path: root/translate/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'translate/')
1 files changed, 1123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translate/ b/translate/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..246253eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate/
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 20:48:17 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Nametab
+open Util
+open Extend
+open Vernacexpr
+open Ppconstrnew
+open Pptacticnew
+open Rawterm
+open Coqast
+open Genarg
+open Pcoq
+open Ast
+open Libnames
+open Ppextend
+open Topconstr
+open Decl_kinds
+open Tacinterp
+let pr_spc_type = pr_sep_com spc pr_type
+let pr_lident (b,_ as loc,id) =
+ if loc <> dummy_loc then
+ let (b,_) = unloc loc in
+ pr_located pr_id (make_loc (b,b+String.length(string_of_id id)),id)
+ else pr_id id
+let pr_lname = function
+ (loc,Name id) -> pr_lident (loc,id)
+ | lna -> pr_located pr_name lna
+let pr_ltac_id id = Nameops.pr_id (id_of_ltac_v7_id id)
+let pr_module r =
+ let update_ref s = match r with
+ | Ident (loc,_) ->
+ Ident (loc,id_of_string s)
+ | Qualid (loc,qid) ->
+ Qualid (loc,make_qualid (fst (repr_qualid qid)) (id_of_string s)) in
+ let (_,dir,_) =
+ try
+ Library.locate_qualified_library (snd (qualid_of_reference r))
+ with _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "" (str"Translator cannot find " ++ Libnames.pr_reference r)
+ in
+ let r = match List.rev ( string_of_id (repr_dirpath dir)) with
+ | [ "Coq"; "Lists"; "List" ] -> update_ref "MonoList"
+ | [ "Coq"; "Lists"; "PolyList" ] -> update_ref "List"
+ | _ -> r in
+ Libnames.pr_reference r
+let pr_import_module =
+ (* We assume List is never imported with "Import" ... *)
+ Libnames.pr_reference
+let pr_reference = Ppconstrnew.pr_reference
+let sep_end () = str"."
+(* Warning: [pr_raw_tactic] globalises and fails if globalisation fails *)
+let pr_raw_tactic_env l env t =
+ Pptacticnew.pr_raw_tactic env t
+let pr_raw_tactic_env l env t =
+ Pptacticnew.pr_glob_tactic env (Tacinterp.glob_tactic_env l env t)
+let pr_gen env t =
+ Pptactic.pr_raw_generic (Ppconstrnew.pr_constr_env env)
+ (Ppconstrnew.pr_lconstr_env env)
+ (Pptacticnew.pr_raw_tactic env) pr_reference t
+let pr_raw_tactic tac =
+ pr_raw_tactic_env [] (Global.env()) tac
+let rec extract_signature = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | Egrammar.TacNonTerm (_,(_,t),_) :: l -> t :: extract_signature l
+ | _::l -> extract_signature l
+let rec match_vernac_rule tys = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (s,pargs)::rls ->
+ if extract_signature pargs = tys then (s,pargs)
+ else match_vernac_rule tys rls
+let sep = fun _ -> spc()
+let sep_p = fun _ -> str"."
+let sep_v = fun _ -> str","
+let sep_v2 = fun _ -> str"," ++ spc()
+let sep_pp = fun _ -> str":"
+let pr_ne_sep sep pr = function
+ [] -> mt()
+ | l -> sep() ++ pr l
+let pr_entry_prec = function
+ | Some Gramext.LeftA -> str"LEFTA "
+ | Some Gramext.RightA -> str"RIGHTA "
+ | Some Gramext.NonA -> str"NONA "
+ | None -> mt()
+let pr_prec = function
+ | Some Gramext.LeftA -> str", left associativity"
+ | Some Gramext.RightA -> str", right associativity"
+ | Some Gramext.NonA -> str", no associativity"
+ | None -> mt()
+let pr_set_entry_type = function
+ | ETIdent -> str"ident"
+ | ETReference -> str"global"
+ | ETPattern -> str"pattern"
+ | ETConstr _ -> str"constr"
+ | ETOther (_,e) -> str e
+ | ETBigint -> str "bigint"
+ | ETConstrList _ -> failwith "Internal entry type"
+let pr_non_terminal = function
+ | NtQual (u,nt) -> (* no more qualified entries *) str nt
+ | NtShort "constrarg" -> str "constr"
+ | NtShort nt -> str nt
+let strip_meta id =
+ let s = string_of_id id in
+ if s.[0]='$' then id_of_string (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1))
+ else id
+let pr_production_item = function
+ | VNonTerm (loc,nt,Some p) -> pr_non_terminal nt ++ str"(" ++ pr_id (strip_meta p) ++ str")"
+ | VNonTerm (loc,nt,None) -> pr_non_terminal nt
+ | VTerm s -> qsnew s
+let pr_comment pr_c = function
+ | CommentConstr c -> pr_c c
+ | CommentString s -> qsnew s
+ | CommentInt n -> int n
+let pr_in_out_modules = function
+ | SearchInside l -> spc() ++ str"inside" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_module l
+ | SearchOutside [] -> mt()
+ | SearchOutside l -> spc() ++ str"outside" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_module l
+let pr_search_about = function
+ | SearchRef r -> pr_reference r
+ | SearchString s -> qsnew s
+let pr_search a b pr_p = match a with
+ | SearchHead qid -> str"Search" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference qid ++ pr_in_out_modules b
+ | SearchPattern c -> str"SearchPattern" ++ spc() ++ pr_p c ++ pr_in_out_modules b
+ | SearchRewrite c -> str"SearchRewrite" ++ spc() ++ pr_p c ++ pr_in_out_modules b
+ | SearchAbout sl -> str"SearchAbout" ++ spc() ++ str "[" ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_search_about sl ++ str "]" ++ pr_in_out_modules b
+let pr_locality local = if local then str "Local " else str ""
+let pr_explanation imps = function
+ | ExplByPos n -> pr_id (Impargs.name_of_implicit (List.nth imps (n-1)))
