{ open Lexing open Pp open Util open Names open Tacmach open Dp_why open Tactics open Tacticals let debug = ref false let set_debug b = debug := b let buf = Buffer.create 1024 let string_of_global env ref = Libnames.string_of_qualid (Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_global env ref) let axioms = ref [] (* we cannot interpret the terms as we read them (since some lemmas may need other lemmas to be already interpreted) *) type lemma = { l_id : string; l_type : string; l_proof : string } type zenon_proof = lemma list * string } let ident = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_' '0'-'9' '\'']+ let space = [' ' '\t' '\r'] rule start = parse | "(* BEGIN-PROOF *)" "\n" { scan lexbuf } | _ { start lexbuf } | eof { anomaly "malformed Zenon proof term" } (* here we read the lemmas and the main proof term; meanwhile we maintain the set of axioms that were used *) and scan = parse | "Let" space (ident as id) space* ":" { let t = read_coq_term lexbuf in let p = read_lemma_proof lexbuf in let l,pr = scan lexbuf in { l_id = id; l_type = t; l_proof = p } :: l, pr } | "Definition theorem:" { let t = read_main_proof lexbuf in [], t } | _ | eof { anomaly "malformed Zenon proof term" } and read_coq_term = parse | "." "\n" { let s = Buffer.contents buf in Buffer.clear buf; s } | "coq__" (ident as id) (* a Why keyword renamed *) { Buffer.add_string buf id; read_coq_term lexbuf } | ("dp_axiom__" ['0'-'9']+) as id { axioms := id :: !axioms; Buffer.add_string buf id; read_coq_term lexbuf } | _ as c { Buffer.add_char buf c; read_coq_term lexbuf } | eof { anomaly "malformed Zenon proof term" } and read_lemma_proof = parse | "Proof" space { read_coq_term lexbuf } | _ | eof { anomaly "malformed Zenon proof term" } (* skip the main proof statement and then read its term *) and read_main_proof = parse | ":=" "\n" { read_coq_term lexbuf } | _ { read_main_proof lexbuf } | eof { anomaly "malformed Zenon proof term" } { let read_zenon_proof f = Buffer.clear buf; let c = open_in f in let lb = from_channel c in let p = start lb in close_in c; if not !debug then begin try Sys.remove f with _ -> () end; p let constr_of_string gl s = let parse_constr = Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Constr.constr in Constrintern.interp_constr (project gl) (pf_env gl) (parse_constr s) (* we are lazy here: we build strings containing Coq terms using a *) (* pretty-printer Fol -> Coq *) module Coq = struct open Format open Fol let rec print_list sep print fmt = function | [] -> () | [x] -> print fmt x | x :: r -> print fmt x; sep fmt (); print_list sep print fmt r let space fmt () = fprintf fmt "@ " let comma fmt () = fprintf fmt ",@ " let rec print_typ fmt = function | Tvar x -> fprintf fmt "%s" x | Tid ("int", []) -> fprintf fmt "Z" | Tid (x, []) -> fprintf fmt "%s" x | Tid (x, [t]) -> fprintf fmt "(%s %a)" x print_typ t | Tid (x,tl) -> fprintf fmt "(%s %a)" x (print_list comma print_typ) tl let rec print_term fmt = function | Cst n -> fprintf fmt "%d" n | Plus (a, b) -> fprintf fmt "@[(Zplus %a %a)@]" print_term a print_term b | Moins (a, b) -> fprintf fmt "@[(Zminus %a %a)@]" print_term a print_term b | Mult (a, b) -> fprintf fmt "@[(Zmult %a %a)@]" print_term a print_term b | Div (a, b) -> fprintf fmt "@[(Zdiv %a %a)@]" print_term a print_term b | App (id, []) -> fprintf fmt "%s" id | App (id, tl) -> fprintf fmt "@[(%s %a)@]" id print_terms tl and print_terms fmt tl = print_list space print_term fmt tl (* builds the text for "forall vars, f vars = t" *) let fun_def_axiom f vars t = let binder fmt (x,t) = fprintf fmt "(%s: %a)" x print_typ t in fprintf str_formatter "@[(forall %a, %s %a = %a)@]@." (print_list space binder) vars f (print_list space (fun fmt (x,_) -> pp_print_string fmt x)) vars print_term t; flush_str_formatter () end let prove_axiom id = match Dp_why.find_proof id with | Immediate t -> exact_check t | Fun_def (f, vars, ty, t) -> tclTHENS (fun gl -> let s = Coq.fun_def_axiom f vars t in if !debug then Format.eprintf "axiom fun def = %s@." s; let c = constr_of_string gl s in assert_tac true (Name (id_of_string id)) c gl) [tclTHEN intros reflexivity; tclIDTAC] let exact_string s gl = let c = constr_of_string gl s in exact_check c gl let interp_zenon_proof (ll,p) = let interp_lemma l gl = let ty = constr_of_string gl l.l_type in tclTHENS (assert_tac true (Name (id_of_string l.l_id)) ty) [exact_string l.l_proof; tclIDTAC] gl in tclTHEN (tclMAP interp_lemma ll) (exact_string p) let proof_from_file f = axioms := []; msgnl (str "proof_from_file " ++ str f); let zp = read_zenon_proof f in msgnl (str "proof term is " ++ str (snd zp)); tclTHEN (tclMAP prove_axiom !axioms) (interp_zenon_proof zp) }