(* Tests d'extraction *) Require ProgramsExtraction. Save State Ici "test extraction". (* exp *) Require exp. Write Caml File "exp" [ i_exp r_exp ]. (* exp_int *) Restore State Ici. Require exp_int. Write Caml File "exp_int" [ i_exp r_exp ]. (* fact *) Restore State Ici. Require fact. Initialize x with (S (S (S O))). Initialize y with O. Write Caml File "fact" [ factorielle ]. (* fact_int *) Restore State Ici. Require fact_int. Initialize x with `3`. Initialize y with `0`. Write Caml File "fact_int" [ factorielle ]. (* Handbook *) Restore State Ici. Require Handbook. Initialize X with `3`. Initialize Y with `3`. Initialize Z with `3`. Initialize N with `3`. Initialize S with `3`. Write Caml File "Handbook" [ pgm178 pgm186 pgm196 ].