+ | ExplByName id -> pr_id id
+let pr_class_rawexpr = function
+ | FunClass -> str"Funclass"
+ | SortClass -> str"Sortclass"
+ | RefClass qid -> pr_reference qid
+let pr_option_ref_value = function
+ | QualidRefValue id -> pr_reference id
+ | StringRefValue s -> qsnew s
+let pr_printoption a b = match a with
+ | Goptions.PrimaryTable table -> str table ++ pr_opt (prlist_with_sep sep pr_option_ref_value) b
+ | Goptions.SecondaryTable (table,field) -> str table ++ spc() ++ str field ++ pr_opt (prlist_with_sep sep pr_option_ref_value) b
+let pr_set_option a b =
+ let pr_opt_value = function
+ | IntValue n -> spc() ++ int n
+ | StringValue s -> spc() ++ str s
+ | BoolValue b -> mt()
+ in pr_printoption a None ++ pr_opt_value b
+let pr_topcmd _ = str"(* <Warning> : No printer for toplevel commands *)"
+let pr_destruct_location = function
+ | Tacexpr.ConclLocation () -> str"Conclusion"
+ | Tacexpr.HypLocation b -> if b then str"Discardable Hypothesis" else str"Hypothesis"
+let pr_opt_hintbases l = match l with
+ | [] -> mt()
+ | _ as z -> str":" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep sep str z
+let pr_hints local db h pr_c pr_pat =
+ let opth = pr_opt_hintbases db in
+ let pr_aux = function
+ | CAppExpl (_,(_,qid),[]) -> pr_reference qid
+ | _ -> mt () in
+ let pph =
+ match h with
+ | HintsResolve l ->
+ str "Resolve " ++
+ prlist_with_sep sep pr_c ( snd l)
+ | HintsImmediate l ->
+ str"Immediate" ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep sep pr_c ( snd l)
+ | HintsUnfold l ->
+ str "Unfold " ++
+ prlist_with_sep sep pr_reference ( snd l)
+ | HintsConstructors (n,c) ->
+ str"Constructors" ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pr_reference c
+ | HintsExtern (name,n,c,tac) ->
+ str "Extern" ++ spc() ++ int n ++ spc() ++ pr_pat c ++ str" =>" ++
+ spc() ++ pr_raw_tactic tac
+ | HintsDestruct(name,i,loc,c,tac) ->
+ str "Destruct " ++ pr_id name ++ str" :=" ++ spc() ++
+ hov 0 (int i ++ spc() ++ pr_destruct_location loc ++ spc() ++
+ pr_c c ++ str " =>") ++ spc() ++
+ pr_raw_tactic tac in
+ hov 2 (str"Hint "++pr_locality local ++ pph ++ opth)
+let pr_with_declaration pr_c = function
+ | CWith_Definition (id,c) ->
+ let p = pr_c c in
+ str"Definition" ++ spc() ++ pr_lident id ++ str" := " ++ p
+ | CWith_Module (id,qid) ->
+ str"Module" ++ spc() ++ pr_lident id ++ str" := " ++
+ pr_located pr_qualid qid
+let rec pr_module_type pr_c = function
+ | CMTEident qid -> spc () ++ pr_located pr_qualid qid
+ | CMTEwith (mty,decl) ->
+ let m = pr_module_type pr_c mty in
+ let p = pr_with_declaration pr_c decl in
+ m ++ spc() ++ str"with" ++ spc() ++ p
+let pr_of_module_type prc (mty,b) =
+ str (if b then ":" else "<:") ++
+ pr_module_type prc mty
+let pr_module_vardecls pr_c (idl,mty) =
+ let m = pr_module_type pr_c mty in
+ (* Update the Nametab for interpreting the body of module/modtype *)
+ let lib_dir = Lib.library_dp() in
+ List.iter (fun (_,id) ->
+ Declaremods.process_module_bindings [id]
+ [make_mbid lib_dir (string_of_id id),
+ Modintern.interp_modtype (Global.env()) mty]) idl;
+ (* Builds the stream *)
+ spc() ++
+ hov 1 (str"(" ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_lident idl ++ str":" ++ m ++ str")")
+let pr_module_binders l pr_c =
+ (* Effet de bord complexe pour garantir la declaration des noms des
+ modules parametres dans la Nametab des l'appel de pr_module_binders
+ malgre l'aspect paresseux des streams *)
+ let ml = (pr_module_vardecls pr_c) l in
+ prlist (fun id -> id) ml
+let pr_module_binders_list l pr_c = pr_module_binders l pr_c
+let rec pr_module_expr = function
+ | CMEident qid -> pr_located pr_qualid qid
+ | CMEapply (me1,(CMEident _ as me2)) ->
+ pr_module_expr me1 ++ spc() ++ pr_module_expr me2
+ | CMEapply (me1,me2) ->
+ pr_module_expr me1 ++ spc() ++
+ hov 1 (str"(" ++ pr_module_expr me2 ++ str")")
+let pr_opt_casted_constr pr_c = function
+ | CCast (loc,c,t) -> pr_c c ++ str":" ++ pr_c t
+ | _ as c -> pr_c c
+let pr_type_option pr_c = function
+ | CHole loc -> mt()
+ | _ as c -> brk(0,2) ++ str":" ++ pr_c c
+let without_translation f x =
+ let old = Options.do_translate () in
+ let oldv7 = !Options.v7 in
+ Options.make_translate false;
+ try let r = f x in Options.make_translate old; Options.v7:=oldv7; r
+ with e -> Options.make_translate old; Options.v7:=oldv7; raise e
+let pr_decl_notation prc =
+ pr_opt (fun (ntn,c,scopt) -> fnl () ++
+ str "where " ++ qsnew ntn ++ str " := " ++ without_translation prc c ++
+ pr_opt (fun sc -> str ": " ++ str sc) scopt)
+let pr_vbinders l =
+ hv 0 (pr_binders l)
+let pr_binders_arg =
+ pr_ne_sep spc pr_binders
+let pr_and_type_binders_arg bl =
+ let bl, _ = pr_lconstr_env_n (Global.env()) false bl (CHole dummy_loc) in
+ pr_binders_arg bl
+let pr_onescheme (id,dep,ind,s) =
+ hov 0 (pr_lident id ++ str" :=") ++ spc() ++
+ hov 0 ((if dep then str"Induction for" else str"Minimality for")
+ ++ spc() ++ pr_reference ind) ++ spc() ++
+ hov 0 (str"Sort" ++ spc() ++ pr_sort s)
+let begin_of_inductive = function
+ [] -> 0
+ | (_,((loc,_),_))::_ -> fst (unloc loc)
+let pr_class_rawexpr = function
+ | FunClass -> str"Funclass"
+ | SortClass -> str"Sortclass"
