(* Polymorphic First-Order Logic (that is Why's input logic) *) type typ = | Tvar of string | Tid of string * typ list type term = | Cst of int | Plus of term * term | Moins of term * term | Mult of term * term | Div of term * term | App of string * term list and atom = | Eq of term * term | Le of term * term | Lt of term * term | Ge of term * term | Gt of term * term | Pred of string * term list and form = | Fatom of atom | Imp of form * form | Iff of form * form | And of form * form | Or of form * form | Not of form | Forall of string * typ * form | Exists of string * typ * form | True | False (* the integer indicates the number of type variables *) type decl = | DeclType of string * int | DeclFun of string * int * typ list * typ | DeclPred of string * int * typ list | Axiom of string * form type query = decl list * form (* prover result *) type prover_answer = | Valid of string option | Invalid | DontKnow | Timeout | NoAnswer | Failure of string