(*  v      *   The Coq Proof Assistant  /  The Coq Development Team     *)
(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
(*   \VV/  **************************************************************)
(*    //   *      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)
(*         *       GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1        *)

(*i $Id: modops.ml 9872 2007-05-30 16:01:18Z soubiran $ i*)

open Util
open Pp
open Names
open Univ
open Term
open Declarations
open Environ

let error_not_a_constant l = 
  error ("\""^(string_of_label l)^"\" is not a constant")

let error_not_a_functor _ = error "Application of not a functor"

let error_incompatible_modtypes _ _ = error "Incompatible module types"

let error_not_equal _ _ = error "Not equal modules"

let error_not_match l _ =
  error ("Signature components for label "^string_of_label l^" do not match")

let error_no_such_label l = error ("No such label "^string_of_label l)

let error_no_such_label_sub l l1 l2 =
  let l1 = string_of_msid l1 in
  let l2 = string_of_msid l2 in
  error (l1^" is not a subtype of "^l2^".\nThe field "^
         string_of_label l^" is missing (or invisible) in "^l1^".")

let error_not_a_module_loc loc s = 
  user_err_loc (loc,"",str ("\""^string_of_label s^"\" is not a module"))

let error_not_a_module s = error_not_a_module_loc dummy_loc s

let error_with_incorrect l =
  error ("Incorrect constraint for label \""^(string_of_label l)^"\"")

let error_a_generative_module_expected l =
  error ("The module " ^ string_of_label l ^ " is not generative. Only " ^
         "component of generative modules can be changed using the \"with\" " ^

let error_signature_expected mtb =
  error "Signature expected"

let error_application_to_not_path _ = error "Application to not path"

let module_body_of_type mtb = 
  { mod_type = Some mtb.typ_expr;
    mod_expr = None;
    mod_constraints = Constraint.empty;
    mod_alias = mtb.typ_alias;
    mod_retroknowledge = []}

let module_type_of_module mp mb =
  {typ_expr = 
      (match mb.mod_type with
	| Some expr -> expr
	| None -> (match mb.mod_expr with
		     | Some expr -> expr
		     | None -> 
			 anomaly "Modops: empty expr and type"));
   typ_alias = mb.mod_alias;
   typ_strength = mp

let rec list_split_assoc k rev_before = function
  | [] -> raise Not_found
  | (k',b)::after when k=k' -> rev_before,b,after
  | h::tail -> list_split_assoc k (h::rev_before) tail

let path_of_seb = function
  | SEBident mp -> mp
  | _ -> anomaly "Modops: evaluation failed."

let destr_functor env mtb =
  match mtb with
  | SEBfunctor (arg_id,arg_t,body_t) ->
  | _ -> error_not_a_functor mtb

let rec check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2 = 
  if mp1=mp2 then () else
  let mp1 = scrape_alias mp1 env in
  let mp2 = scrape_alias mp2 env in
    if mp1=mp2 then ()
      error_not_equal mp1 mp2

let strengthen_const env mp l cb = 
  match cb.const_opaque, cb.const_body with
  | false, Some _ -> cb
  | true, Some _ 
  | _, None -> 
      let const = Const (make_con mp empty_dirpath l) in 
      let const_subs = Some (Declarations.from_val const) in
	{cb with 
      	   const_body = const_subs;
	   const_opaque = false

let strengthen_mind env mp l mib = match mib.mind_equiv with
  | Some _ -> mib
  | None -> {mib with mind_equiv = Some (make_kn mp empty_dirpath l)}