+ | RefClass qid -> pr_reference qid
+let pr_assumption_token many = function
+ | (Local,Logical) ->
+ str (if many then "Hypotheses" else "Hypothesis")
+ | (Local,Definitional) ->
+ str (if many then "Variables" else "Variable")
+ | (Global,Logical) ->
+ str (if many then "Axioms" else "Axiom")
+ | (Global,Definitional) ->
+ str (if many then "Parameters" else "Parameter")
+ | (Global,Conjectural) -> str"Conjecture"
+ | (Local,Conjectural) ->
+ anomaly "Don't know how to translate a local conjecture"
+let pr_params pr_c (xl,(c,t)) =
+ hov 2 (prlist_with_sep sep pr_lident xl ++ spc() ++
+ (if c then str":>" else str":" ++
+ spc() ++ pr_c t))
+let rec factorize = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (c,(idl,t))::l ->
+ match factorize l with
+ | (xl,t')::l' when t' = (c,t) -> (idl@xl,t')::l'
+ | l' -> (idl,(c,t))::l'
+let pr_ne_params_list pr_c l =
+ match factorize l with
+ | [p] -> pr_params pr_c p
+ | l ->
+ prlist_with_sep spc
+ (fun p -> hov 1 (str "(" ++ pr_params pr_c p ++ str ")")) l
+ prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon (pr_params pr_c)
+let pr_thm_token = function
+ | Theorem -> str"Theorem"
+ | Lemma -> str"Lemma"
+ | Fact -> str"Fact"
+ | Remark -> str"Remark"
+let pr_require_token = function
+ | Some true -> str " Export"
+ | Some false -> str " Import"
+ | None -> mt()
+let pr_syntax_modifier = function
+ | SetItemLevel (l,NextLevel) ->
+ prlist_with_sep sep_v2 str l ++
+ spc() ++ str"at next level"
+ | SetItemLevel (l,NumLevel n) ->
+ prlist_with_sep sep_v2 str l ++
+ spc() ++ str"at level" ++ spc() ++ int n
+ | SetLevel n -> str"at level" ++ spc() ++ int n
+ | SetAssoc Gramext.LeftA -> str"left associativity"
+ | SetAssoc Gramext.RightA -> str"right associativity"
+ | SetAssoc Gramext.NonA -> str"no associativity"
+ | SetEntryType (x,typ) -> str x ++ spc() ++ pr_set_entry_type typ
+ | SetOnlyParsing -> str"only parsing"
+ | SetFormat s -> str"format " ++ pr_located qsnew s
+let pr_syntax_modifiers = function
+ | [] -> mt()
+ | l -> spc() ++
+ hov 1 (str"(" ++ prlist_with_sep sep_v2 pr_syntax_modifier l ++ str")")
+let pr_grammar_tactic_rule (name,(s,pil),t) =
+ hov 0 (
+ (* str name ++ spc() ++ *)
+ hov 0 (str"[" ++ qsnew s ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep sep pr_production_item pil ++ str"]") ++
+ spc() ++ hov 0 (str"->" ++ spc() ++ str"[" ++ pr_raw_tactic t ++ str"]"))
+ hov 2 (str "Tactic Notation" ++ spc() ++
+ hov 0 (qsnew s ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_production_item pil ++
+ spc() ++ str":=" ++ spc() ++ pr_raw_tactic t))
+let pr_box b = let pr_boxkind = function
+ | PpHB n -> str"h" ++ spc() ++ int n
+ | PpVB n -> str"v" ++ spc() ++ int n
+ | PpHVB n -> str"hv" ++ spc() ++ int n
+ | PpHOVB n -> str"hov" ++ spc() ++ int n
+ | PpTB -> str"t"
+in str"<" ++ pr_boxkind b ++ str">"
+let pr_paren_reln_or_extern = function
+ | None,L -> str"L"
+ | None,E -> str"E"
+ | Some pprim,Any -> qsnew pprim
+ | Some pprim,Prec p -> qsnew pprim ++ spc() ++ str":" ++ spc() ++ int p
+ | _ -> mt()
+let rec pr_next_hunks = function
+ | UNP_FNL -> str"FNL"
+ | UNP_TAB -> str"TAB"
+ | RO c -> qsnew c
+ | UNP_BOX (b,ll) -> str"[" ++ pr_box b ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_next_hunks ll ++ str"]"
+ | UNP_BRK (n,m) -> str"[" ++ int n ++ spc() ++ int m ++ str"]"
+ | UNP_TBRK (n,m) -> str"[ TBRK" ++ int n ++ spc() ++ int m ++ str"]"
+ | PH (e,None,_) -> print_ast e
+ | PH (e,Some ext,pr) -> print_ast e ++ spc() ++ str":" ++ spc() ++ pr_paren_reln_or_extern (Some ext,pr)
+ | UNP_SYMBOLIC _ -> mt()
+let pr_unparsing u =
+ str "[ " ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_next_hunks u ++ str " ]"
+let pr_astpat a = str"<<" ++ print_ast a ++ str">>"
+let pr_syntax_rule (nm,s,u) = str nm ++ spc() ++ str"[" ++ pr_astpat s ++ str"]" ++ spc() ++ str"->" ++ spc() ++ pr_unparsing u
+let pr_syntax_entry (p,rl) =
+ str"level" ++ spc() ++ int p ++ str" :" ++ fnl() ++
+ prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> fnl() ++ str"| ") pr_syntax_rule rl
+let pr_vernac_solve (i,env,tac,deftac) =
+ (if i = 1 then mt() else int i ++ str ": ") ++
+ Pptacticnew.pr_glob_tactic env tac
+ ++ (try if deftac & Pfedit.get_end_tac() <> None then str ".." else mt ()
+ with UserError _|Stdpp.Exc_located _ -> mt())
+(* Pretty printer for vernac commands *)
+let make_pr_vernac pr_constr pr_lconstr =
+let pr_constrarg c = spc () ++ pr_constr c in
+let pr_lconstrarg c = spc () ++ pr_lconstr c in
+let pr_intarg n = spc () ++ int n in
+let rec pr_vernac = function
+ (* Proof management *)
+ | VernacAbortAll -> str "Abort All"
+ | VernacRestart -> str"Restart"
+ | VernacSuspend -> str"Suspend"
+ | VernacUnfocus -> str"Unfocus"
+ | VernacGoal c -> str"Goal" ++ pr_lconstrarg c
+ | VernacAbort id -> str"Abort" ++ pr_opt pr_lident id
+ | VernacResume id -> str"Resume" ++ pr_opt pr_lident id
+ | VernacUndo i -> if i=1 then str"Undo" else str"Undo" ++ pr_intarg i
+ | VernacFocus i -> str"Focus" ++ pr_opt int i
+ | VernacGo g ->
+ let pr_goable = function
+ | GoTo i -> int i
+ | GoTop -> str"top"
+ | GoNext -> str"next"
+ | GoPrev -> str"prev"
+ in str"Go" ++ spc() ++ pr_goable g
+ | VernacShow s ->
