path: root/toplevel/whelp.ml4
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/whelp.ml4')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/whelp.ml4 b/toplevel/whelp.ml4
deleted file mode 100644
index daedc30f..00000000
--- a/toplevel/whelp.ml4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i camlp4deps: "grammar/grammar.cma" i*)
-open Flags
-open Pp
-open Errors
-open Names
-open Term
-open Glob_term
-open Libnames
-open Globnames
-open Nametab
-open Detyping
-open Constrintern
-open Dischargedhypsmap
-open Pfedit
-open Tacmach
-open Misctypes
-(* Coq interface to the Whelp query engine developed at
- the University of Bologna *)
-let whelp_server_name = ref ""
-let getter_server_name = ref ""
-open Goptions
-let _ =
- declare_string_option
- { optsync = false;
- optdepr = false;
- optname = "Whelp server";
- optkey = ["Whelp";"Server"];
- optread = (fun () -> !whelp_server_name);
- optwrite = (fun s -> whelp_server_name := s) }
-let _ =
- declare_string_option
- { optsync = false;
- optdepr = false;
- optname = "Whelp getter";
- optkey = ["Whelp";"Getter"];
- optread = (fun () -> !getter_server_name);
- optwrite = (fun s -> getter_server_name := s) }
-let make_whelp_request req c =
- !whelp_server_name ^ "/apply?xmluri=" ^ !getter_server_name ^ "/getempty&param.profile=firewall&profile=firewall&param.keys=d_c%2CC1%2CHC2%2CL&param.embedkeys=d_c%2CTC1%2CHC2%2CL&param.thkeys=T1%2CT2%2CL%2CE&param.prooftreekeys=HAT%2CG%2CHAO%2CL&" ^ c ^ "&param.action=" ^ req
-let b = Buffer.create 16
-let url_char c =
- if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' ||
- '0' <= c && c <= '9' || c ='.'
- then Buffer.add_char b c
- else Buffer.add_string b (Printf.sprintf "%%%2X" (Char.code c))
-let url_string s = String.iter url_char s
-let rec url_list_with_sep sep f = function
- | [] -> ()
- | [a] -> f a
- | a::l -> f a; url_string sep; url_list_with_sep sep f l
-let url_id id = url_string (Id.to_string id)
-let uri_of_dirpath dir =
- url_string "cic:/"; url_list_with_sep "/" url_id (List.rev dir)
-let error_whelp_unknown_reference ref =
- let qid = Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty ref in
- errorlabstrm ""
- (strbrk "Definitions of the current session, like " ++ pr_qualid qid ++
- strbrk ", are not supported in Whelp.")
-let uri_of_repr_kn ref (mp,dir,l) =
- match mp with
- | MPfile sl ->
- uri_of_dirpath (Label.to_id l :: DirPath.repr dir @ DirPath.repr sl)
- | _ ->
- error_whelp_unknown_reference ref
-let url_paren f l = url_char '('; f l; url_char ')'
-let url_bracket f l = url_char '['; f l; url_char ']'
-let whelp_of_glob_sort = function
- | GProp -> "Prop"
- | GSet -> "Set"
- | GType _ -> "Type"
-let uri_int n = Buffer.add_string b (string_of_int n)
-let uri_of_ind_pointer l =
- url_string ".ind#xpointer"; url_paren (url_list_with_sep "/" uri_int) l
-let uri_of_global ref =
- match ref with
- | VarRef id -> error ("Unknown Whelp reference: "^(Id.to_string id)^".")
- | ConstRef cst ->
- uri_of_repr_kn ref (repr_con cst); url_string ".con"
- | IndRef (kn,i) ->
- uri_of_repr_kn ref (repr_mind kn); uri_of_ind_pointer [1;i+1]
- | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) ->
- uri_of_repr_kn ref (repr_mind kn); uri_of_ind_pointer [1;i+1;j]
-let whelm_special = Id.of_string "WHELM_ANON_VAR"
-let url_of_name = function
- | Name id -> url_id id
- | Anonymous -> url_id whelm_special (* No anon id in Whelp *)
-let uri_of_binding f (id,c) = url_id id; url_string "\\Assign "; f c
-let uri_params f = function
- | [] -> ()
- | l -> url_string "\\subst";
- url_bracket (url_list_with_sep ";" (uri_of_binding f)) l
-let get_discharged_hyp_names sp = basename (get_discharged_hyps sp)
-let section_parameters = function
- | GRef (_,(ConstructRef ((induri,_),_) | IndRef (induri,_)),_) ->
- get_discharged_hyp_names (path_of_global (IndRef(induri,0)))
- | GRef (_,(ConstRef cst as ref),_) ->
- get_discharged_hyp_names (path_of_global ref)
- | _ -> []
-let merge vl al =
- let rec aux acc = function
- | ([],l) | (_,([] as l)) -> List.rev acc, l
- | (v::vl,a::al) -> aux ((v,a)::acc) (vl,al)
- in aux [] (vl,al)
-let rec uri_of_constr c =
- match c with
- | GVar (_,id) -> url_id id
- | GRef (_,ref,_) -> uri_of_global ref
- | GHole _ | GEvar _ -> url_string "?"
