THE COQ V8 SYSTEM ================= This file contains remarks specific to the windows port of Coq. INSTALLATION. ============= The Coq package for Windows comes with an auto-installer. It will install Coq binaries and libraries under any directory you specify (C:\Coq is the default path). It also creates shortcuts in the Windows menus. Binaries, like coqc.exe, are in the bin sub-directory of the installation (C:\Coq\bin by default). COMPILATION. ============ If you want to install coq, you had better transfer the precompiled distribution. If you really need to recompile under Windows, here are some indications: 1- Install cygwin and the wget package See: 2- Download and unzip in C:\ the SDK for windows See: 3- From the cygwin prompt type . /cygdrive/c/CoqSDK-85-1/environ The first time the script installs the C toolchain. 4- Then Coq can be compiled as follows: ./configure -local make 5- To build the installer, type: dev/ The Coq Team.