+ let pr_showable = function
+ | ShowGoal n -> str"Show" ++ pr_opt int n
+ | ShowGoalImplicitly n -> str"Show Implicit Arguments" ++ pr_opt int n
+ | ShowProof -> str"Show Proof"
+ | ShowNode -> str"Show Node"
+ | ShowScript -> str"Show Script"
+ | ShowExistentials -> str"Show Existentials"
+ | ShowTree -> str"Show Tree"
+ | ShowProofNames -> str"Show Conjectures"
+ | ShowIntros b -> str"Show " ++ (if b then str"Intros" else str"Intro")
+ | ExplainProof l -> str"Explain Proof" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep sep int l
+ | ExplainTree l -> str"Explain Proof Tree" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep sep int l
+ in pr_showable s
+ | VernacCheckGuard -> str"Guarded"
+ | VernacDebug b -> pr_topcmd b
+ (* Resetting *)
+ | VernacResetName id -> str"Reset" ++ spc() ++ pr_lident id
+ | VernacResetInitial -> str"Reset Initial"
+ | VernacBack i -> if i=1 then str"Back" else str"Back" ++ pr_intarg i
+ (* State management *)
+ | VernacWriteState s -> str"Write State" ++ spc () ++ qsnew s
+ | VernacRestoreState s -> str"Restore State" ++ spc() ++ qsnew s
+ (* Control *)
+ | VernacList l ->
+ hov 2 (str"[" ++ spc() ++
+ prlist (fun v -> pr_located pr_vernac v ++ sep_end () ++ fnl()) l
+ ++ spc() ++ str"]")
+ | VernacLoad (f,s) -> str"Load" ++ if f then (spc() ++ str"Verbose"
+ ++ spc()) else spc() ++ qsnew s
+ | VernacTime v -> str"Time" ++ spc() ++ pr_vernac v
+ | VernacVar id -> pr_lident id
+ (* Syntax *)
+ | VernacGrammar _ ->
+ msgerrnl (str"Warning : constr Grammar is discontinued; use Notation");
+ str"(* <Warning> : Grammar is replaced by Notation *)"
+ | VernacTacticGrammar l ->
+ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> sep_end() ++ fnl()) pr_grammar_tactic_rule l
+ hov 1 (str"Grammar tactic simple_tactic :=" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> brk(1,1) ++ str"|") pr_grammar_tactic_rule l) (***)
+ | VernacSyntax (u,el) ->
+ msgerrnl (str"Warning : Syntax is discontinued; use Notation");
+ str"(* <Warning> : Syntax is discontinued" ++
+ fnl () ++
+ hov 1 (str"Syntax " ++ str u ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep sep_v2 pr_syntax_entry el) ++
+ str " *)"
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope (local,opening,sc) ->
+ str (if opening then "Open " else "Close ") ++ pr_locality local ++
+ str "Scope" ++ spc() ++ str sc
+ | VernacDelimiters (sc,key) ->
+ str"Delimit Scope" ++ spc () ++ str sc ++
+ spc() ++ str "with " ++ str key
+ | VernacBindScope (sc,cll) ->
+ str"Bind Scope" ++ spc () ++ str sc ++
+ spc() ++ str "with " ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_class_rawexpr cll
+ | VernacArgumentsScope (q,scl) -> let pr_opt_scope = function
+ | None -> str"_"
+ | Some sc -> str sc in
+ str"Arguments Scope" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference q ++ spc() ++ str"[" ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_opt_scope scl ++ str"]"
+ | VernacInfix (local,(s,_),q,ov8,sn) -> (* A Verifier *)
+ let s,mv8 = match ov8 with Some smv8 -> smv8 | None -> (s,[]) in
+ hov 0 (hov 0 (str"Infix " ++ pr_locality local
+ ++ qsnew s ++ str " :=" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference q) ++
+ pr_syntax_modifiers mv8 ++
+ (match sn with
+ | None -> mt()
+ | Some sc -> spc() ++ str":" ++ spc() ++ str sc))
+ | VernacDistfix (local,a,p,s,q,sn) ->
+ hov 0 (str"Distfix " ++ pr_locality local ++ pr_entry_prec a ++ int p
+ ++ spc() ++ qsnew s ++ spc() ++ pr_reference q ++ (match sn with
+ | None -> mt()
+ | Some sc -> spc() ++ str":" ++ spc() ++ str sc))
+ | VernacNotation (local,c,sl,mv8,opt) ->
+ let (s,l) = match mv8 with
+ None -> fst (out_some sl), []
+ | Some ml -> ml in
+ let ps =
+ let n = String.length s in
+ if n > 2 & s.[0] = '\'' & s.[n-1] = '\''
+ then
+ let s' = String.sub s 1 (n-2) in
+ if String.contains s' '\'' then qsnew s else str s'
+ else qsnew s in
+ hov 2( str"Notation" ++ spc() ++ pr_locality local ++ ps ++
+ str " :=" ++ pr_constrarg c ++ pr_syntax_modifiers l ++
+ (match opt with
+ | None -> mt()
+ | Some sc -> str" :" ++ spc() ++ str sc))
+ | VernacSyntaxExtension (local,sl,mv8) ->
+ let (s,l) = match mv8 with
+ None -> out_some sl
+ | Some ml -> ml in
+ str"Reserved Notation" ++ spc() ++ pr_locality local ++ qsnew s ++
+ pr_syntax_modifiers l
+ (* Gallina *)
+ | VernacDefinition (d,id,b,f) -> (* A verifier... *)
+ let pr_def_token = function
+ | Local, Coercion -> str"Coercion Local"
+ | Global, Coercion -> str"Coercion"
+ | Local, Definition -> str"Let"
+ | Global, Definition -> str"Definition"
+ | Local, SubClass -> str"Local SubClass"
+ | Global, SubClass -> str"SubClass"
+ | Global, CanonicalStructure -> str"Canonical Structure"
+ | Local, CanonicalStructure ->
+ anomaly "Don't know how to translate a local canonical structure" in
+ let pr_reduce = function
+ | None -> mt()
+ | Some r ->
+ str"Eval" ++ spc() ++
+ pr_red_expr (pr_constr, pr_lconstr, pr_reference) r ++
+ str" in" ++ spc() in
+ let mkLambdaCit = List.fold_right (fun (x,a) b -> mkLambdaC(x,a,b)) in
+ let mkProdCit = List.fold_right (fun (x,a) b -> mkProdC(x,a,b)) in
+ let pr_def_body = function
+ | DefineBody (bl,red,c,d) ->
