_text_formula(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "text_formula" 1 | CT_text_h l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTEXT l)) ++ fNODE "text_h" (List.length l) | CT_text_hv l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTEXT l)) ++ fNODE "text_hv" (List.length l) | CT_text_op l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTEXT l)) ++ fNODE "text_op" (List.length l) | CT_text_path(x1) -> fSIGNED_INT_LIST x1 ++ fNODE "text_path" 1 | CT_text_v l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fTEXT l)) ++ fNODE "text_v" (List.length l) and fTHEOREM_GOAL = function | CT_goal(x1) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fNODE "goal" 1 | CT_theorem_goal(x1, x2, x3, x4) -> fDEFN_OR_THM x1 ++ fID x2 ++ fBINDER_LIST x3 ++ fFORMULA x4 ++ fNODE "theorem_goal" 4 and fTHM = function | CT_thm x -> fATOM "thm" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fTHM_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_THM_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_coerce_THM_to_THM_OPT x -> fTHM x and fTYPED_FORMULA = function | CT_typed_formula(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fFORMULA x2 ++ fNODE "typed_formula" 2 and fUNFOLD = function | CT_coerce_ID_to_UNFOLD x -> fID x | CT_unfold_occ(x1, x2) -> fID x1 ++ fINT_NE_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "unfold_occ" 2 and fUNFOLD_NE_LIST = function | CT_unfold_ne_list(x,l) -> fUNFOLD x ++ (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fUNFOLD l)) ++ fNODE "unfold_ne_list" (1 + (List.length l)) and fUSING = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_USING x -> fNONE x | CT_using(x1, x2) -> fFORMULA x1 ++ fSPEC_LIST x2 ++ fNODE "using" 2 and fUSINGTDB = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_USINGTDB x -> fNONE x | CT_usingtdb -> fNODE "usingtdb" 0 and fVAR = function | CT_var x -> fATOM "var" ++ (f_atom_string x) ++ str "\n" and fVARG = function | CT_coerce_AST_to_VARG x -> fAST x | CT_coerce_AST_LIST_to_VARG x -> fAST_LIST x | CT_coerce_BINDER_to_VARG x -> fBINDER x | CT_coerce_BINDER_LIST_to_VARG x -> fBINDER_LIST x | CT_coerce_BINDER_NE_LIST_to_VARG x -> fBINDER_NE_LIST x | CT_coerce_FORMULA_LIST_to_VARG x -> fFORMULA_LIST x | CT_coerce_FORMULA_OPT_to_VARG x -> fFORMULA_OPT x | CT_coerce_FORMULA_OR_INT_to_VARG x -> fFORMULA_OR_INT x | CT_coerce_ID_OPT_OR_ALL_to_VARG x -> fID_OPT_OR_ALL x | CT_coerce_ID_OR_INT_OPT_to_VARG x -> fID_OR_INT_OPT x | CT_coerce_INT_LIST_to_VARG x -> fINT_LIST x | CT_coerce_SCOMMENT_CONTENT_to_VARG x -> fSCOMMENT_CONTENT x | CT_coerce_STRING_OPT_to_VARG x -> fSTRING_OPT x | CT_coerce_TACTIC_OPT_to_VARG x -> fTACTIC_OPT x | CT_coerce_VARG_LIST_to_VARG x -> fVARG_LIST x and fVARG_LIST = function | CT_varg_list l -> (List.fold_left (++) (mt()) ( fVARG l)) ++ fNODE "varg_list" (List.length l) and fVERBOSE_OPT = function | CT_coerce_NONE_to_VERBOSE_OPT x -> fNONE x | CT_verbose -> fNODE "verbose" 0 ;;