let rec eval_struct env = function 
  | SEBident mp -> 
	let mtb =lookup_modtype mp env in
	match mtb.typ_expr,mtb.typ_strength with
	    mtb,None -> eval_struct env mtb
	  | mtb,Some mp -> strengthen_mtb env mp (eval_struct env mtb)
  | SEBapply (seb1,seb2,_) -> 
      let svb1 = eval_struct env seb1 in
      let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor env svb1 in
      let mp = path_of_seb seb2 in
      let mp = scrape_alias mp env in
      let sub_alias = (lookup_modtype mp env).typ_alias in
      let sub_alias = match eval_struct env (SEBident mp) with
	  | SEBstruct (msid,sign) -> subst_key (map_msid msid mp) sub_alias
	  | _ -> sub_alias in
      let sub_alias = update_subst_alias sub_alias 
	(map_mbid farg_id mp) in
	eval_struct env (subst_struct_expr 
			   (join sub_alias (map_mbid farg_id mp)) fbody_b)
  | SEBwith (mtb,(With_definition_body _ as wdb)) ->
      merge_with env mtb wdb empty_subst
  | SEBwith (mtb, (With_module_body (_,mp,_,_) as wdb)) ->
      let alias_in_mp =
	(lookup_modtype mp env).typ_alias in
	merge_with env mtb wdb alias_in_mp
(*  | SEBfunctor(mbid,mtb,body) -> 
      let env = add_module (MPbound mbid) (module_body_of_type mtb) env in
	SEBfunctor(mbid,mtb,eval_struct env body) *)
  | mtb -> mtb
and type_of_mb env mb =
  match mb.mod_type,mb.mod_expr with
      None,Some b -> eval_struct env b
    | Some t, _ -> eval_struct env t
    | _,_ -> anomaly 
	"Modops:  empty type and empty expr" 
and merge_with env mtb with_decl alias= 
  let msid,sig_b = match (eval_struct env mtb) with 
    | SEBstruct(msid,sig_b) -> msid,sig_b
    | _ -> error_signature_expected mtb
  let id,idl = match with_decl with 
    | With_definition_body (id::idl,_) | With_module_body (id::idl,_,_,_) -> id,idl
    | With_definition_body ([],_) | With_module_body ([],_,_,_) -> assert false
  let l = label_of_id id in
      let rev_before,spec,after = list_split_assoc l [] sig_b in
      let before = List.rev rev_before in
      let rec mp_rec = function
	| [] -> MPself msid
	| i::r -> MPdot(mp_rec r,label_of_id i)
      let new_spec,subst = match with_decl with
        | With_definition_body ([],_)
        | With_module_body ([],_,_,_) -> assert false
	| With_definition_body ([id],c) -> 
	    SFBconst c,None
	| With_module_body ([id], mp,typ_opt,cst) ->
	    let mp' = scrape_alias mp env in
	      SFBalias (mp,typ_opt,Some cst),
	    Some(join (map_mp (mp_rec [id]) mp') alias)
	| With_definition_body (_::_,_) 
        | With_module_body (_::_,_,_,_) -> 
	    let old = match spec with
		SFBmodule msb -> msb
	      | _ -> error_not_a_module l
            let new_with_decl,subst1 = 
	      match with_decl with
                  With_definition_body (_,c) -> With_definition_body (idl,c),None
		| With_module_body (idc,mp,t,cst) -> 
		    With_module_body (idl,mp,t,cst),
		      Some(map_mp (mp_rec idc) mp) 
	    let subst = Option.fold_right join subst1 alias in
            let modtype = 
              merge_with env (type_of_mb env old) new_with_decl alias in
            let msb =
	      { mod_expr = None;
		mod_type = Some modtype; 
		mod_constraints = old.mod_constraints;
		mod_alias = subst;
		mod_retroknowledge = old.mod_retroknowledge}
	      (SFBmodule msb),Some subst
	SEBstruct(msid,  before@(l,new_spec)::
		    (Option.fold_right subst_structure subst after))
	Not_found -> error_no_such_label l

and add_signature mp sign env = 
  let add_one env (l,elem) =
    let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
    let con = make_con mp empty_dirpath l in
      match elem with
	| SFBconst cb -> Environ.add_constant con cb env
	| SFBmind mib -> Environ.add_mind kn mib env
	| SFBmodule mb -> 
	    add_module (MPdot (mp,l)) mb env 
	      (* adds components as well *)
	| SFBalias (mp1,_,cst) -> 
	    Environ.register_alias (MPdot(mp,l)) mp1 env
	| SFBmodtype mtb -> Environ.add_modtype (MPdot(mp,l)) 
	    mtb env
    List.fold_left add_one env sign