+ let (bl2,body,ty) = match d with
+ | None ->
+ let bl2,body = extract_lam_binders c in
+ (bl2,body,mt())
+ | Some ty ->
+ let bl2,body,ty' = extract_def_binders c ty in
+ (bl2,CCast (dummy_loc,body,ty'),
+ spc() ++ str":" ++
+ pr_sep_com spc
+ (pr_type_env_n (Global.env()) (bl@bl2)) ty') in
+ let iscast = d <> None in
+ let bindings,ppred =
+ pr_lconstr_env_n (Global.env()) iscast (bl@bl2) body in
+ (pr_binders_arg bindings,ty,Some (pr_reduce red ++ ppred))
+ | ProveBody (bl,t) ->
+ (pr_and_type_binders_arg bl, str" :" ++ pr_spc_type t, None)
+ in
+ let (binds,typ,c) = pr_def_body b in
+ hov 2 (pr_def_token d ++ spc() ++ pr_lident id ++ binds ++ typ ++
+ (match c with
+ | None -> mt()
+ | Some cc -> str" :=" ++ spc() ++ cc))
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof (ki,id,(bl,c),b,d) ->
+ hov 1 (pr_thm_token ki ++ spc() ++ pr_lident id ++ spc() ++
+ (match bl with
+ | [] -> mt()
+ | _ -> error "Statements with local binders no longer supported")
+ ++ str":" ++ pr_spc_type (rename_bound_variables (snd id) c))
+ | VernacEndProof Admitted -> str"Admitted"
+ | VernacEndProof (Proved (opac,o)) -> (match o with
+ | None -> if opac then str"Qed" else str"Defined"
+ | Some (id,th) -> (match th with
+ | None -> (if opac then str"Save" else str"Defined") ++ spc() ++ pr_lident id
+ | Some tok -> str"Save" ++ spc() ++ pr_thm_token tok ++ spc() ++ pr_lident id))
+ | VernacExactProof c ->
+ hov 2 (str"Proof" ++ pr_lconstrarg c)
+ | VernacAssumption (stre,l) ->
+ hov 2
+ (pr_assumption_token (List.length l > 1) stre ++ spc() ++
+ pr_ne_params_list pr_type l)
+ | VernacInductive (f,l) ->
+ (* Copie simplifiée de pour recalculer les implicites, *)
+ (* les notations, et le contexte d'evaluation *)
+ let lparams = match l with [] -> assert false | (_,_,la,_,_)::_ -> la in
+ let nparams = local_binders_length lparams
+ and sigma = Evd.empty
+ and env0 = Global.env() in
+ let (env_params,params) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (env,params) d -> match d with
+ | LocalRawAssum (nal,t) ->
+ let t = Constrintern.interp_type sigma env t in
+ let ctx = list_map_i (fun i (_,na) -> (na,None,Term.lift i t)) 0 nal
+ in let ctx = List.rev ctx in
+ (Environ.push_rel_context ctx env, ctx@params)
+ | LocalRawDef ((_,na),c) ->
+ let c = Constrintern.judgment_of_rawconstr sigma env c in
+ let d = (na, Some c.Environ.uj_val, c.Environ.uj_type) in
+ (Environ.push_rel d env,d::params))
+ (env0,[]) lparams in
+ let (ind_env,ind_impls,arityl) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (env, ind_impls, arl) ((_,recname), _, _, arityc, _) ->
+ let arity = Constrintern.interp_type sigma env_params arityc in
+ let fullarity = Termops.it_mkProd_or_LetIn arity params in
+ let env' = Termops.push_rel_assum (Name recname,fullarity) env in
+ let impls =
+ if Impargs.is_implicit_args()
+ then Impargs.compute_implicits false env_params fullarity
+ else [] in
+ (env', (recname,impls)::ind_impls, (arity::arl)))
+ (env0, [], []) l
+ in
+ let lparnames = (fun (na,_,_) -> na) params in
+ let notations =
+ List.fold_right (fun (_,ntnopt,_,_,_) l ->option_cons ntnopt l) l [] in
+ let ind_env_params = Environ.push_rel_context params ind_env in
+ let lparnames = (fun (na,_,_) -> na) params in
+ let impl =
+ (fun ((_,recname),_,_,arityc,_) ->
+ let arity = Constrintern.interp_type sigma env_params arityc in
+ let fullarity =
+ Termops.prod_it arity ( (fun (id,_,ty) -> (id,ty)) params)
+ in
+ let impl_in =
+ if Impargs.is_implicit_args()
+ then Impargs.compute_implicits false env_params fullarity
+ else [] in
+ let impl_out =
+ if Impargs.is_implicit_args_out()
+ then Impargs.compute_implicits true env_params fullarity
+ else [] in
+ (recname,impl_in,impl_out)) l in
+ let impls_in = (fun (id,a,_) -> (id,a)) impl in
+ let impls_out = (fun (id,_,a) -> (id,a)) impl in
+ Constrintern.set_temporary_implicits_in impls_in;
+ Constrextern.set_temporary_implicits_out impls_out;
+ (* Fin calcul implicites *)
+ let pr_constructor (coe,(id,c)) =
+ hov 2 (pr_lident id ++ str" " ++
+ (if coe then str":>" else str":") ++
+ pr_sep_com spc (pr_type_env_n ind_env_params []) c) in
+ let pr_constructor_list l = match l with
+ | [] -> mt()
+ | _ ->
+ pr_com_at (begin_of_inductive l) ++
+ fnl() ++
+ str (if List.length l = 1 then " " else " | ") ++
+ prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> fnl() ++ str" | ") pr_constructor l in
+ let pr_oneind key (id,ntn,indpar,s,lc) =
+ hov 0 (
+ str key ++ spc() ++
+ pr_lident id ++ pr_and_type_binders_arg indpar ++ spc() ++ str":" ++
+ spc() ++ pr_type s ++
+ str" :=") ++ pr_constructor_list lc ++
+ pr_decl_notation pr_constr ntn in
+ (* Copie simplifiée de pour déclarer les notations locales *)
+ List.iter (fun (df,c,scope) ->
+ Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation df [] c scope) notations;
+ hov 1 (pr_oneind (if f then "Inductive" else "CoInductive") (List.hd l))
+ ++
+ (prlist (fun ind -> fnl() ++ hov 1 (pr_oneind "with" ind)) ( l))
+ | VernacFixpoint recs ->
+ (* Copie simplifiée de pour recalculer les implicites *)
+ (* les notations, et le contexte d'evaluation *)
+ let sigma = Evd.empty
+ and env0 = Global.env() in
+ let notations =
