(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* t1)*(t2->t2)*...). * [hashcons u x] is a function that hash-cons the sub-structures of x using * the hash-consing functions u provides. * [eq] is a comparison function. It is allowed to use physical equality * on the sub-terms hash-consed by the hashcons function. * [hash] is the hash function given to the Hashtbl.Make function * * Note that this module type coerces to the argument of Hashtbl.Make. *) module type HashconsedType = sig type t type u val hashcons : u -> t -> t val eq : t -> t -> bool val hash : t -> int end (** The output is a function [generate] such that [generate args] creates a hash-table of the hash-consed objects, together with [hcons], a function taking a table and an object, and hashcons it. For simplicity of use, we use the wrapper functions defined below. *) module type S = sig type t type u type table val generate : u -> table val hcons : table -> t -> t val stats : table -> Hashset.statistics end module Make (X : HashconsedType) : (S with type t = X.t and type u = X.u) = struct type t = X.t type u = X.u (* We create the type of hashtables for t, with our comparison fun. * An invariant is that the table never contains two entries equals * w.r.t (=), although the equality on keys is X.eq. This is * granted since we hcons the subterms before looking up in the table. *) module Htbl = Hashset.Make(X) type table = (Htbl.t * u) let generate u = let tab = Htbl.create 97 in (tab, u) let hcons (tab, u) x = let y = X.hashcons u x in Htbl.repr (X.hash y) y tab let stats (tab, _) = Htbl.stats tab end (* A few useful wrappers: * takes as argument the function [generate] above and build a function of type * u -> t -> t that creates a fresh table each time it is applied to the * sub-hcons functions. *) (* For non-recursive types it is quite easy. *) let simple_hcons h f u = let table = h u in fun x -> f table x (* For a recursive type T, we write the module of sig Comp with u equals * to (T -> T) * u0 * The first component will be used to hash-cons the recursive subterms * The second one to hashcons the other sub-structures. * We just have to take the fixpoint of h *) let recursive_hcons h f u = let loop = ref (fun _ -> assert false) in let self x = !loop x in let table = h (self, u) in let hrec x = f table x in let () = loop := hrec in hrec (* Basic hashcons modules for string and obj. Integers do not need be hashconsed. *) module type HashedType = sig type t val hash : t -> int end (* list *) module Hlist (D:HashedType) = Make( struct type t = D.t list type u = (t -> t) * (D.t -> D.t) let hashcons (hrec,hdata) = function | x :: l -> hdata x :: hrec l | l -> l let eq l1 l2 = l1 == l2 || match l1, l2 with | [], [] -> true | x1::l1, x2::l2 -> x1==x2 && l1==l2 | _ -> false let rec hash accu = function | [] -> accu | x :: l -> let accu = Hashset.Combine.combine (D.hash x) accu in hash accu l let hash l = hash 0 l end) (* string *) module Hstring = Make( struct type t = string type u = unit let hashcons () s =(* incr accesstr;*) s [@@@ocaml.warning "-3"] (* [@@noalloc] since 4.03.0 GPR#240 *) external eq : string -> string -> bool = "caml_string_equal" "noalloc" [@@@ocaml.warning "+3"] (** Copy from CString *) let rec hash len s i accu = if i = len then accu else let c = Char.code (String.unsafe_get s i) in hash len s (succ i) (accu * 19 + c) let hash s = let len = String.length s in hash len s 0 0 end)