(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* str "Theory: Set is impredicative" | None -> str "Theory: Set is predicative" let cst_filter f csts = Cmap.fold (fun c ce acc -> if f c ce then c::acc else acc) csts [] let is_ax _ cb = cb.const_body = None let pr_ax csts = let axs = cst_filter is_ax csts in if axs = [] then str "Axioms: " else hv 2 (str "Axioms:" ++ fnl() ++ prlist_with_sep fnl Indtypes.prcon axs) let print_context env = if !output_context then begin let {env_globals= {env_constants=csts; env_inductives=inds; env_modules=mods; env_modtypes=mtys}; env_stratification= {env_universes=univ; env_engagement=engt}} = env in msgnl(hov 0 (fnl() ++ str"CONTEXT SUMMARY" ++ fnl() ++ str"===============" ++ fnl() ++ fnl() ++ str "* " ++ hov 0 (pr_engt engt ++ fnl()) ++ fnl() ++ str "* " ++ hov 0 (pr_ax csts) ++ fnl())) end let stats () = print_context (Safe_typing.get_env()); print_memory_stat ()