+ List.fold_right (fun (_,ntnopt) l -> option_cons ntnopt l) recs [] in
+ let impl =
+ (fun ((recname,_, bl, arityc,_),_) ->
+ let arity =
+ Constrintern.interp_type sigma env0
+ (prod_constr_expr arityc bl) in
+ let impl_in =
+ if Impargs.is_implicit_args()
+ then Impargs.compute_implicits false env0 arity
+ else [] in
+ let impl_out =
+ if Impargs.is_implicit_args_out()
+ then Impargs.compute_implicits true env0 arity
+ else [] in
+ (recname,impl_in,impl_out)) recs in
+ let impls_in = (fun (id,a,_) -> (id,a)) impl in
+ let impls_out = (fun (id,_,a) -> (id,a)) impl in
+ Constrintern.set_temporary_implicits_in impls_in;
+ Constrextern.set_temporary_implicits_out impls_out;
+ (* Copie simplifiée de pour déclarer les notations locales *)
+ List.iter (fun (df,c,scope) ->
+ Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation df [] c None) notations;
+ let rec_sign =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env ((recname,_,bl,arityc,_),_) ->
+ let arity =
+ Constrintern.interp_type sigma env0
+ (prod_constr_expr arityc bl) in
+ Environ.push_named (recname,None,arity) env)
+ (Global.env()) recs in
+ let name_of_binder = function
+ | LocalRawAssum (nal,_) -> nal
+ | LocalRawDef (_,_) -> [] in
+ let pr_onerec = function
+ | (id,n,bl,type_,def),ntn ->
+ let (bl',def,type_) =
+ if Options.do_translate() then extract_def_binders def type_
+ else ([],def,type_) in
+ let bl = bl @ bl' in
+ let ids = List.flatten ( name_of_binder bl) in
+ let name =
+ try snd (List.nth ids n)
+ with Failure _ ->
+ warn (str "non-printable fixpoint \""++pr_id id++str"\"");
+ Anonymous in
+ let annot =
+ if List.length ids > 1 then
+ spc() ++ str "{struct " ++ pr_name name ++ str"}"
+ else mt() in
+ let bl,ppc =
+ pr_lconstr_env_n rec_sign true bl (CCast(dummy_loc,def,type_)) in
+ pr_id id ++ pr_binders_arg bl ++ annot ++ spc()
+ ++ pr_type_option (fun c -> spc() ++ pr_type c) type_
+ ++ str" :=" ++ brk(1,1) ++ ppc ++
+ pr_decl_notation pr_constr ntn
+ in
+ hov 1 (str"Fixpoint" ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> fnl() ++ fnl() ++ str"with ") pr_onerec recs)
+ | VernacCoFixpoint corecs ->
+ let pr_onecorec (id,bl,c,def) =
+ let (bl',def,c) =
+ if Options.do_translate() then extract_def_binders def c
+ else ([],def,c) in
+ let bl = bl @ bl' in
+ pr_id id ++ spc() ++ pr_binders bl ++ spc() ++ str":" ++
+ spc() ++ pr_type c ++
+ str" :=" ++ brk(1,1) ++ pr_lconstr def in
+ hov 1 (str"CoFixpoint" ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> fnl() ++ str"with ") pr_onecorec corecs)
+ | VernacScheme l ->
+ hov 2 (str"Scheme" ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> fnl() ++ str"with ") pr_onescheme l)
+ (* Gallina extensions *)
+ | VernacRecord (b,(oc,name),ps,s,c,fs) ->
+ let pr_record_field = function
+ | (oc,AssumExpr (id,t)) ->
+ hov 1 (pr_lname id ++
+ (if oc then str" :>" else str" :") ++ spc() ++
+ pr_type t)
+ | (oc,DefExpr(id,b,opt)) -> (match opt with
+ | Some t ->
+ hov 1 (pr_lname id ++
+ (if oc then str" :>" else str" :") ++ spc() ++
+ pr_type t ++ str" :=" ++ pr_lconstr b)
+ | None ->
+ hov 1 (pr_lname id ++ str" :=" ++ spc() ++
+ pr_lconstr b)) in
+ hov 2
+ (str (if b then "Record" else "Structure") ++
+ (if oc then str" > " else str" ") ++ pr_lident name ++
+ pr_and_type_binders_arg ps ++ str" :" ++ spc() ++ pr_type s ++
+ str" := " ++
+ (match c with
+ | None -> mt()
+ | Some sc -> pr_lident sc) ++
+ spc() ++ str"{" ++
+ hv 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon pr_record_field fs ++ str"}"))
+ | VernacBeginSection id -> hov 2 (str"Section" ++ spc () ++ pr_lident id)
+ | VernacEndSegment id -> hov 2 (str"End" ++ spc() ++ pr_lident id)
+ | VernacRequire (exp,spe,l) -> hov 2
+ (str "Require" ++ pr_require_token exp ++ spc() ++
+ (match spe with
+ | None -> mt()
+ | Some flag ->
+ (if flag then str"Specification" else str"Implementation") ++
+ spc ()) ++
+ prlist_with_sep sep pr_module l)
+ | VernacImport (f,l) ->
+ (if f then str"Export" else str"Import") ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep sep pr_import_module l
+ | VernacCanonical q -> str"Canonical Structure" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference q
+ | VernacCoercion (s,id,c1,c2) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ str"Coercion" ++ (match s with | Local -> spc() ++
+ str"Local" ++ spc() | Global -> spc()) ++
+ pr_reference id ++ spc() ++ str":" ++ spc() ++ pr_class_rawexpr c1 ++
+ spc() ++ str">->" ++ spc() ++ pr_class_rawexpr c2)
+ | VernacIdentityCoercion (s,id,c1,c2) ->
+ hov 1 (
+ str"Identity Coercion" ++ (match s with | Local -> spc() ++
+ str"Local" ++ spc() | Global -> spc()) ++ pr_lident id ++
+ spc() ++ str":" ++ spc() ++ pr_class_rawexpr c1 ++ spc() ++ str">->" ++
+ spc() ++ pr_class_rawexpr c2)
+ (* Modules and Module Types *)
+ | VernacDefineModule (m,bl,ty,bd) ->
+ let b = pr_module_binders_list bl pr_lconstr in
+ hov 2 (str"Module " ++ pr_lident m ++ b ++
+ pr_opt (pr_of_module_type pr_lconstr) ty ++
+ pr_opt (fun me -> str ":= " ++ pr_module_expr me) bd)
+ | VernacDeclareModule (id,bl,m1,m2) ->
+ let b = pr_module_binders_list bl pr_lconstr in
+ hov 2 (str"Declare Module " ++ pr_lident id ++ b ++