- | GSort (_,s) -> url_string (whelp_of_glob_sort s)
- | GApp (_,f,args) ->
- let inst,rest = merge (section_parameters f) args in
- uri_of_constr f; url_char ' '; uri_params uri_of_constr inst;
- url_list_with_sep " " uri_of_constr rest
- | GLambda (_,na,k,ty,c) ->
- url_string "\\lambda "; url_of_name na; url_string ":";
- uri_of_constr ty; url_string "."; uri_of_constr c
- | GProd (_,Anonymous,k,ty,c) ->
- uri_of_constr ty; url_string "\\to "; uri_of_constr c
- | GProd (_,Name id,k,ty,c) ->
- url_string "\\forall "; url_id id; url_string ":";
- uri_of_constr ty; url_string "."; uri_of_constr c
- | GLetIn (_,na,b,c) ->
- url_string "let "; url_of_name na; url_string "\\def ";
- uri_of_constr b; url_string " in "; uri_of_constr c
- | GCast (_,c, (CastConv t|CastVM t|CastNative t)) ->
- uri_of_constr c; url_string ":"; uri_of_constr t
- | GRec _ | GIf _ | GLetTuple _ | GCases _ ->
- error "Whelp does not support pattern-matching and (co-)fixpoint."
- | GCast (_,_, CastCoerce) ->
- anomaly (Pp.str "Written w/o parenthesis")
- | GPatVar _ ->
- anomaly (Pp.str "Found constructors not supported in constr")
-let make_string f x = Buffer.reset b; f x; Buffer.contents b
-let send_whelp req s =
- let url = make_whelp_request req s in
- let command = Util.subst_command_placeholder browser_cmd_fmt url in
- let _ = CUnix.run_command ~hook:print_string command in ()
-let whelp_constr env sigma req c =
- let c = detype false [whelm_special] env sigma c in
- send_whelp req (make_string uri_of_constr c)
-let whelp_constr_expr req c =
- let (sigma,env)= Lemmas.get_current_context () in
- let _,c = interp_open_constr env sigma c in
- whelp_constr env sigma req c
-let whelp_locate s =
- send_whelp "locate" s
-let whelp_elim ind =
- send_whelp "elim" (make_string uri_of_global (IndRef ind))
-let on_goal f =
- let gls = Proof.V82.subgoals (get_pftreestate ()) in
- let gls = { gls with = List.hd } in
- f (pf_env gls) (project gls) (Termops.it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn (pf_concl gls) (pf_hyps gls))
-type whelp_request =
- | Locate of string
- | Elim of inductive
- | Constr of string * constr
-let whelp = function
- | Locate s -> whelp_locate s
- | Elim ind -> whelp_elim ind
- | Constr (s,c) -> whelp_constr (Global.env()) (Evd.empty) s c
-VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND whelp_constr_request
-| [ "Match" ] -> [ "match" ]
-| [ "Instance" ] -> [ "instance" ]
-| [ "Whelp" "Locate" string(s) ] -> [ whelp_locate s ]
-| [ "Whelp" "Locate" preident(s) ] -> [ whelp_locate s ]
-| [ "Whelp" "Elim" global(r) ] -> [ whelp_elim (Smartlocate.global_inductive_with_alias r) ]
-| [ "Whelp" whelp_constr_request(req) constr(c) ] -> [ whelp_constr_expr req c]
-| [ "Whelp" "Hint" constr(c) ] -> [ whelp_constr_expr "hint" c ]
-| [ "Whelp" "Hint" ] => [ Vernacexpr.VtProofStep false, Vernacexpr.VtLater ] ->
- [ on_goal (fun env sigma -> whelp_constr env sigma "hint") ]