and add_module mp mb env = 
  let env = Environ.shallow_add_module mp mb env in
  let env =
    Environ.add_modtype mp (module_type_of_module (Some mp) mb) env
  let mod_typ = type_of_mb env mb in
    match mod_typ with
      | SEBstruct (msid,sign) -> 
	  add_signature mp (subst_signature_msid msid mp sign) env
      | SEBfunctor _ -> env
      | _ -> anomaly "Modops:the evaluation of the structure failed "

and  constants_of_specification env mp sign =
 let aux (env,res) (l,elem) =
  match elem with
   | SFBconst cb -> env,((make_con mp empty_dirpath l),cb)::res
   | SFBmind _ -> env,res
   | SFBmodule mb ->
       let new_env =  add_module (MPdot (mp,l)) mb env in 
       new_env,(constants_of_modtype env (MPdot (mp,l))
		   (type_of_mb env mb)) @ res
   | SFBalias (mp1,_,cst) ->
       let new_env =  register_alias (MPdot (mp,l)) mp1 env in 
       new_env,(constants_of_modtype env (MPdot (mp,l))
		   (eval_struct env (SEBident mp1))) @ res
   | SFBmodtype mtb -> 
       (* module type dans un module type. 
	  Il faut au moins mettre mtb dans l'environnement (avec le bon 
	  kn pour pouvoir continuer aller deplier les modules utilisant ce 
	  Module Type T1. 
	  Module Type T2.
    	    End T2.
            Declare Module M : T2.
         End T2 
	  si on ne rajoute pas T2 dans l'environement de typage 
	  on va exploser au moment du Declare Module
       let new_env = Environ.add_modtype (MPdot(mp,l)) mtb env in 
       new_env, (constants_of_modtype env (MPdot(mp,l)) mtb.typ_expr) @ res
 snd (List.fold_left aux (env,[]) sign)

and constants_of_modtype env mp modtype =
  match (eval_struct env modtype) with
      SEBstruct (msid,sign) ->
	constants_of_specification env mp
	  (subst_signature_msid msid mp sign)
    | SEBfunctor _ -> []
    | _ -> anomaly "Modops:the evaluation of the structure failed "
and strengthen_mtb env mp mtb =
  let mtb1 = eval_struct env mtb in 
  match  mtb1 with
  | SEBfunctor _ -> mtb1
  | SEBstruct (msid,sign) -> 
      SEBstruct (msid,strengthen_sig env msid sign mp)
  | _ -> anomaly "Modops:the evaluation of the structure failed "

and strengthen_mod env mp mb = 
  let mod_typ = type_of_mb env mb in
    { mod_expr = mb.mod_expr;
      mod_type = Some (strengthen_mtb env mp mod_typ);
      mod_constraints = mb.mod_constraints;
      mod_alias = mb.mod_alias;
      mod_retroknowledge = mb.mod_retroknowledge}
and strengthen_sig env msid sign mp = match sign with
  | [] -> []
  | (l,SFBconst cb) :: rest ->
      let item' = l,SFBconst (strengthen_const env mp l cb) in
      let rest' = strengthen_sig env msid rest mp in
  | (l,SFBmind mib) :: rest ->
      let item' = l,SFBmind (strengthen_mind env mp l mib) in
      let rest' = strengthen_sig env msid rest mp in
  | (l,SFBmodule mb) :: rest ->
      let mp' = MPdot (mp,l) in
	let item' = l,SFBmodule (strengthen_mod env mp' mb) in
	let env' = add_module 
	  (MPdot (MPself msid,l)) mb env in
        let rest' = strengthen_sig env' msid rest mp in
	item':: rest'
  | ((l,SFBalias (mp1,_,cst)) as item) :: rest ->
      let env' = register_alias (MPdot(MPself msid,l)) mp1 env in
      let rest' = strengthen_sig env' msid rest mp in
  | (l,SFBmodtype mty as item) :: rest -> 
      let env' = add_modtype 
		   (MPdot((MPself msid),l)) 
      let rest' = strengthen_sig env' msid rest mp in

let strengthen env mtb mp = strengthen_mtb env mp mtb

let update_subst env mb mp =
  match type_of_mb env mb with
    | SEBstruct(msid,str) -> false, join_alias 
	(subst_key (map_msid msid mp) mb.mod_alias)
	(map_msid msid mp)
    | _ -> true, mb.mod_alias