+ pr_opt (pr_of_module_type pr_lconstr) m1 ++
+ pr_opt (fun me -> str ":= " ++ pr_module_expr me) m2)
+ | VernacDeclareModuleType (id,bl,m) ->
+ let b = pr_module_binders_list bl pr_lconstr in
+ hov 2 (str"Module Type " ++ pr_lident id ++ b ++
+ pr_opt (fun mt -> str ":= " ++ pr_module_type pr_lconstr mt) m)
+ (* Solving *)
+ | VernacSolve (i,tac,deftac) ->
+ (* Normally shunted by *)
+ let env =
+ try snd (Pfedit.get_goal_context i)
+ with UserError _ -> Global.env() in
+ let tac =
+ Options.with_option Options.translate_syntax
+ (Constrintern.for_grammar (Tacinterp.glob_tactic_env [] env)) tac in
+ pr_vernac_solve (i,env,tac,deftac)
+ | VernacSolveExistential (i,c) ->
+ str"Existential " ++ int i ++ pr_lconstrarg c
+ (* Auxiliary file and library management *)
+ | VernacRequireFrom (exp,spe,f) -> hov 2
+ (str"Require " ++ pr_require_token exp ++ spc() ++
+ (match spe with
+ | None -> mt()
+ | Some false -> str"Implementation" ++ spc()
+ | Some true -> str"Specification" ++ spc ()) ++
+ qsnew f)
+ | VernacAddLoadPath (fl,s,d) -> hov 2
+ (str"Add" ++
+ (if fl then str" Rec " else spc()) ++
+ str"LoadPath" ++ spc() ++ qsnew s ++
+ (match d with
+ | None -> mt()
+ | Some dir -> spc() ++ str"as" ++ spc() ++ pr_dirpath dir))
+ | VernacRemoveLoadPath s -> str"Remove LoadPath" ++ qsnew s
+ | VernacAddMLPath (fl,s) ->
+ str"Add" ++ (if fl then str" Rec " else spc()) ++ str"ML Path" ++ qsnew s
+ | VernacDeclareMLModule l ->
+ hov 2 (str"Declare ML Module" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep sep qsnew l)
+ | VernacChdir s -> str"Cd" ++ pr_opt qsnew s
+ (* Commands *)
+ | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition (rc,l) ->
+ let pr_tac_body (id, body) =
+ let idl, body =
+ match body with
+ | Tacexpr.TacFun (idl,b) -> idl,b
+ | _ -> [], body in
+ pr_located pr_ltac_id id ++
+ prlist (function None -> str " _"
+ | Some id -> spc () ++ pr_id id) idl
+ ++ str" :=" ++ brk(1,1) ++
+ let idl = out_some (List.filter (fun x -> not (x=None)) idl)in
+ pr_raw_tactic_env
+ (idl @ snd ( fst l))
+ (Global.env())
+ body in
+ hov 1
+ (((*if !Options.p1 then
+ (if rc then str "Recursive " else mt()) ++
+ str "Tactic Definition " else*)
+ (* Rec by default *) str "Ltac ") ++
+ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> fnl() ++ str"with ") pr_tac_body l)
+ | VernacHints (local,dbnames,h) ->
+ pr_hints local dbnames h pr_constr pr_pattern
+ | VernacSyntacticDefinition (id,c,local,onlyparsing) ->
+ hov 2
+ (str"Notation " ++ pr_locality local ++ pr_id id ++ str" :=" ++
+ pr_constrarg c ++
+ pr_syntax_modifiers (if onlyparsing then [SetOnlyParsing] else []))
+ | VernacDeclareImplicits (q,None) ->
+ hov 2 (str"Implicit Arguments" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference q)
+ | VernacDeclareImplicits (q,Some l) ->
+ let r = q in
+ Impargs.declare_manual_implicits r l;
+ let imps = Impargs.implicits_of_global r in
+ hov 1 (str"Implicit Arguments" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference q ++ spc() ++
+ str"[" ++ prlist_with_sep sep (pr_explanation imps) l ++ str"]")
+ | VernacReserve (idl,c) ->
+ hov 1 (str"Implicit Type" ++
+ str (if List.length idl > 1 then "s " else " ") ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pr_lident idl ++ str " :" ++ spc () ++ pr_type c)
+ | VernacSetOpacity (fl,l) ->
+ hov 1 ((if fl then str"Opaque" else str"Transparent") ++
+ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_reference l)
+ | VernacSetOption (Goptions.SecondaryTable ("Implicit","Arguments"),BoolValue true) ->
+ str"Set Implicit Arguments"
+ ++
+ (if !Options.translate_strict_impargs then
+ sep_end () ++ fnl () ++ str"Unset Strict Implicit"
+ else mt ())
+ | VernacUnsetOption (Goptions.SecondaryTable ("Implicit","Arguments"))
+ | VernacSetOption (Goptions.SecondaryTable ("Implicit","Arguments"),BoolValue false) ->
+ (if !Options.translate_strict_impargs then
+ str"Set Strict Implicit" ++ sep_end () ++ fnl ()
+ else mt ())
+ ++
+ str"Unset Implicit Arguments"
+ | VernacSetOption (Goptions.SecondaryTable (a,"Implicits"),BoolValue true) ->
+ str("Set "^a^" Implicit")
+ | VernacUnsetOption (Goptions.SecondaryTable (a,"Implicits")) ->
+ str("Unset "^a^" Implicit")
+ | VernacUnsetOption na ->
+ hov 1 (str"Unset" ++ spc() ++ pr_printoption na None)
+ | VernacSetOption (na,v) -> hov 2 (str"Set" ++ spc() ++ pr_set_option na v)
+ | VernacAddOption (na,l) -> hov 2 (str"Add" ++ spc() ++ pr_printoption na (Some l))
+ | VernacRemoveOption (na,l) -> hov 2 (str"Remove" ++ spc() ++ pr_printoption na (Some l))
+ | VernacMemOption (na,l) -> hov 2 (str"Test" ++ spc() ++ pr_printoption na (Some l))
+ | VernacPrintOption na -> hov 2 (str"Test" ++ spc() ++ pr_printoption na None)
+ | VernacCheckMayEval (r,io,c) ->
+ let pr_mayeval r c = match r with
+ | Some r0 ->
+ hov 2 (str"Eval" ++ spc() ++
+ pr_red_expr (pr_constr,pr_lconstr,pr_reference) r0 ++
+ spc() ++ str"in" ++ spc () ++ pr_constr c)
+ | None -> hov 2 (str"Check" ++ spc() ++ pr_constr c)
+ in
+ (if io = None then mt() else int (out_some io) ++ str ": ") ++
+ pr_mayeval r c
+ | VernacGlobalCheck c -> hov 2 (str"Type" ++ pr_constrarg c)
+ | VernacPrint p ->
+ let pr_printable = function
+ | PrintFullContext -> str"Print All"
+ | PrintSectionContext s ->
+ str"Print Section" ++ spc() ++ Libnames.pr_reference s
+ | PrintGrammar (uni,ent) ->
+ msgerrnl (str "warning: no direct translation of Print Grammar entry");
+ str"Print Grammar" ++ spc() ++ str ent
+ | PrintLoadPath -> str"Print LoadPath"
+ | PrintModules -> str"Print Modules"
+ | PrintMLLoadPath -> str"Print ML Path"
+ | PrintMLModules -> str"Print ML Modules"
+ | PrintGraph -> str"Print Graph"
+ | PrintClasses -> str"Print Classes"
+ | PrintCoercions -> str"Print Coercions"
+ | PrintCoercionPaths (s,t) -> str"Print Coercion Paths" ++ spc() ++ pr_class_rawexpr s ++ spc() ++ pr_class_rawexpr t
+ | PrintTables -> str"Print Tables"
+ | PrintOpaqueName qid -> str"Print Term" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference qid
+ | PrintHintGoal -> str"Print Hint"
+ | PrintHint qid -> str"Print Hint" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference qid
+ | PrintHintDb -> str"Print Hint *"
+ | PrintHintDbName s -> str"Print HintDb" ++ spc() ++ str s
+ | PrintUniverses fopt -> str"Dump Universes" ++ pr_opt str fopt
+ | PrintName qid -> str"Print" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference qid
+ | PrintLocalContext -> assert false
+ (* str"Print" *)
+ | PrintModuleType qid -> str"Print Module Type" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference qid
+ | PrintModule qid -> str"Print Module" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference qid
+ | PrintInspect n -> str"Inspect" ++ spc() ++ int n
+ | PrintScopes -> str"Print Scopes"
+ | PrintScope s -> str"Print Scope" ++ spc() ++ str s
+ | PrintVisibility s -> str"Print Visibility" ++ pr_opt str s
+ | PrintAbout qid -> str"About" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference qid
+ | PrintImplicit qid -> str"Print Implicit" ++ spc() ++ pr_reference qid
+ in pr_printable p
+ | VernacSearch (sea,sea_r) -> pr_search sea sea_r pr_pattern
+ | VernacLocate loc ->
+ let pr_locate =function
+ | LocateTerm qid -> pr_reference qid
+ | LocateFile f -> str"File" ++ spc() ++ qsnew f
+ | LocateLibrary qid -> str"Library" ++ spc () ++ pr_module qid
+ | LocateNotation s -> qsnew s
+ in str"Locate" ++ spc() ++ pr_locate loc
+ | VernacComments l ->
+ hov 2
+ (str"Comments" ++ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep sep (pr_comment pr_constr) l)
+ | VernacNop -> mt()
+ (* Toplevel control *)
+ | VernacToplevelControl exn -> pr_topcmd exn
+ (* For extension *)
+ | VernacExtend (s,c) -> pr_extend s c
+ | VernacV7only _ -> mt()
+ | VernacV8only com -> pr_vernac com
+ | VernacProof Tacexpr.TacId _ -> str "Proof"
+ | VernacProof te -> str "Proof with" ++ spc() ++ pr_raw_tactic te
+and pr_extend s cl =
+ let pr_arg a =
+ try pr_gen (Global.env()) a
+ with Failure _ -> str ("<error in "^s^">") in
+ try
+ (* Hack pour les syntaxes changeant non uniformément en passant a la V8 *)
+ let s =
+ let n = String.length s in
+ if Options.do_translate() & n > 2 & String.sub s (n-2) 2 = "V7"
+ then String.sub s 0 (n-2) ^ "V8"
+ else s in
+ (* "Hint Rewrite in using" changes the order of its args in v8 !! *)
+ let cl = match s, cl with
+ | "HintRewriteV8", [a;b;c;d] -> [a;b;d;c]
+ | _ -> cl in
+ let rls = List.assoc s (Egrammar.get_extend_vernac_grammars()) in
+ let (hd,rl) = match_vernac_rule ( Genarg.genarg_tag cl) rls in
+ let (pp,_) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (strm,args) pi ->
+ match pi with
+ Egrammar.TacNonTerm _ ->
+ (strm ++ pr_gen (Global.env()) (List.hd args),
+ args)
+ | Egrammar.TacTerm s -> (strm ++ spc() ++ str s, args))
+ (str hd,cl) rl in
+ hov 1 pp
+ ++ (if s = "Correctness" then sep_end () ++ fnl() ++ str "Proof" else mt())
+ with Not_found ->
+ hov 1 (str ("TODO("^s) ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_arg cl ++ str ")")
+in pr_vernac
+let pr_vernac = make_pr_vernac Ppconstrnew.pr_constr Ppconstrnew.pr_lconstr
+let pr_vernac = function
+ | VernacRequire (_,_,[Ident(_,r)]) when
+ (* Obsolete modules *)
+ List.mem (string_of_id r)
+ ["Refine"; "Inv"; "Equality"; "EAuto"; "AutoRewrite"; "EqDecide";
+ "Xml"; "Extraction"; "Tauto"; "Setoid_replace";"Elimdep";
+ "DatatypesSyntax"; "LogicSyntax"; "Logic_TypeSyntax";
+ "SpecifSyntax"; "PeanoSyntax"; "TypeSyntax"; "PolyListSyntax";
+ "Zsyntax"] ->
+ warning ("Forgetting obsolete module "^(string_of_id r));
+ mt()
+ | VernacRequire (exp,spe,[Ident(_,r)]) when
+ (* Renamed modules *)
+ List.mem (string_of_id r) ["zarith_aux";"fast_integer"] ->
+ warning ("Replacing obsolete module "^(string_of_id r)^" with ZArith");
+ (str "Require" ++ pr_require_token exp ++ spc() ++
+ (match spe with
+ | None -> mt()
+ | Some flag ->
+ (if flag then str"Specification" else str"Implementation") ++
+ spc ()) ++
+ str "ZArith.")
+ | VernacImport (false,[Libnames.Ident (_,a)]) when
+ (* Pour ceux qui ont utilisé la couche "Import *_scope" de compat *)
+ let a = Names.string_of_id a in
+ a = "nat_scope" or a = "Z_scope" or a = "R_scope" -> mt()
+ | VernacSyntax _ | VernacGrammar _ as x -> pr_vernac x
+ | VernacPrint PrintLocalContext ->
+ warning ("\"Print.\" is discontinued");
+ mt ()
+ | x -> pr_vernac x ++ sep_end ()